A) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。

With the holidays coming up, lots of people will have parties. Want to make sure you are a good host(主人) or guest(客人)? Now it's a good time to learn about some party manners (礼仪).

Be a host

Wait for all your guests to come before you start any activity. If the people at the party don't know each other, make sure you introduce everyone.

If your guests bring gifts to you, thank each gift-giver when you open his/her present After the party, be sure to send a hand-written thank-you card to each guest. It's a good idea to let them know you enjoy their gifts.

Be a guest

You should arrive on time. It's not good to come late. Bring a gift to a birthday party. It can be some flowers, a cake or some chocolate. If it's a holiday party, ask the host if there's anything you can bring.

Be friendly to the other guests. Remember to say "Please" and "Thank you"! They are magic(神奇的) words.

When you leave, thank the host for the party.

1.to be a good host or a guest

Be a host

Be a guest

At the party

? 2.for all your guests to come before you start any activity.

?Be sure to 3. everyone if your guests don't know each other.

? Thank the gift-givers for the 4. when you open them.

? Don't be 5..

? You can bring gifts to a birthday party or ask the host what you can bring to a 6. party.

? Be friendly to other guests.

7. the party

? You should8.a hand-written thank-you card to each guest.

? 9. them you enjoy their gifts.

? Show your 10. to the host when leaving.

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