【题目】The designer of the Apple Computer,Steve Jobs,was not quite successful in his early years.He was not among the best students at school,and from time to time he got into trouble with either his schoolmates or his teachers.But he was full of new ideas,which few people saw the value of.Things remained the same when he went up to college and he dropped out halfway.

Steve Jobs worked first as a video game designer at Atari.He worked there for only a few months and then he set out to tour India.He hoped that the trip would give him more ideas and give him fl change in life for the better.

After he returned from India,he began to live on a farm in California.And then,in l975,Steve Jobs set about making a new type of computer.Along with his friend Stephen Wozniak,he designed the Apple Computer in his bedroom and built it in his garage(车库).He gave the name “Apple” because it reminded him of a happy summer he once spent on an orchard(果园)in Oregon.

His Apple Computer was so successful that Steve Jobs soon became worldwide famous.But unluckily,he died of illness in 2012.

【1】Steve Jobs ________ when he was in schoo1.

A.was an outstanding student B.didn’t do very well

C.was always praised by others D.didn’t learn anything

【2】The underlined word “value” means _______.

A.beauty B.chance

C.importance D.hope

【3】Steve Jobs _________.

A.received excellent college education

B.didn’t go to college at all

C.studied in college for 4 years

D.didn’t finish his college education

【4】Steve Jobs named his computer company “Apple” because ______.

A.apple was his favorite fruit

B.he designed the computer under an apple tree

C.he wanted to remember the happy time on the orchard

D.the computer was designed on the orchard

【5】Steve Job’s ______ would be the most important thing for his lifetime success.

A.“failure” in school B.new ideas

C.travel on India D.stay on the orchard

【题目】What to Bring When Visiting Lijiang of Yunnan

Welcome to Lijiang.Lijiang is a nice place to visit.If you visit Lijiang,you’d better do as the following.



Hat and sunglasses

The Lijiang’s sun can be quite shiny even during winter,so remember to bring a hat and sunglasses.

Raincoat or umbrella

It’s hard for us to know Lijiang’s weather,so it is necessary to bring an umbrella or a raincoat to Lijiang,even if it is sunny.


A day in Lijiang you may be very thirsty,so make sure that you bring a bottle of water with you.


There will be lots of chances to take photos on your visit to Lijiang,so make sure to bring your camera.Don’t forget to bring more batteries so that you won’t miss anything!


There are many sights and gift shops in Lijiang.Bring a watch,so you can arrange(安排)your time.

【1】According to the passage,what things do you NOT have to bring when you visit Lijiang?

A.A bottle of water. B.A watch.

C.Batteries. D.An mp4.

【2】What’s the weather like in Lijiang?

A.It’s warm. B.It’s hot.

C.It changes a lot. D.It’s rainy.

【3】Why do you need to bring fl watch when you /span>visit Lijiang?

A.Because you must go back home on time.

B.Because you can use your time better.

C.Because you will look cool with a watch.

D.Because you will feel free.

【4】Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.You don’t have to bring an umbrella or a raincoat to Lijiang when it is sunny.

B.You should bring a bottle of water so that you won’t be thirsty.

C.You often wear sunglasses and a hat in Lijiang because the sun is too bright.

D.You should bring more batteries so that you can take more interesting pictures.

【5】What kind of passage is it?

A.A story. B.An ad.

C.A diary. D.A letter.

【题目】Maybe you have seen this in schools:some students are studying nearly all the time but they just pass their exams,while some others may spend much less time on their books but do much better in exams.How could this happen? People used to think that hard work is the only way to success.But now they have understood that smart work can make them succeed,too.

Hard workers don’t mind working for long hours,while smart workers always think of several different answers to these question,“Why should I suffer this?” “Isn’t there a better way to do this?” Thanks to these people,we can use computers instead of the abacus now.Progress in every field is the direct result of “try to find a better way” by smart workers.

There was a large soap factory in Japan.Once it received an unusual letter from someone who complained that there was no soap in the soapbox he bought.

How could empty soapboxes go out of the factory? The engineers checked the producing and packing.The producing was fine,but in about one in ten thousand cases, the packing machine(机器)let an empty soapbox go.There was no need to spend a lot of money repairing the machine for such a small problem.The engineer soon worked out a solution, he put a huge X-ray machine and two large computers to find out the empty soapboxes.After teaching the workers how to use it,he sat down in his seat,exhausted.

“Sir,we could have solved the problems in a much simpler and cheaper way,”a worker said.“Really? How?”

“We can put a huge fan near the packing machine.The wind coming from the fan will blow away the empty boxes。leaving the other boxes with soap.”

See,this is smart work.In order to succeed,we should not only work hard like the engineer,but also think smart like this worker.

【1】Some students spend less time on schoolwork but do better in exams _____.

A.because of their hard work

B.because of different education

C.because they try to find a better way

D.because they study for a much longer time

【2】Someone wrote to the soap factory and complained that ________.

A.the soapbox he bought was empty

B.their soap was too expensive

C.the soap he bought was terrible

D.their service was very bad

【3】The soap factory could only ______ near the packing machine to solve the problems in a much simpler and cheaper way.

A.set some soapboxes B.set an X-ray machine

C.put two large computers D.put a huge fan

【4】The phrase “blow away” in the passage means“_______”.

A.停止 B.远离 C.吹走 D.逃脱

【5】The article mainly tells us we should ______ in order to succeed.

A.work hard for long hours and study all the time

B.work hard like the engineer and think smart like the worker

C.spend much less time on our schoolwork than before

D.spend enough money repairing the machine for any problem

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