Every February, school children in the UK and much of Europe have a week off—a half-term holiday—to relax from school.

This _____ is half-term.There is no special event to celebrate at half- term.Children _____ this time having fun and catching up on schoolwork.Most children hang out with friends, go swimming, visit museums _____ see relatives.It’s good time for them to take _____ from school and enjoy time with their friends and loved ones.

Children in Britain have 14 weeks of school holiday every year.The three main holidays are summer break, Christmas and Easter (复活节).But they also have a week _____ for half-term in February and October.These breaks help to ___ the school year up and give kids reprieve(缓解).

Children have only a little _____ to do over the holidays.They may be asked to ___ for a test or complete some coursework.But the main purpose of the holiday is to let them relax and develop their hobbies.

During the summer holidays, most families go away on a short vacation.Many people travel to other cities in Britain and some families are even ___ to go to other countries. Popular places to go on holiday include France, Italy and Spain. Families use this time to _____ and spend time with each other after being busy with work and school for most of the year.

1.A.day B.week C.month D.year

2.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay

3.A.but B.or C.so D.and

4.A.walk B.trip C.exam D.break

5.A.from B.on C.with D.off

6.A.decide B.divide C.connect D.point

7.A.money B.time C.housework D.homework

8.A.prepare B.provide C.protect D.promise

9.A.enough lucky B.enough luckily C.lucky enough D.luckily enough

10.A.work B.relax C.stay D.fail

Why is pink or purple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?

The answer depends largely on cultural values as well as personal experiences. To the Egyptians, green is a color that represents the hope and joy of spring, while for Muslims, it means heaven. Red is a symbol of good luck in many cultures. In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring good luck in the New Year. For many nations, blue is a symbol of protection and religious (宗教的)beliefs. Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils.

People's choice of colors is also influenced by their bodies' reactions toward them. Green is said to be the most restful color- It has the ability to reduce pain and relax people both mentally and physically. People who work in green environment have been found to have fewer stomach aches.

Red can cause a person's blood pressure to rise and increase people's appetites. Many decorators will include different shades of red in the restaurant. Similarly, many commercial websites will have a red "Buy Now" button because red is a color that easily catches a person’s eye.

Blue is another calming color. Unlike red, blue can cause people to lose appetite. So if you want to eat less. some suggest that eating from blue plates can help.

The next time you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully.

1.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that green can .

A.cut down pain and relax people B.easily catch a person's eyes

C.cause more stomachaches D.make people's blood pressure rise

2.Why will many commercial websites have a red ‘Buy Now’ button?

A.To relax people physically. B.To increase people's appetites.

C.To encourage people to buy the products. D.To cause a person's blood pressure to rise.

3.What color might help lose weight according to the text?

A.red B.green C.blue D.purple

Small talk

Americans often have short conversations, called small talk, about unimportant things with strangers or people they know but not very well. They may have small talk at parties, while waiting in line at the store, at family events or work. It's a way to say hi and express friendliness.

Small talk is very useful. It can avoid uncomfortable silences and build stronger relationships. For example, when you first meet someone or talk to someone you don't know well, you can break the ice by making small talk. Small talk with a colleague(同事) about his child may help you to understand more of his life outside the office.

In 2013 , researchers from the University of Essex asked some people to make small talk in a study. They found small talk can make people happier. People who talked briefly(短暂地) with a waiter in a coffee shop felt happier than those who simply went in ,ordered and left.

However some people are not good at small talk. Here are some tips to improve your small-talking ability.

Firstly, find common ground. When you have something similar with your speaking partner, that means you have something to talk about.

Secondly, ask open-ended questions. They are suitable(合适的) for small talk. For example, if you ask visitors whether they like your city, they may simply say "Yes. "But if you ask "What do you think of our city," they will have more freedom in how they answer.

Thirdly, become a student. Nobody knows everything. So, as someone is answering one of your open-ended questions, they bring up something about which you know nothing. So, tell them! This lets the other person become the teacher. They feel good about sharing their knowledge and you get to learn something. It's a win-win situation.

Finally, practice makes perfect. Like anything, getting good at making small talk takes practice.

If you make small talk in your native language, you might become happier. If you are making small talk using English, you will most surely improve your speaking and listening skills.

1.Do Americans often have small talk?

2.Why is small talk useful?

3.What did some researchers from the University of Essex find in 2013?

4.What kind of questions are suitable for small talk?

5.What does the writer tell us about small talk in the passage?

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