
     Raven was walking along the beach in Haida Gwai. He wanted to find a way to have fun. As he walked along the beach,the blue sea in front of him and the green forest behind him didn't seem interesting. Raven wanted to play,but there was no one to play with.

     Then he heard a strange sound. He looked up and down the beach. Where was it coming from? As he walked he noticed a small white clamshell in the sand. Inside the clamshell was a small animal.

    Raven got a closer look. It was very different from Raven. It had no feathers,no wings,and no beak. Raven thought it was very interesting and said, “Are you in trouble? Do you want to come out? Now let me help you out. ” “No,I don't want to go out. It's dangerous. If you help me out,you may eat me”’ said the animal.

    “I won’t hurt you. I'm only feeling bored. Could you be my friend?”

     “OK,I'm bored here,too. I'm coming”’ said the animal.

1. From the first paragraph we can infer that .

   A. Raven was interested in the forest

   B. Raven liked to stay alone

   C. no one liked to play with Raven

   D. Raven felt very bored

2. Raven looked up and down the beach .

   A. to find where the sound came from

   B. to find something to eat

   C. to find a good place to play

   D. to find his parents

3. Maybe Raven was .

   A. also a clamshell   B. a fish   C. a bird   D. a boy

4. The small animal didn't want to go out because

   A. it was very cold there

   B. she thought it was dangerous outside

   C. she heard a strange sound outside

   D. she hated the green forest

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Raven saw a small animal while he was flying.

   B. Raven liked the beach very much.

   C. Staying inside the clamshell made the small animal happy.

   D. Raven solved his problem at las

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D

  正在寻找朋 友跟他一起玩,当他在海滩上发现了一只蛤壳时,里面的小 动物却不肯出来,因为害怕被吃掉,在确认没有危险之后才 出来,从此二者成为了好朋友。


1. D推理判断题。由第一段的第二、三和四句可以推测出,


2. A细节理解题。由第二段的第三句可知,Raven在海滩上


3. C推理判断题。由第三段的第二句和第三句中的“没有

羽毛、没有翅膀也没有鸟喙”可以推测出,Raven可能 是一只鸟。

4. B细节理解题。由第三段的最后一句可知,小动物不愿意


5. D推理判断题。文章在第一段中暗示了 Raven感觉很无

聊,在最后二段中他找到了朋友,这说明他的难题得到 了解决D

clamshell rt.蛤壳 feather 羽毛

wing 翅膀 beak .鸟橡


As he walked he noticed a small white clamshell in the sand.当他行走的时候,他注意到了海滩上有一个白色的小 蛤壳。


as he walked是时间 状语从句,he noticed. .. in the sand 是主句。


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1. How often does First News come out?

   A. Every day.    B. Every week.

   C. Every month.    D. Every year.

2. Who like reading First News'?

   A. The parents.   B. The grown-ups.

   C. The teachers.   D. The young people.

3. Mr Smith ordered 6-month First News for his son and one-year First News for his daughter. How much did he pay?

   A. £34. 99.   B. £58. 99. 

   C. £93. 98.   D. £117. 98. 

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. It is helpful for children's study.

   B. There are many interesting games in First News.

   C. First News ever won two awards.

   D. You need to go to the post office to get your First News.

5. Where can we probably read the passage?

   A. In a magazine.        B. In the newspaper.

   C. On an advertisement.    D. On the Internet.

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