
【题目】 完形填空(每小题1分,满分20分)


Last week I was in the boarding area of the airport excited about my Easter trip home to see my parents. I was busy planning for the weekend, 1 I was taken out of my daydreaming by an elderly woman talking __2__ into her cellphone. She kept telling the person to 3 her where she was. She 4 the gate number again and again. She got a little louder each time she did that. Many people snickered (窃笑) because she was nearly __5__ and thought how silly old people could be.

Then I heard her say, Im 6 , but I cant hear you. There seems to be something wrong with my hearing aid. Thats too 7 . I thought as I moved forward to board the flight. Then I noticed her __8__ was becoming increasingly frantic (发狂似的) as she tried to understand the person on the other end of the phone. It was almost my 9 to board. I couldnt 10 looking back at the woman. It made me think how __11__ I was to have my hearing. And I realized I could offer her some 12 .

I suddenly got out of the 13 and went to the woman. I showed her to 14 me the phone and shouted, Let me help you. Ill tell you what the person is 15 . She looked at me and agreed 16 . I took the phone from her,17 who I was, listened for a moment, and told the woman her husband was __18__ her outside the airport as he could not enter the gate area. Finally, I pointed her in the right 19 .

It took me less than two minutes to finish the task, but my 20 in having been able to help her remains strong.

【1】A. but B. if C. so D. unless

【2】A. secretly B. loudly C. sadly D. quickly

【3】A. call B. help C. tell D. meet

【4】A. asked B. wrote C. repeated D. guessed

【5】A. shouting B. singing C. leaving D. dying

【6】A. sick B. tired C. sorry D. busy

【7】A. bad B. funny C. possible D. strange

【8】A. step B. tone C. friend D. mind

【9】A. duty B. idea C. task D. turn

【10】A. avoid B. stop C. continue D. keep

【11】A. normal B. lucky C. proud D. healthy

【12】A. money B. comfort C. help D. guide

【13】A. line B. space C. circle D. thought

【14】A. throw B. examine C. hand D. fix

【15】A. doing B. saying C. watching D. planning

【16】 A. honestly B. bravely C. angrily D. thankfully

【17】A. explained B. considered C. forgot D. lied

【18】A. thinking of B. turning to C. waiting for D. staring at

【19】A. queue B. direction C. street D. room

【20】A. pity B. hope C. love D. pride











10】 B













【1】 兴奋地计划着的周末却被一个老妇人打断了。故A项正确。

【2】secretly秘密地loudly大声地sadly悲哀地quickly迅速地。根据I was taken out of my daydreaming可知老妇人打电话的声音很大。故B项正确。

【3】根据下文的where she was""the gate number可知她告诉对方她的位置让对方来接她。故D项正确。

【4】根据again and again可知repeated符合语境故C项正确。

【5】 根据上文的She got a little louder each time可知A项正确。

【6】Im sorry, but…常用来表歉意故C项符合语境。


【8】 由于她努力想明白对方的意思(却无法听清)因此她的语调近乎发狂。故B项正确。

【9】 轮到登机了。Its ones turn to do sth.意为轮到某人做某事。故D项正确。

【10】不停朝后看那个老妇人。stop doing sth.意为停止做某事



【13】 linespace空间circle圈子thought思想。由上文可知在排队等候登机因此此处指从队伍里走了出来。故A项正确。


【15】 结合上文可知告诉她对方正在说的话。故B项正确。


【17】 explain解释consider考虑forget忘记lie撒谎。由语境可知接过电话先给对方解释了一下。故A项正确。

【18】think of记起考虑turn to转向wait for等待stare at凝视。由语境可知丈夫在机场外面等她。故C项正确。

【19】 queue队列direction方向street街道room房间。由语境可知给她指了正确的方向。故B项正确。




Deep friendships can take years to develop, but they often last a lifetime. If you want to develop a deep friendship with another person, you have to be ready to put in time and open yourself up.

Pay attention to others, not yourself. ____1____ When you’re truly interested in someone else’s thoughts, feelings, experiences, and opinions, they’ll like you for this. You’ll make far more friends by showing your interest rather than trying to get people interested in you.

____2____ By listening carefully to what they say and do, you’ll quickly get to know them. Little things go a long way, such as remembering someone’s hobbies, the stories they’ve told you, and what’s going on in their life.

Share laughter and tears. Jokes and good laughs help to deepen relationships. ____3____ A true best friend will be there for you when you’re upset and will try to help you feel better.

Help your friend when he/she needs it. ____4____ If he/she’s having a bad day, send him/her a box of chocolate, or bring him/her an ice cream to help him/her get through the dark time.

