


1. He a__________ her with money and advice.

2. She c __________ up and could not finish her speech.

3. Some people experience shyness as a b__________ to communication.

4. Industrial wastes are p__________ the atmosphere of the country.

5. They b__________ for their country and died happily.

6. He __________(挤) my handbag carefully but didn't find my little gun.

7. I would rather live without these __________(令人难以承受的)

8. The flesh around the ankle had __________(肿胀) up.

9. This project involves a lot of __________(复杂的) technical problems.

10. You might think her temper is as __________(温和的) as milk, but she is not.


1.aided 2.choked 3.barrier 4.poisoning 5.bled

6.squeezed 7.unbearable 8.swollen 9.complex 10.mild




1. 世界是何时形成的?

When did the world________ ________ ________?

2. 他举起手臂护住面部以免受这一击。

He raised his arm to ________ his face ________ the blow.

3. 他当时有生命危险。

He was________ ________ ________losing his life then.

4. 他说他要申请一个新的工作。

He said he would________ ________a new job.

5. 我们同邻居和睦相处。

We live________ ________with our neighbour.

6. 他的手受伤了不能自己穿衣服。

He cant________ ________by himself for his hands are injured.

7. 猎人为了获取动物的皮而杀死它们。它们的皮被用来做衣服。

Hunters________ animals________ their fur, which________ ________ ________make clothes.

8. 由于被大肆捕杀很多动物已经灭绝了。

________ ________ ________ ________ being hunted madly, many animals have________ ________ .

9. 把全部注意力用于你所做的事。

________ your whole________ ________ what you are doing.

10. 你能把汤姆和他的孪生兄弟区分开吗?

Can you________ Tom________ his twin brother?

11. 很多野生动物正面临灭绝的危险。

Many wild animals are___________________________________.

12. 他如释重负地离开了房间。

He left the room___________________________________.

13. 小孩子们总是留心老师说的。

Children always_____________________________________.

14. 如果你帮我找到他的地址我将非常感激。

I ________________________________ you help me find his address.

15. 我确信我们会赢得比赛。

__________________________________we will win the game.



How to become a better reader

Language and literacy (读写能力) are among humans’ greatest inventions. Evolving(演变) over the course of human history, languages are a reflection of our cultural and societal attitudes. Today, surrounded(包围)by social media, television, movies, and, of course, books, the ability to read and write is important to expressing one’s feelings. Most humans acquire language in early childhood and speak fluently when they are about three years old, but our continued relationship with language gives shape and meaning to our lives. 1

(1) Take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared with others. 2 The best readers are flexible(灵活的)— slowing down when needed and always have a dictionary at hand.

(2) Read aloud. When humans first began reading written words, it was unusual to read in silence. 3 Try listening to the author reading their own work you’ll be surprised to find how clearly it comes through on the page.

(3) Write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read affects how and what you write, and the best readers often make the best writers. But while much can be learned from close, repeated readings, there are many pleasures to language that can only be experienced through the practice of writing. 4

(4) Tell your friends. All of the literature is essentially communication from an individual’s inner voice to an audience. 5 It’s a good way to see the world from someone else’s eyes and, in the process, carefully examine your own reaction to what you’re reading.

A. But the truth is that the faster you read, the less likely you are to understand fully what you’re reading.

B. Can you remember the first piece of writing that transported you to another world?

C. There is something magical about sharing books with friends or a book club.

D. Try writing every day for a month, and you will never read the same again.

E. Reading out loud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability.

F. Here are 4 ways to become a better reader.

G. In no time, you’ll be appreciating novels like fine wine.


If you want to become a fluent English speaker you should take some advice. There are four skills in learning English. They are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The most important thing you must remember is that if you want to improve your speaking and writing skills you should first master the skills of reading and listening.

Read as much as you can. But your reading must be active. It means that you must think about the meaning of the sentences, the meaning of the unfamiliar words, etc. There is no need for you to pay much attention to grammar or try to understand all the unfamiliar words you come across, but the fact that you see them for the first time and recognize them whenever you see them, for example in other passages or books, is enough. It would be better to prepare yourself a notebook so you can write down the important words or sentences in it.

As for listening, there are two choices: besides reading, you can listen every day for about 30 minutes. You can only pay attention to your reading and become skillful at your reading, then you can catch up on your listening. Since you have lots of inputs in your mind, you can easily guess what the speaker is going to say. This never means that you should not practice listening.

For listening, you can listen to cartoons or some movies that are specially made for children. Their languages are easy. Or if you are good at listening you can listen to VOA or BBC programs every day. Again the thing to remember is being active in listening and preferably taking some notes.

If you follow these pieces of advice, your speaking and writing will improve automatically, and you can be sure that with a little effort they will become perfect.

【1】According to the author, which should you improve first among the four skills?

A. Reading and listening. B. Reading and writing.

C. Writing and speaking. D. Speaking and listening.

【2】To improve your reading, when you read you should .

A. look up all the new words in the dictionary

B. think about what you are reading actively

C. spend more time studying grammar

D. copy as many words and sentences as possible

【3】The author seems to agree with the view that .

A. everyone should listen to VOA or BBC programs every day

B. you neednt practice listening if you keep on reading every day

C. being good at reading is helpful in improving your listening

D. you should take notes of whatever you are hearing

【4】The passage is mainly about how to .

A. choose suitable listening materials

B. deal with new words in reading

C. improve your English as quickly as possible

D. become fluent in speaking and writing English

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