
【题目】To Russian people, the election on Saturday was ____________thing that they all paid great attention to it.

A. such important a B. as important a

C. so an important D. so important a


【解析】句意:对俄罗斯人来说星期六的选举是非常重要的事情他们都极其关注。so ... that ...意为如此……以至于……so后接形容词或副词为固定用法;such ... that ...意为"如此……以至于……",such后接词。so important a thing that they all paid great attention to it = such an important thing that they all paid great attention to it



Obesity(肥胖) has rapidly increased in young rural Chinese, a study has warned, because of socioeconomic changes originally. Researchers found 17% of boys and 9% of girls under the age of 19 were obese in 2014, which is 1% for each in 1985.

The study used a stricter standard of the Body Mass Index (BMI) than the World Health Organization standard. "It is the worst explosion of childhood and adolescent obesity that I have ever seen," Joe Perk from the European Association of Cardiology(心脏病协会) told AFP news agency(法新社).

The study said Chinas rapid socioeconomic and nutritional transition had led to an increase in energy intake and a decrease in physical activity. The traditional Chinese diet had shifted towards a diet "with high fat, high energy density and low dietary fibre".

The percentage of overweight children has also grown from 0.7% to 16.4% for boys and from1.5% to nearly 14% for girls, the study said. The data was taken from six government surveys of rural school children in Shandong aged between 7 and 18. On the reason for the higher percentage of overweight and obesity in boys, the study said, "The traditional, social preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the familys resources."

If the government and parents want to control the obesity, the researchers recommend that "some strategies should include annual monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behavior". Otherwise there will be a severe influence.

【1】What can we infer from the passage?

A. The Chinese diet system is healthy now.

B. Adolescent obesity problem is very serious in China.

C. There are more physical activities in Chinese school children now.

D. 17% of girls under the age of 19 were obese in 2014.

【2】 How many ways are there to control obesity in the text?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

【3】Why is there a higher percentage of obesity in boys in China?

A. The girls often lose weight in China.

B. The boys exercise more than girls in China.

C. The boys have an unhealthy diet in China.

D. The parents prefer boys, so they can get more resources.

【4】Which is the basic reason of obesity increasing so fast in China?

A. Socioeconomic changes. B. Unhealthy dietary behavior.

C. Lack of exercises. D. Air pollution.


Most people I meet want to develop more harmonious and satisfying relationships. But we may not realize that this can only be achieved by partnering with two new and strange allies(盟友): uncertainty and confusion. Most of us arent trained to like confusion or to admit we feel hesitant and uncertain. In our schools and organizations, we place value on sounding certain and confident.

As life continues to speed up, I believe our changing world requires less certainty and far more curiosity. Im not suggesting we let go of our beliefs, but that we become curious about what someone else believes. As we become open to the disturbing differences, sometimes we discover that anothers way of interpreting the world is actually essential to our survival.

For me, the first step in becoming curious is to admit that Im not succeeding in figuring things out by myself. If my solutions dont work as well as Id like, I take these as signs that its time to begin asking others what they think. I try to become a conscious listener, actively listening for differences.

There are many ways to listen for differences. Lately, Ive been listening for what surprises me. This isnt easy Im accustomed to sitting there, nodding my head as someone voices his opinions. But when I notice what surprises me, Im able to see my own views more clearly, including my assumptions.

If youre willing to be disturbed and confused, I recommend you begin a conversation with someone who thinks differently from you. Listen for whats different and what surprises you. Try to stop the voice of judgment or opinion and just listen. At the end, notice whether youve learned something new.

We have the opportunity many times a day to be the one who listens to others and the one who is curious rather than certain. When we listen with fewer judgments, we always develop better relationships with each other. Its not differences that divide us. Its our judgments that do. Curiosity and good listening bring us back together.

As I consider partnering with confusion and uncertainty, Im learning that we dont have to agree with each other in order to think well together. There is no need for us to be joined at the head. We are already joined by our hearts.

【1】According to the author, in order to cope with our changing world, we should ___________.

A. reconsider traditional beliefs before accepting them

B. learn to interpret other peoples behavior

C. become more curious about other peoples opinions

D. try to develop more harmonious relationships with others

【2】 What do the underlined sentences in the passage imply?

A. We should listen more and judge less.

B. We should make decisions based on sound judgments.

C. Differences among people separate them.

D. It is important to seek common ground and reserve differences.

【3】 Which of the following best describes the authors attitude to uncertainty and confusion?

A. Favorable. B. Resistant. C. Curious. D. Doubtful.

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