
英语课堂上,老师要求大家以“Are students supposed to do housework?”为题展开辩论。假设你是正方或反方的一员(只需选择一方), 请围绕你的观点,结合亲身经历说服同学们。


1. 100词左右;



提示词: I think students should help do some housework.

agree; share…with…;not only…but also…; waste; be proud of.

I don’t think students need to do housework.



Different countries have different ideas about how to be polite. In Britain, table manners are important. But how do you show good table manners in Britain? Here is some advice:

How to sit: You should sit up straight in your chair. When you eat, don’t pick up the bowl. This is called very bad manners.

Noises at the table: It is never a good idea to make a noise at the table.

Using your fingers: 62Usually we don’t pick food up with our fingers when we are eating main dishes. But there are some foods such as pizza, sandwiches, chips and fruit we can eat with fingers.

Passing things: If someone asks you to pass something like the salt, only get it if you are the closest person to it. Never lean (倾斜, 倾倒) across someone else’s food. It’s more polite not to use it yourself first --- pass it directly to the person who asked, and then use it later. It’s best to taste your food before you put salt in it.

Your mouth: 63 It is not polite to talk with your mouth full of food, nor to eat with your mouth open.

How much to eat: It is polite to eat up the food that you have been offered, so a clear plate is a good plate. It shows that you enjoy the food. If you can’t finish everything and you can leave a little, that is okay. You could say something like “That was very nice, thank you.”


How should you sit when you eat in Britain?


What shows that you like the food?







Robert W. Coleman Elementary, a primary school in the US. has an unusual method of educating difficult students. Instead of making hose who have broken school rules stay after school or go to the head teacher's office, teachers at Robert W. Coleman Elementary send them to the Mindful Moment Room. This room may sound terrible, but in fact it's comfortable and inviting.

In the Mindful Moment Room, a student is paired with a teacher. For five minutes, the student is allowed to speak with the teacher about what happened. For another fifteen minutes, the student is led through meditation(冥想). The room can be used during school time as well as before and after school.

You may not think a difficult primary school kid would sit there quietly for 15 minutes of meditation but that's true. Most of the children do behave very well in the room. Surprisingly, the results don't stop there. Many children even ask to go to the Mindful Moment Room themselves.

The Mindful Moment Program was created by the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF). Its purpose is to help students and teachers reduce stress and create a better learning environment for students. If you need more proof(证据) that the program is having a good influence on the kids, HLF cofounder Andres Gonzalez remembers a story.

A mother once told him," I came home the other day, feeling stressed out, and my daughter said, "Mom, you need to sit down. I will teach you how to meditate’”

1.Why are the students sent to the Mindful Moment Room?

A.To make teaching more meaningful B.To develop their interest in meditation

C.To be probably punished by the teacher D.To help them learn to behave themselves

2.From the third paragraph, we can infer that the writer ________the results the method has achieved.

A.feels angry about B.is surprised at C.feels worried about D.is disappointed at

3.What does Andes Gonzalez want to show by telling the story?

A.The Mindful Moment Program is wonderful

B.Students love Robert W. Coleman Elementary

C.It’s good for kids to communicate with parents.

D.Students of Robert W. Coleman Elementary are relaxed.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Students must stay in the room alone. B.Most students refuse to enter the room.

C.Students cannot enter the room after school. D.Students are asked to stay at the room for 20 minutes.

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