
【题目】Why Melbourne? Having long lived in the shadow of SydneyMelbourne has become a wonderful place for fashion and design and the cultural centre of Aus-tralia, with an enjoyable program of festivals.

What to see? The city centre's grid (格子)system of streets hides a maze (迷宫)of lanes and turn -of-the -century arcades where you will find the best cafes, bars and shops. The Hidden Secrets Tour(00 613 9329 9665, hiddensecretstour. com ) guides will make sure you find what you're after, whether it's fashion, art and design or wine. From 34 per person.

Where to eat? Melbourne is a paradise for those who enjoy eating delicious food, and its top chefs use fresh produce and have a talent for the experimental. But for something different, enjoy yourself with an Australian Wine Tour Company trip. Departing from the city centre dailyyou'll taste wines at four of the region's best vineyards (葡萄园). It costs 48 per person, including all wine tasting, lunch and a visit to Domaine Chandon (00 613 9419 4444, austwine -tourco. com. au).

Where to stay? The Nunnery is an old convent (修道院)on the edge of the city. It has double rooms with breakfast from 54 per night (00 613 94198637, nunnery, com. au).

How to get there? Qantas (0845 7747 767qantas . com. au) flies from Heathrow to Melbourne twice daily from 766 return, including taxes.

More information Contact the official tourism site for Melbourne at visitmelbourne . com/uk.

Use the links below for more on.

Destination guide Melbourne.

Click here for our Melbourne page.

48 hours in Melbourne.

1 Why is Melbourne a popular destination for Australians?

A. Because it's the most important city.

B. Because it's well-known for festivals.

C. Because it is a cultural centre in Australia.

D. Because it attracts lots of religious followers.

2 To get more information about Hidden Secrets Tour, you should call __________.

A. 00 613 9329 9665

B. 00 613 9419 4444

C. 00 13 9419 8637

D. 0845 7747 767

3 If you are interested in tasting Australian wines ,you have to pay __________.

A. 34

B. 48

C. 54

D. 76

4 What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To tell readers how to travel in Australia.

B. To inform readers about what to see in Melbourne.

C. To introduce the history and culture about Australia.

D. To offer tourists some information about Melbourne.

【答案】1 C

2 A

3 B

4 D

【解析】1推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,澳大利亚的墨尔本市具有深厚的文化底蕴. 因而是理想的旅游目的地。

2细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The Hidden Secrets Tour (00 613 9329 9665, hiddensecretstour. com)...”可知答案。

3细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知. 加人品尝澳大利亚的美酒旅行团队,需要支付48美元。




A. Taking care of yourself is not being selfish. By caring enough to treat your body well, you will be in better shape to take care of those around you. No one can take care of your health except your-self.

B. Believe in yourself and your ability. Have a “can do” attitude. Make a list of successful changes that you have made in the past. It is easier to achieve a goal when you are optimistic. Use humor and laugh off occasional lapses (过失). Have confidence that you can get back on track with your healthy routine.

C. Seek out a friend or co-worker who will make you feel comfortable. You will find out making friends is a happy thing in the world. Regular phone calls ,emails or visits over coffee could help you keep a good contact with them. Perhaps your cheerleader could become your exercise buddy.

D. Reward yourself as you make simple changes that in the end will result in achieving your overall goal. Celebration is part of successful change. Create a list of incentives that will keep you motivated.

E. Adopt eating and physical activity habits that can become part of your lifestyle. Have a backup plan for those days when your plans to eat well and be active are challenged. If you can't walk due to the weather, have an exercise video to use. If you have no time to pack a healthy lunch, choose a small fast food sandwich and side salad.

F. Go on a trip. Work and family are two most important things in people's lives. People try to tack-le the two things at once, but most of them fail. Just as an old saying goes People who know how to rest know how to work. Go out with your family and have a good time.


1 Tommy, a computer engineer, doesn't believe his working capability. Though he works hard, he never gets praise from his boss.

2 Jack dislikes going home after a full day's work. He says that it makes him feel lonely.

3 Linda, a housewife, spends most of her time cooking and looking after babies. She is worn out now.

4 Bob, a businessman, doesn't care much about his success and has lost his struggling motivation.

5 Cathy worked continuously for two weeks without rest. Now she is worried about her family, especially her five-year-old daughter.

【题目】Four years ago, I went to the U. S. A. to improve my English. My plan was to be in Seattle for one month then go to Japan to study Japanese for 3 month. Once in Japan I felt I was lacking something and not my new life. I decided to return back to Seattle in search for new skills and training.

Upon my return to the U. S. A. I studied at a school for six months and while doing that I the community college market in Seattle. After costs, programs, distance to the city of Seattle and I decided to attend the Graphic Imaging and Printing Technology program by Seattle Central Community College.

I hold a four-year degree in Advertising I thought that learning about printing give me the chance to gain hands-on experience and myself to the advertising industry in the Seattle area. This is exactly happened. Besides discovering an excellent field to adding my in advertising ,I was also offered a job by the International Education Department at the college. Then, the experience suddenly became more touchable and my decision to study in the U. S. A. started to make very good .

first as an office assistant and then as a member of the marketing team at the college gave me customer service, office, and very good advertising development skills. Within the first year of working at the college I had the chance my ideas and actually start to get them . The remaining two years as an SCCC worker opened up a new horizon in my life.

1 A. own B. first C. original D. private

2 A. and B. or C. while D. but

3 A. other B. another C. the other D. another one

4A. get used to B. used to C. used D. used to live in

5A. printing B. industry C. language D. marketing

6 A. researched B. searched C. looked D. entered

7 A. compared B. comparing C. judged D. determining

8 A. price B. conditions C. surroundings D. convenience

9 A. offered B. performed C. offering D. supplying

10 A. however B. then C. therefore D. yet

11 A. used to B. ought to C. would D. should

12 A. bring B. take C. introduce D. carry

13 A. which B. that C. as D. what

14 A. field B. enterprise C. study D. income

15 A. real learning B. true learning C. learning real D. learning true

16 A. go in for B. go back to C. get down to D. get along with

17 A. sense B. effect C. influence D. result

18 A. To work B. Working C. Having worked D. Being worked

19 A. carrying on B. to carry out C. showing D. to show

20 A. to produce B. to be produced

C. being produced D. produced

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