
【题目】Marty has a 1 disease. Sometimes he is 2 and drops things or bumps into furniture. Gradually . he has learned to 3 to his 4 . He. doesn't look different from others. So sometimes he is 5 at when he gets out of breath after running. Every time after an 6 from school, he feels 7 because he is behind the others. When some persons can't see the real person inside his body, he doesn't get 8 he just 9 them. He has a good life. He can do 10 in writing and computer programming. His 11 is to work for a 12 that develops computer software when he grows up. His disability has made him more 13 . He says ,“ Just having a disability doesn't mean your life is not 14 . He suggests the people should give 15 to the disabled.

__________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________


【解析】【1 Muscle

2 clumsy


4 disability

5 laughed

6 absence


8 annoyed

9 ignores

10 well

11 ambition

12 Firm

13 independent

14 Satisfying

15 encouragement


【题目】A mother from Colorado who doctors said had died while giving birth to her son, has said it is a Christmas miracle that both she and the boy are alive.

Tracey Hermanstorfer's heart stopped beating and her son Coltyn appeared lifeless after the Caesarean section(剖腹产手术)on Christmas Eve. However a few minutes after he was born, both began breathing again. Dr Stephanie Martin told Good Morning America she could not explain how the pair survived. Mrs. Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike told the American television show that their baby was now healthy and that they were doing “good” following the drama at Colorado Springs Memorial Hospital.

The couplewho already had two children, had to go into the hospital seven weeks earlier than planned. Her husband, 37, said his wife was tired after receiving an epidural (硬膜夕卜麻醉)during the labour (分娩)but after closing her eyes, she "wasn't waking up". She stopped breathing and she is believed to have suffered a heart attack before her heart stopped beating entirely.

Dr Martin said she was called in and that the outlook was grim since in most situations like this"despite the best efforts of the team"the mother was often unable to be revived. In that case doctors then tried to focus on delivering the baby but when he was born he was "completely lifeless".

Mr. Hermanstorfer told the Associated Press news agency" I had everything in the world taken from me, and in an hour and a half I had everything given to me. "

Dr Martin said she did not have a “great explanation" for why Mrs. Hermanstorferheartbeat re-turned. "Somewhere between four and five minutes she had been without heart rate and had stopped breathing a minute or two prior to her heart stop-ping," she said. The doctors were then able to bring the baby back to life, and the mother was alive after that.

Despite tests, she said doctors were still not sure about what had happened. However Mrs. Hermanstorfer and her husband Mike have said they believed it was down to a miracle. She said“I got a second chance in life.

1 The story happened on __________

A. December 24

B. December 25

C. December 31

D. January 1

2 What might have happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer just before her heart stopped beating?

A. She became unconscious.

B. She took a nap.

C. She had a bad headache.

D. She suffered a heart attack.

3 Which of the following is the correct order of what happened to Tracey Hermanstorfer?

a. suffering a heart attack

b. stopping heart beating entirely

c. stopping breathing

d. coming back to life

e. receiving an epidural

f. producing a baby

A. acfdbe

B. fcadbe

C. eacbfd

D. eabcfd

4 What feelings did Mr. Hermanstorfer experience during the incident?

A. Sad and delighted.

B. Disappointed and depressed.

C. Sad and angry.

D. Touched and regrettable.

5 Which of the following words best expresses Dr Martin's attitude towards Tracey Hermanstorfer's coming back to life?

A. Shocked.

B. Puzzled.

C. Normal.

D. Curious.

【题目】Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she recalled how she became a percussion soloist (打击乐器独奏演员)in spite of her disability.

"Early on I decided not to allow the of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion(酷爱)for music grew. But I also began to gradually lose my . Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never 5 me.

“My was to become a percussion soloist ,even though there were none at that time. To per-form, I to hearmusic differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can the pitch of a note(音调高低)by the vibrations(振动)I feel through my body and through my My entire sound world exists by making use of almost every( 10) that I have.” “I was to be assessed as a musician, not as a deaf musician, and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had this before and some teachers (13) my admission. Based on my performance, I was admitted and went on to (15) with the academy's highest honours .

"After that, I established myself as the first full-time solo percussionist. I(16) and arranged a lot of musical compositions since had ben written specially for solo percussionists.

“I have been a soloist for over ten years. the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn't that my passion couldn't be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be by others. Follow your passion follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.

A. conditions B. opinions C. actions D. recommendations

A. enjoying B. choosing C. taking D. giving

A. sight B. hearing C. touch D. taste

A. evidence B. result C. excuse D. cause

A. left B. excited C. accompanied D. disappointed

A. purpose B. decision C. promise D. goal

A. turned B. learned C. used D. ought

A. tell B. see C. hear D. smell

A. carefulness B. movement C. imagination D. experience

A. sense B. effort C. feeling D. idea

A. dissatisfied B. astonished C. determined D. discouraged

A. done B. accepted C. advised D. admitted

A. supported B. followed C. required D. opposed

A. usually B. finally C. possibly D. hopefully

A. study B. research C. graduate D. progress

A. wrote B. translated C. copied D. read

A. enough B. some C. many D. few

A. However B. Although C. When D. Since

A. mean B. seem C. conclude D. say

A. directed B. guided C. taught D. limited


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