Be honest. ____5____ If you have a problem, talk to your friend and only your friend about the problem. Gossip (闲话) can destroy a friendship.

A. Don’t ever talk behind your friend’s back.

B. Don’t be afraid to cry in front of your friend.

C. Make an effort to truly listen to the other person.

D. It’s never too late to increase your circle of friends.

E. The key to connecting with other people is showing interest in them.

F. Tell the person how much you care for him/her and what he/she means to you.

G. If your friend is sick, be there to make him/her soup, or drop by with a movie.



In spite of so many years of education behind us, can we confidently say we understand what it feels like to be a teacher?

The biggest misunderstanding about teaching jobs is that anyone can be a teacher. In fact, the truth is far from it. 1 They also know the teaching theory well. They should know how things should be taught and how one can be inspired to learn. Also, they need to have an idea about classroom management and students’ psychology(心理学).

Now it can be really annoying for a teacher if someone says teaching is one of the easiest jobs around, because everyone just needs to be taught for a few hours a day. 2 However, teachers work longer to come up with ways to make the knowledge appear more interesting to students and help them learn better.

3 And this is a big reason why more people decide to choose teaching as a career. However, good teachers choose to make good use of the break, by enrolling (注册) themselves for workshops on teaching, classroom management, and related things.

All teachers are not the same, as against what is widely believed. 4 Every teacher is different and has a different approach(方法)to teaching.

5 A teacher has meetings to attend, and is responsible for (对……负责) organizing school events. An important duty of a teacher is to prepare the progress report of each student and discuss it with his or her parents.

In a word, teachersspan> ought to be respected for what they do, and we should never forget their great contribution(贡献)to our success in life.

A. A teacher has many things to do rather than just teach.

B. It is true that teachers get a lot more holidays than others.

C. A good teacher is one who motivates students to overcome challenges.

D. To begin with, teachers are people who perform well in their fields of study.

E. A statement that is true for one teacher is not necessarily true for the others.

F. And common people even believe teachers are probably overpaid when their days end at 3 pm.

G. These teachers give all they can to create an ideal learning environment for their students.


1. 他除了辞职别无选择。(choice)


2. 从那时起我和我的家庭成员被亿万人用来处理信息并通过因特网在世界范围内彼此沟通。(deal with; communicate with)


3. 她本来以为父亲听到她的计划会很高兴但他并没有。(thought)


4. 曾经有个阶段我的外形完全改变了。(when引导的定语从句)


5. 他太累了以至于一躺下就睡着了。(so...that…的倒装句)


6. 已决定于下周六举行运动会。(decide现在完成时的被动语态)


7. 他像孩子一样单纯。(as...as...)


8. 我们利用晴朗的天气去远足。(take advantage of)


9. 他在那艘船上工作时写出了他最伟大的小说。(while doing)


10. 你做的比我预料的要好得多。(a lot )



The Iron Lady

Margaret Thatcher, known as the Iron Lady, was one of the toughest political women in the world.

As the daughter of a businessman and mayor of Grantham, Margaret was educated at a very famous grammar school. 1 Upon graduation, she worked for four years as a research chemist. She then became a lawyer, doing an excellent job in taxation law, in 1954. Miss Margaret stood twice in elections for the Conservative Party before being elected to the House of Commons(下议院) in 1959. 2 After that she quickly became a spokesman for her party, and member of the Shadow Cabinet(影子内阁).

3 Thatcher spent quite a lot of time visiting schools and universities, who encouraged people to be creative. After the Conservatives lost power in 1974, she was appointed to the Shadow Cabinet. She was elected leader of the Conservative Party in the following year. In May 1979, she became Britain’s first female prime minister, after the Conservatives regained power from Labor.

4 She fought against labor organizations. According to a figure reported by her government, traditional industries were reduced to around 15,000 in total and she also made social housing and public transport private.

She left office on November 28, 1990 after she failed to carry out a fixed rate local tax, which led to huge popular protest from within her party. In 1992, she was appointed to the House of Lords(上议院), as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. In the last few years of her life, she has been busy with writing and public speech. This caused her increasingly poor health. 5

A. She got a degree in chemistry at Oxford University.

B. Also she built strong association with US President Raegan.

C. In June 1970, she became secretary of state for education and science.

D. In power, she was best known for her reducing Britain’s traditional industries.

E. Therefore, she had to give up many chances of attending public activities.

F. Thatcher was appointed as a Minister in 1961.

G. Thatcher was well-known.as a female leader.

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