
Bicycles, a long-forgotten vehicle that seems to belong to the last century, are returning to the streets of Guangzhou, as the city starts to ban the running of motorcycle in urban Guangzhou.
“Business has never been so good for my shop,” said Chen Yongwu, a bicycle shop owner at the city’s Donghua West Road, “I have to work 12 hours a day to meet the demand of my customers. ”
“Even my wife and brother-in-law have to give me a hand lately. ”
Chen originally ran a motorcycle repair shop.  He grasped the opportunity of the motorcycle ban, and started his bicycle business soon after hearing about the banning.
“I sold 23 bicycles on January 2 alone. ” Said Chen.
Bicycle is more convenient and healthier
“My home is one kilometer from the metro station,” said a middle-aged man who is waiting for his bicycle at Chen’s shop, “it is too tiresome to walk to the station, but taking a bus for such a short distance is a waste of money. ”
“So I decided to buy a bicycle. ”
The bicycle costs around 600 yuan, which is equal to the bus fare of half a year.
“Besides, riding a bicycle to work is much healthier than riding a bus. ”
The bicycle buyers can be categorized into two groups.  One group of buyers buy the bicycles for the transportation of small commodities; the other ride the bicycles to work.
Arising problems
Riding a bicycle to work may be healthy, but it is not without problems.
The lack of bicycle lanes has posed a big threat to the safety of the bicycle riders in Guangzhou.
“I was riding my bicycle on Huifu West Road on day,” said Mr.  Zhang, “then suddenly the bus pulled over besides me near the bus station. ”
“I was so frightened at the time, because the bus nearly hit me. ”
The sideways in Guangzhou are usually crowded with foot passengers, so citizens also could not use the sideways.
“It is worse than walking. ”
Besides, finding a place a park the bicycles could be very difficult, much more difficult then finding a place to park your car.
小题1:What is the min topic of the passage?
A.Motorcycle ban.
C.Convenience of riding a bicycle
D.Problems brought by bicycles
小题2:What is the purpose of the 2nd paragraph to the 5th paragraph?
A.To prove that more people choose to ride bicycles.
B.To persuade people into buying bicycles.
C.To ensure that there are enough bicycles to buy.
D.To prove that the bicycle business helps get a lot more profit.
小题3:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.A lot of motorcycle repair shop started their bicycle business after the ban.
B.Taking a bus is much healthier than riding a bike.
C.Guangzhou has designed lanes particularly for bicycle riders.
D.Finding a parking space for bikes can be more difficult than for cars.
小题4:Where can the passage most likely come from?
A.A magazineB.A newspaperC.A textbookD.A booklet


