
【题目】书面表达 (10’)

假如你是Millie, 想邀请好友Sandy来你家。请根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇邀请信。

要点:1. 很高兴邀请你来我的新家(1分);

2. 这里非常安静(1分),而且邻居们相当友好(1分);

3. 和你家不同,我家离市中心远(1分),乘地铁要20分钟(1分);

4. 你来的时候,请走这条路线(1分):在出口处出来,(1分)沿着“新路”(New Road)走,直到你看到一个公园(1分),我家就在它旁边(1分);

5. 我迫不急待想要见到你(1分)。

注意:1. 以第一人称口吻介绍;

2. 词数:80左右,信的格式已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 短文应包括所给要点,要求意思连贯、语句通顺。

Dear Sandy,







Dear Sandy,

I am very happy to invite you to my new home. It’s very quiet here, and neighbors are quite friendly. It’s really different from yours. My home is far from the city centre. It takes twenty minutes to get there by underground. When you come, please take this route. Get out at the exit, and walk along New Road until you see the park. My home is right beside it. I can’t wait to see you. (79 words)





写作亮点:这是一篇优秀的范文,短文中作者按照题目的要求给Sandy写了一封邀请信,邀请Sandy来家里,并且对自己的家进行了简单的介绍。作者写作的时候是严格按照题目给出的提纲进行翻译的,这样可以避免遗漏要点,但是写出来的文章未免有点刻板。但是作者写作时注意使用了一些连词,如and, until, when等;还使用了较好的句式和短语,如be different from, be far from, It takes sb. sometime to do sth.等。另外这篇作文中还使用了祈使句。短文中较好的句式有I am very happy to invite you to my new home、It takes twenty minutes to get there by underground、and walk along New Road until you see the park.等。


【题目】The White family moves (搬)to a new city, but Mrs. White’s son, Bob, is not happy, because he doesn’t have any friends to play with there. “Don’t worry!” says Mrs. White, “you’ll soon make friends here.”

One morning, there is a knock on the door. Mrs. White opens it and sees their neighbour(邻居) Mrs. Miller standing there. She comes to borrow(借) two eggs to make some cakes. Mrs. White gives her two eggs. In the afternoon, Mrs.Miller’s son, Jack comes to their home. He says to Mrs. White, “my mother asks me to give some cakes and two eggs to you.”

“Well, thank you,” says Mrs. White. “Come in and meet my son, Bob.” After Bob and Jack have the cakes, they go out to play football together.

Jack says, “I am glad you live next door.”

Bob says, “I must thank your mother for coming to borrow eggs.”

Jack laughs(大笑) and tells Bob, “My mother doesn’t need any eggs, but she wants to make friends with your mother.”

Bob says, “Oh, I see. That’s a clever way to make friends.”

1Bob feels _____________when his family moves to a new city.

A. sad B. happy C. excited D. angry

2Mrs. Miller comes to Mrs. White’s house to ____________one morning.

A. give Mrs. White some cakes

B. asks Bob to play with her son

C. borrow two eggs from Mrs. White

D. give Mrs. White two eggs

3When Jack brings some cakes and two eggs to Mrs. White’s house, she_____________.

A. asks Jack to take them back home

B. doesn’t take the cakes or the eggs

C. gives Jack a football as a present

D. invites (邀请)Jack to play with his son

4Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Miller knows Mrs. White for a long time

B. Mrs. Miller wants to make friends with Mrs. White

C. Jack borrows two more eggs from Mrs. White

D. Bob invites Jack to his home that morning

5Which of the following is the best title (标题)for the passage?

A. Life in a new city

B. A clever way to make friends

C. Friendly neighbours

D. Problems between neighbours

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