
Learn outside the classroom

Every morning in the past week, 18-year-old Shao Menglu has got up at 6.30 am and dressed in a uniform. By 7 am she has been serving the first customer at a mini supermarket in her school.

The Ningbo No.7 High School students work at the supermarket, which is run by students. The supermarket is a project to help students learn how to operate a real business and prepare them for the future work, according to Chen Ping, the teacher in charge of(负责)the programme.

None of the students work full time, as they have classes. Each class has a chance to run the supermarket for a week every term. The students are trained before they start. Shao was trained to operate a cash register(收银机)and count the correct change.

Although the job kept her busy, as she had to concentrate on(集中)not making any mistakes, Shao enjoyed her week, “I had to stand at the counter for up to six hours a day. I checked the bills, gave the things and said ‘Welcome back!’ with a smile,” Shao said, “But the busy life made me feel happy every day. The job also made me feel like an adult and therefore more responsible.”

“Working at the supermarket is a good complement(补充)to classroom learning.” said Zhu Yongjie, 17, who once worked at the supermarket.

1.How old is Shao Menglu?


2.Who runs the supermarket?


3.Why don’t the students work full time?


4.How long does every class have a chance to run the supermarket every term?


5.What do you think of working at the supermarket of the school?(请自拟一句话回答)


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