

Obesity(肥胖) has rapidly increased in young rural Chinese, a study has warned, because of socioeconomic changes originally. Researchers found 17% of boys and 9% of girls under the age of 19 were obese in 2014, which is 1% for each in 1985.

The study used a stricter standard of the Body Mass Index (BMI) than the World Health Organization standard. "It is the worst explosion of childhood and adolescent obesity that I have ever seen," Joe Perk from the European Association of Cardiology(心脏病协会) told AFP news agency(法新社).

The study said Chinas rapid socioeconomic and nutritional transition had led to an increase in energy intake and a decrease in physical activity. The traditional Chinese diet had shifted towards a diet "with high fat, high energy density and low dietary fibre".

The percentage of overweight children has also grown from 0.7% to 16.4% for boys and from1.5% to nearly 14% for girls, the study said. The data was taken from six government surveys of rural school children in Shandong aged between 7 and 18. On the reason for the higher percentage of overweight and obesity in boys, the study said, "The traditional, social preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the familys resources."

If the government and parents want to control the obesity, the researchers recommend that "some strategies should include annual monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behavior". Otherwise there will be a severe influence.

【1】What can we infer from the passage?

A. The Chinese diet system is healthy now.

B. Adolescent obesity problem is very serious in China.

C. There are more physical activities in Chinese school children now.

D. 17% of girls under the age of 19 were obese in 2014.

【2】 How many ways are there to control obesity in the text?

A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

【3】Why is there a higher percentage of obesity in boys in China?

A. The girls often lose weight in China.

B. The boys exercise more than girls in China.

C. The boys have an unhealthy diet in China.

D. The parents prefer boys, so they can get more resources.

【4】Which is the basic reason of obesity increasing so fast in China?

A. Socioeconomic changes. B. Unhealthy dietary behavior.

C. Lack of exercises. D. Air pollution.








【1】推理判断题。根据第二段欧洲心脏病协会的Joe Perk所说的内容可知,现在中国青少年的肥胖问题非常严重,故B正确。

【2】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"the researchers recommend that ‘some strategies should include annual monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behavior’"可知有四种方法。故选B。

【3】细节理解题。根据第四段中的"The traditional, social preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the family’s resources."可知在中国传统的重男轻女的思想下,男孩得到的资源更多因此男孩的肥胖率比女孩高。故选D。

【4】细节理解题。根据第一段中的"Obesity(肥胖) has rapidly increased in young rural Chinese, a study has warned, because of socioeconomic changes originally.可知社会经济变化是造成肥胖的根本原因,故选A。


【题目】 完成句子

1. 因为这场大雨我们不能去上班。

We cant go to work ________________________________.

2. 你认为哪一个队将赢得这场足球赛?

Which team ________________________________will win the football match?

3. 他提出了一个很好的计划。

He __________________________________a good plan.

4. 你将怎样利用最后一个月的时间?

How ________________________________ the last month?

5. 他喜欢多种运动例如足球、篮球和游泳。

He likes many kinds of sports, ________________________________ football, basketball and swimming.

6. 目前他正在写一本关于他的故乡的书。

________________________________, he is writing a book about his hometown.

7. 这部电影是以我们的城市为基础的。

This film ________________________________our city.

8. 我们工厂女工的数目是500

________________________________ the women workers in our factory is 500.

9. 即使他邀请我,我也不去参加他的聚会。

I won’t take part in his party ________________________________.

10. 我们的居民区没有你描述的这种人。

________________________________ you have described in our neighborhood.

11. 应该利用每一分钟来学习英语。

Every minute ________________________________ to learn English.

12. 我向您写信是想请求您帮我把箱子找回来。

I am writing to you ________________________________ find the case back.

13. 由于天气不好,他只好待在家里一整天。

, he had to stay at home a whole day.

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