







Dear John,

I’m writing to you to expressing my sincere appreciation for all the help you had offered to me these years. Your friendship means a lot to me, but your timely help touches me a lot. I always feel lucky to have a friend as you.

I also want to express my sincere sorrow and regret for possible misunderstanding and hurt I gave you them before. I remember once I didn’t attend your birthday party, that made you very unhappy. Actually I had big quarrel with my parents and I was really in low spirit then. I hope you could forgive me.

Good luck and best wishes for you! I hope you can be happier every day and successful in the future.


Li Hua


1. 第一句 expressingexpress

2. 第一句had have

3. 第二句 butand

4. 第三句aslike

5. 第四句 去掉them

6. 第五句 thatwhich

7. 第六句 在big前面加a

8. 第六句 spiritspirits

9. 第七句 couldcan

10. 第九句happierhappy


1. 第一句 expressingexpress 考查非谓语动词的用法。不定式作目的状语,已有to,所以用动词原形,故将expressing改为express。

2. 第一句had have 考查动词的现在完成时的用法。句中已有明确的时间状语these years,强调到目前为止,所以应该使用现在完成时,故将had改为have。

3. 第二句 butand 考查连词的用法。此处表示上下文之间的递进关系。故将but改为and。

4. 第三句aslike 考查介词的用法。 as用作介词是作为的意思,而like的意思是……一样,此句的意思是有像你这样的一位朋友我总是感到幸运,故将as改为like。

5. 第四句 去掉them 考查代词的用法。定语从句的引导词that/which在从句中充当gave的宾语,已被省略,them与其指代重复,故将them去掉。

6. 第五句 thatwhich 考查定语从句中关系代词的用法。非限制性定语从句中which可指代整个主句,故将that改为which。

7. 第六句 在big前面加a 考查不定冠词的用法。have a quarrel with sb是和某人吵架的意思,quarrel前面有描述性形容词big,故将a加在big前面。

8. 第六句 spiritspirits 考查名词的复数形式。in low/high spirits是情绪低落/情绪高昂的意思,此处的spirit要用复数形式,故将spirit改为spirits。

9. 第七句 couldcan 考查情态动词的用法,本句说明现在的情况,因此要用一般现在时,所以将could改为can。

10. 第九句happierhappy 考查形容词的用法。此句中上下文中没有比较的意思。故将happier改成形容词happy作表语。



材料一 …唯一摆脱困境(人们彼此妨害)的方式则是互相妥协。通过契约的方式建立国家,制定法律,调整人们之间的利益。




材料二 武昌起义的第四天,清廷启用袁世凯,督师南下剿灭革命党。不久,袁世凯集清朝军政大权于一身。面对全国如火如荼的革命起义,袁世凯提出召开国会,宽容武昌起义人士,并释放了喻培伦、汪精卫等革命党人。……袁世凯一路南下,11月1日攻占武昌,数日内又攻占汉阳。即使如此,袁世凯认为“此次鄂变,事虽仓猝,蓄谋已久……若悉索敝赋,力与一战,未尝不能收复一二省……然彼众若狂,醉心民主,兵力所能平等土地,而不能平定人心矣。”此时的革命党阵营内部,张謇等立宪派支持和谈,黄兴也于11月9日写给袁世凯的信中期待他“以拿破仑、华盛顿之资格,出而建拿破仑、华盛顿之事功……非但湘鄂人民拥戴明公为拿破仑、华盛顿,即南方各省无不拱手听命者。”最终,南北双方经过在民主共和与君主立宪等多个问题上的协商、妥协,最终达成议和。清帝颁布《清帝逊位诏书》,中华民国参议院通过《中华民国临时约法》。






Everyone knows that exercising is really good for you. It improves your health, and leaves you feeling really relaxed and energetic. Everyone also knows that 【1】 , as we try to juggle everything we need to do in a day.

It really is difficult to find time to go to the gym. Who actually has an extra 2 hours a day to exercise when 【2】 ? Sometimes exercise can seem like a real schlep (累赘), mostly because it just doesn’t fit into your schedule comfortably.

Most health experts advise you to exercise at least 30 minutes a day to stay fit and healthy. Okay, so 30 minutes isn’t so much, but that still doesn’t make it easier to find 30 minutes! The good news is that research has shown us that if you only exercise for 10 minutes 3 times a day 【3】 Did you know that? Think about a cash tin if you keep putting coins in, by the end of the day, it all sums up. That is the same as exercising throughout the day.

Now that 【4】 , but rather 10 minute intervals, what do you do, and how can you incorporate this you’re your current lifestyle easily? This is where you need to start getting creative. Quit those weight loss plans, pills, and diets and try a different, much easier approach to feeling energized and more productive.

Are you ready to change the way you think about exercise and unleash your imagination and creativity? The point is, you don’t need to be in a gym with all the best equipment to build your muscles and tighten your tummy 【5】

A. finding time to exercise is impossible

B. it is just as effective as 30 minutes continuously!

C. It is less effective than 30 minutes continuously!

D. it is the movement that counts, not the machinery!

E. you don’t even have time to get through your daily tasks

F. you know you don’t need to find 30 minutes continuously

G. finding time to exercise is one of the biggest challenges we face

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