小题3:根据最后一段Besides, finding a place a park the bicycles could be very difficult, much more difficult than finding a place to park your car. 描述,可知选D。
Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers. But last summer, Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their older son: suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents. "The door to his room is always shut." Joanna noted.
Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter. "She used to sit in my arms on the sofa and talk with me," said Mark. "Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something. Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady. The problem is figuring out which time is which."
Before age 11, children like to tell their parents what's on their minds. "In fact, parents are first on the list." said Michael Riera, author of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers. "This completely changes during the teen years." Riera explained. "They talk to their friends first, then maybe their teachers, and their parents last."
Parents who know what's going on in their teenagers' lives are in the best position to help them. To break down the wall of silence, parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say, and try to find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental break, for children also need freedom, though young. Another thing parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager, with their children is a better way to know them.
小题1:"The door to his room is always shut" suggests that the son_______.
A.is always busy with his studies
B.doesn't want to be disturbed
C.keeps himself away from his parents
D.begins to dislike his parents
小题2:What troubles Tina and Mark most is that _______.
A.their daughter isn't as lovely as before
B.they can't read their daughter's mind exactly
C.they don't know what to say to their daughter
D.their daughter talks with them only when she needs help
小题3:which of the following best explains "the wall of silence" in the last paragraph?
A.Teenagers talk a lot with their friends.
B.Teenagers do not want to understand their parents.
C.Teenagers do not talk much with their parents.
D.Teenagers talk little about their own lives.
小题4:What can be learned from the passage?
A.Parents are unhappy with their growing children.
B.Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.
C.Parents should be patient with their silent teenagers.
D.Parents should try to understand their teenagers.
More and more people like traveling for their holidays. Some people like  1, so they like to visit some old places. Some people like to breathe (呼吸)fresh air, so they like to go  2 . Some people like sea or swimming, so they like to go to the  3. In many countries, the travel agency (旅行社) can help you  4your holidays. You canthe travel agent (代理人)what kind of holidays you like,  6 you want to go best, and how much money you are going to  7 . Then the travel agent will give you some 8 about where to go, how to get there, where to live and what kind of activities you can do there. So there are many different kinds of  9 . For example, one of the holidays is called “Package Holiday”. That is, you just pay the money, and the travel agent will plan  10 for you: the ticket for the train, bus or plane, the hotel, the activities and so on.
小题1:A. math          B. music         C. history
小题2:A. shopping      B. climbing      C. skating
小题3:A. seaside       B. rivers        C. lakes
小题4:A. order         B. book          C. plan
小题5:A. say           B. ask            C.tell
小题6:A. where         B. when          C. how
小题7:A. take          B. spend         C. have
小题8:A. message       B. suggestion     C. information
小题9:A. jobs          B. places        C. holidays
小题10:A. nothing      B. everything    C. vehicles
Would you like to go to Beijing, our capital? It's far away from Guangdong. It's 2313 kilometers from Beijing to Guangdong. The city of Kunming is 2216 kilometers away from Guangdong. It's always very warm there. But it's very hot in summer in Wuhan. It's 1084 kilometers from Guangdong to Wuhan. Changsha is near Guangdong. It’s 726 kilometers from Changsha to Guangdong. Do you know which city is the biggest in China? It’s Shanghai. It’s 1811 kilometers from Guangdong to Shanghai. If you travel (旅行) by air, you'll find it very interesting and fast enough to fly from Guangdong to Beijing. It only takes you about four hours and you’ll get there easily, safely and unhurriedly(从容不迫).But traveling by train is quite different. You have to stay on the train for over thirty hours to arrive in Beijing. More and more people like to travel by air. You can see why, can't you?
小题1:How far is it from Changsha to Guangdong?
A.1084 kilometersB.2216 kilometers
C.726 kilometersD.706 kilometers
小题2:If you go to Beijing, our capital, you'll know _________.
A.It's not far away from all the other cities in China.
B.You have to travel long by train from Guangdong to Beijing.
C.It's not far away from us all.
D.It's not far away from Guangdong.
小题3:From the passage, we know ______ has the longest way to Guangdong except Beijing.
小题4:Which one is WRONG?
A.Wuhan is very hot in summer.
B.It's as warm in winter in Kunming as Beijing.
C.It's 1084 kilometers from Wuhan to Guangdong.
D.It's warm in winter in Guangdong.
小题5:It takes more than 30 hours to arrive in Beijing from ______ by train.
Wang Xiaojun is 12 years old. He lives in the country in Hubei Province. Today is his birthday. His parents prepare a nice dinner for him, but the boy says, “I won’t have the dinner because after the dinner, today is over, and parents are leaving for Shenzhen tomorrow. I don’t want to let them go.”
It is the first birthday that Wang Xiaojun is spending with his parents stayed in Shenzhen and worked to make money. They haven’t seen their son for three years. Tomorrow they have to leave home to go to Shenzhen.
Wang is not the only stay-at-home child. In the country of China, there are more than 20 million children staying at home without their parents. Stay-at-home children face a lot of problems. Many of them stay with their grandparents. They get less care from parents. They often feel lonely. Some of them don’t study well because their parents can’t help them with their study.
The Chinese government now cares about the children very much and is trying to solve their problems.
小题1:Is it Wang Xiaojun’s first birthday?
小题2:There are many stay-at-home children in the country of China, aren’t there?
小题3:Why don’t some of the stay-at-home students study well?
小题4:How long haven’t Wang Xiaojun seen his parents?
小题5:In China,how many children staying at home without their parents?

English breakfast is a very big meal —eggs, tomatoes, tea, coffee….
For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich (三明治)bars ,where office workers can buy brown or white bread or a roll (面包卷),and then all kinds of salad(色拉)and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. School children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a sandwich, a drink and some fruit from home.
“Tea” means two things. It is a drink and a meal , some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea.
They usually have the evening meal quite early, between six o’clock and eight o’clock, and often all the family eats together. On Sundays many families have a traditional(传统的)lunch. They have chicken, pork,… with potatoes ,vegetables…
The Englishmen like food from other countries too, such as French, Chinese, Italian and Indian. People often get take-away meals---they buy the food outside and then bring it home to eat.
小题1:Many people in England have a ______ breakfast and a _____ lunch.
A.fast; smallB.little; slowC.big; quickD.slow; big
小题2:In _____ there are a lot of sandwich bars.
A.small townsB.villagesC.countriesD.cities
小题3:The office workers can buy the ______ bread for lunch.
小题4:What don’t they have when they have afternoon tea in this passage?
A.SandwichesB.ChickenC.CakesD.A cup of tea
小题5:When they get a take-away meal , they have it _______
A.at homeB.in the schoolC.outsideD.in the bars

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