

advertise produce place intend breath fall for origin play tricks on lead creative deal with comment complete be aware of cure

【1】You ______ me in a very difficult position.

【2】These children loved ______ their teacher.

【3】 She tried to understand the instructions, but she was ______ at sea.

【4】Some people believe that God ______the world.

【5】 If you ______ all that, you would change your mind.

【6】 There is still no ______ for the special cold.

【7】 They walked through the forest ______ the fresh air.

【8】The ______campaign didnt have much effect on sales.

【9】 He hopes to find the money ______ a film about Japan.

【10】 I ______ to catch the early train, but I didnt get up in time.

【11】 Have you any thoughts on how ______ this difficulty?

【12】Our ______ plan was to go to spa but it was too expensive.

【13】 Our scientists are ______ the way in space research.

【14】The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough ______ it.

【15】 He made no ______on our proposal.


【解析】【1】 place

【2】 playing tricks on

【3】 completely

【4】 created

【5】 were aware of

【6】 cure

【7】 breathing


【9】 to produce

【10】 intended

【11】 to deal with

【12】 original

【13】 leading

【14】 to fall for

【15】 comments


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