












Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked about how to spend the holiday meaningfully.


Bullying(欺凌)can happen to anyone. A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes:

• calling people mean(恶意的)names

• laughing at people

• telling lies about people

• taking someone's things without permission(允许)

• not letting someone play in a group

• hitting people.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying includes:

• sending bad messages online

• sharing photos online without permission

• not letting someone be part of an online group

• spreading lies online.

What can you do?

If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher.

If you get bad messages, don't reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police. Ask an adult for help. Don't share anything before you make sure it is true. That will help stop the cyberbullying

Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.

Say sorry if you are not kind to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person. And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future.

For more information, visit our home page at www. kidsworld.com.

1.According to the passage, the following are bullying EXCEPT .

A.calling people mean names B.hitting people

C.telling lies about people D.laughing with people

2.Cyberbullying means bullying .

A.at school B.at home C.on the street D.on the Internet

3.When you get bad messages online, you should .

A.share them with friends B.give them to your teacher

C.reply to them at once D.keep them as your secrets

4.This passage is mainly written for .

A.teachers B.parents C.children D.the police

Do you play King of Glory (《王者荣耀》)? If so, do you like the game? Why or why not?

Li Ming is a 13-year-old student in Shanghai. Since last May, he has spent most of his spare time on King of Glory. “Every boy in my class is playing it,” he said. “Good players are respected.”

King of Glory has been a very popular mobile game in China. It has had 50 million daily users. Unlike other games, King of Glory names all of its characters after figures (人物) from China’s history. “All of them look very cool,” said Li. His favorite hero is Jing Ke. “She’s very pretty,” the boy added.

Yes, you read right. The real Jing Ke was a man. In the game, however, he has been turned into a woman. Jing Ke is not alone. Li Bai, as we know, was a famous poet. In the game, his job is to kill the others. China’s first known physician (医师), Bian Que, meanwhile, doesn’t just cure people. He also poisons his enemies.

This has caused a hot debate (争论). Some parents are worried that the game may mislead (误导) their children. An article also criticized (批评) the game rewrote China’s history.

Others, however, are less worried. They think a game is a game.

The real problem, perhaps, is that there is no game rating system (评价制度) in China. King of Glory is designed for people over 16 years of age. According to a survey, however, more than 30 percent of the players are in primary or middle school. They are too young to tell the differences between fact and fiction (虚构). If Tecent (腾讯), the game’s developer, could do something about this, the problem might soon be over.

1.According to the article, how old was Li Ming when he started playing King of Glory?

A.Ten years old. B.Eleven years old.

C.Twelve years old. D.Thirteen years old.

2.According to the article, in King of Glory, Li Bai is a________.

A.poet B.killer C.physician D.game developer

3.What views on King of Glory is Not mentioned (提到) in the passage?

A.Some parents are afraid the game may mislead their children.

B.Some people think the game shouldn’t rewrite China’s history.

C.Some parents think King of Glory is just a game for fun.

D.Some people think it is more popular among the young.

4.According to the article, how does the author think the problem can be solved?

A.By deleting (删除) all the misleading characters from King of Glory.

B.By preventing those under 16 from playing King of Glory.

C.By waiting for China to create a game rating system.

D.By having some history lessons in King of Glory before playing it.

After learning about these famous women, you will know you can do a lot for society, and make a difference to the world in your lifetime.

Amelia Earhart(1897-1937 )

Amelia Earhart was the first woman who ever flew alone across the Atlantic in 1932. She became the first woman pilot in 1935 after flying from Hawaii to California. She began her lifelong dream of flying across the world in 1937. However, her flight went missing on that trip and she was never seen again.

Helena Rubinstein (1870-1965 )

Helena Rubinstein moved to Australia in 1902 without the ability to speak English. Later, she set up one of the world's first cosmetic ( 化妆品) companies after mixing lanolin, which is an oil山at comes from sheep's wool, with flowers. Because of that, she became the world's richest woman at that time.

Katharine Hepburn (1907-2003 )

Katharine Hepburn was known for playing strong-willed women in her films. She won four Academy Awards(奥斯卡金像奖) for Best Actress, the most an actress has ever won. Her new dress style made wearing trousers acceptable to women, which wasn't allowed at that time.

Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

Emmeline was a great woman activist. She helped British women get the right to vote. She fought for the rights of women all the time with the help of her husband in the late 19th century and early 20th century. After she lost her husband, she worked together with her three daughters and formed The Women Social and Political Union.

1.According to the passage, which word can best describe Amelia Earhart?

A. Brave. B. Careful. C. Lucky. D. Energetic.

2.What was the problem for Helena Rubinstein when she moved to Australia?

A. She didn't have any money. B. She couldn't speak English.

C. She knew nothing about business. D. She didn't know how to dress up.

3.How many times did Katharine Hepburn win Academy Awards for Best Actress?

A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times.

4.What did Emmeline Pankhurst fight for during her lifetime?

A. Her dream to be a pilot. B. Women's rights in the UK.

C. Women's rights in the USA. D. Her dream to be an actress.

5.What do the four women above have in common?

A. A creative mind. B. A warm heart. C. A pioneer spirit. D. A good education.

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