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Every day, in all kinds of weather, a lot of people go jogging (running slowly). Why has jogging became so popular? Most people start jogging because you hear it is a very good form of exercise. Jogging makes the heart strong and help people control their weight and stay slim. If you jog regular, you needn¡¯t take pills or skip meals to lose weight. Jogging can also make you to feel better.

Donald Robbins, he is 42 years old and works in an office, began jogging a few years later because he felt he was overweight. At first he could only run 300 metres, and two years later, he ran a marathon ¡ª over 42 kilometres.

Do you jog? If you do, be sure to ask your doctor on advice. Does jogging cost much? Almost nothing. But it is very important to have a pair of shoe that are made especially for jogging. If not, when you run on hard ground for a long time it may cause your feet to hurt.


Every day, in all kinds of weather, a lot of people go jogging (running slowly).Why has jogging so popular? Most people start jogging because hear it is a very good form of exercise. Jogging makes the heart strong and people control their weight and stay slim. If you jog , you needn¡¯t take pills or skip meals to lose weight. Jogging can also make you to feel better.

Donald Robbins, is 42 years old and works in an office, began jogging a few years because he felt he was overweight. At first he could only run 300 metres, two years later, he ran a marathon ¡ª over 42 kilometres.

Do you jog? If you do, be sure to ask your doctor advice. Does jogging cost much? Almost nothing. But it is very important to have a pair of that are made especially for jogging. If not, when you run on hard ground for a long time it may cause your feet to hurt.


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µÚËÄ´¦£ºregular¡úregularly ¸±´ÊÐÞÊζ¯´Ê£¬¹Ê°Ñregular¸ÄΪregularly¡£

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Many kids don¡¯t drink enough water daily, according to a new study. The study¡¯s lead author, Erica Kenney, at first planned to look into the amount of sugary drinks kids were drinking in schools. However, during her research she found that many kids were simply not drinking enough water.

Kenney and her team examined data from a group of 4,000 children, aged 6 to19. The data was taken from the National Health and Nutrition Survey, a study on the health of children in the United States done each year by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

While looking through the survey results, she noticed that more than half of the kids who took part in the study were dehydrated (ÍÑË®µÄ). Of that group, boys were 76% more likely than girls not to have enough water in their system. Nearly one quarter of the kids in the survey reported drinking no plain water at all.

¡°These findings highlight (Í»³ö) a possible health issue that wasn¡¯t given a lot of attention in the past,¡± Kenney said in a statement. ¡°Even though for most of these kids this is not an immediate and great health risk, this is an issue that could really be reducing quality of life and well-being for many children and youth.¡±

The United States-National Agriculture Library says average kids need between 10 to 14 cups of water every day. This water can come from a mix of drinks and foods that contain high amounts of water, such as celery, melons or tomatoes. It is also suggested that fluids (ÒºÌå) come from water instead of sugary drinks that are high in calories and can lead to weight problems.

¡¾1¡¿What was Erica Kenney¡¯s purpose in doing the study?

A. To study if kids drink enough water daily.

B. To prove that sugary drinks are harmful to kids

C. To show what kind of sugary drinks kids love.

D. To find out how many sugary drinks kids drink at school.

¡¾2¡¿According to the findings of Erica Kenney¡¯s study, we know that ________.

A. school kids cannot find drinkable water easily

B. boys are more likely to get dehydrated than girls

C. sugary drinks are very popular with school kids

D. most kids know the importance of drinking plain water

¡¾3¡¿From the last paragraph we learn that kids________.

A. should drink plain water to lose weight

B. can try to take in water from sugary drinks

C. can eat celery, melons and tomatoes for water

D. should drink no more than 10 cups of water every day

¡¾4¡¿The text mainly tells us that many kids __________.

A. don¡¯t like drinking water

B. prefer sugary drinks to water

C. are at risk of health problems

D. don¡¯t drink enough water daily


These inventions are making the world a better, smarter, and in some cases, a little more fun.

Easy-On Shoes

This year, Nike came out with their solution: the Flyease. The basketball shoe can be tied with only one hand. The idea for it came from £¢opening and closing a door,£¢ says Tobie Hatfield, the shoe¡¯s inventor. A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.

Bionic Ears (·ÂÉú¶ú)

If you¡¯re tired of loud noise, you have two choices: cover your ears or leave. But what if you could turn off or lower the sound, just as you would on a TV? That¡¯s the promise of the Here Active Listening system. The Bionic Ears are connected with a smartphone app. Users can pick which sounds they don¡¯t want. They are priced at $249.

A Virtual Pencil and Paper

In the 450 years or so since its invention, the pencil has become so common; it¡¯s easy to forget how great a technology it is. It writes darker when you press harder. Its marks can be erased. It¡¯s difficult to copy the way it works. That¡¯s what makes Apple¡¯s latest effort so different. The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen, just as they would on a sheet of paper. The Apple Pencil goes for $99.

The Artiphon

Having a hard time choosing an instrument (ÀÖÆ÷)? You might want to try the Artiphon. It can imitate (Ä£·Â) dozens of instruments¡ªnot just how they sound but also how they¡¯re played. It can be like a guitar. It can be like a piano. The Artiphon is priced at $399.

¡¾1¡¿Matthew, a student with a disability of one arm, most probably chooses .

A. Easy-On Shoes B. Bionic Ears

C. A Virtual Pencil and Paper D. Be Creative

¡¾2¡¿How much will you most probably pay if you are a music fan who is tired of loud noise?

A. $ 229. B. $ 339. C. $ 498. D. $ 648.

¡¾3¡¿What is the author¡¯s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To introduce some problem-solving apps.

B. To call on more students to love inventing.

C. To share ways of making inventions.

D. To introduce some coolest inventions.

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