
One of the best ways to get around in Japan is by train. Keep the following_____in mind and have a great trip.

While you wait for a train, you should____ behind the yellow line that runs down the edge of the platform(站台边缘). The platforms can be narrow, and going over the yellow line can be____for passengers. Nowadays, many Japanese trains have special women-only cars. Men must not ride in these cars. So make sure you_____the signs.

On the train, there are usually special seats for elderly people.____, even if you are not sitting in one of these seats, it's polite to stand up and give your seat to elderly passengers. In the rush hour(交通高峰期), the train can be very crowded,___ don't put your bag on the floor or on the seat next to you. Sit ___your bag under your seat, or on the rack(架子) .

Japanese trains are usually quiet. Passengers seldom speak on the phone so that____won’t cause trouble to other passengers. For the same reason, you shouldn't talk loudly.

And finally, make sure you have a____of the train lines. There are hundreds of stations in Tokyo, and it's easy to get lost! But don’t____too much. If you have any problems, the workers at the train stations will always be happy to help you.

1.A.suggestions B.decisions C.questions

2.A.stand B.hide C.reach

3.A.famous B.dangerous C.various

4.A.look forward to B.pay attention to C.come back to

5.A.Again B.Instead C.However

6.A.So B.Though C.while

7.A.to B.for C.with

8.A.we B.you C.they

9.A.photo B.ticket C.map

10.A.take B.worry C.spend


Different countries have different ideas about how to be polite. In Britain, table manners are important. But how do you show good table manners in Britain? Here is some advice:

How to sit: You should sit up straight in your chair. When you eat, don’t pick up the bowl. This is called very bad manners.

Noises at the table: It is never a good idea to make a noise at the table.

Using your fingers: 62Usually we don’t pick food up with our fingers when we are eating main dishes. But there are some foods such as pizza, sandwiches, chips and fruit we can eat with fingers.

Passing things: If someone asks you to pass something like the salt, only get it if you are the closest person to it. Never lean (倾斜, 倾倒) across someone else’s food. It’s more polite not to use it yourself first --- pass it directly to the person who asked, and then use it later. It’s best to taste your food before you put salt in it.

Your mouth: 63 It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food, nor to eat with your mouth open.

How much to eat: It is polite to eat up the food that you have been offered, so a clear plate is a good plate. It shows that you enjoy the food. If you can’t finish everything and you can leave a little, that is okay. You could say something like “That was very nice, thank you.”


How should you sit when you eat in Britain?


What shows that you like the food?







There was once a very wide tree in South Africa. 60 people could stand in its hollow trunk(空心树干). The tree reached over 18 meters into the sky and it was more than 1, 100 years old. But recently, that tree and others like it have died.1.

The tree was a baobab(猴面包树). Baobab trees grow in Africa and are called"the Tree of Life”.

Baobab trees usually live a long time. One of the oldest stood for more than 2, 400 years.

2.They noticed that nine of the thirteen oldest baobab trees and five of the six largest died in the following 12 years.

Stephan Woodborne, one of the six scientists, says more research(研究)is needed to know why the trees died.3.That's because the trees clearly weren't sick. Besides, many were in national parks, so they were protected from human activities. They believe that increasing temperatures and changing rainy seasons have made it harder for baobabs to live.

"The big ones and the old ones caught the attention of people, Woodborne says. "But it's not just those. 4.People should be more environment-friendly. It is one way to help protect baobabs and other trees from the effects of climate change, according to Woodborne. 5.

“We need to think about the way we live our lives. "Woodborne says. "If we all change what we do a little bit, it will start to make a difference.”

A.That could mean using less energy(能源) and making less waste(废料), when possible.

B.Smaller and younger baobabs are dying too.

C.However, they think climate change may be the main reason.

D.Scientists are wondering why.

E.In 2005, scientists began a research to find out the age of more than 60 baobabs.

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