
   A lady got on a bus. Without saying a word,she just gestured (做手势) to the bus driver by putting her thumb on her nose and showing her fingers at the driver. And the driver turned to her and used both hands in the same type of gesture and showed all his fingers at her. The woman held her right arm out at the driver and hit it a few times with her left hand. Then the driver made his left hand skate up (滑) his right arm quickly. And the woman got off the bus.

    There was another woman sitting in the front row of the bus who saw the whole exchange (交换) . She spoke up “ That is the most surprising thing I have ever seen on a bus!What were you doing?”

   “Listen,lady!” said the bus driver ,“The lady that got on the bus just now was a deaf one. She was one of my passengers before. In the bus just now,she asked me if the bus went to 5 th Street. I said no and I told her that we would go along the 10th Street. She asked if we made many stops on the way. I told her that I couldn’t stop the bus halfway. So she got off. ”


1.Why did the woman say nothing on the bus?

2. Did the driver know the woman before?

3. What did the woman ask when she showed her fingers at the driver?

4. Why did the driver make his left hand skate up his right arm? 

5. How did another woman feel when she saw their “talk”?

  导读一位女士上了公交车,与司机比划了一番,然后下了车, 这让前座的一位女乘客很是惊讶,经过司机解释才知,原来 刚才下车的女士是聋哑人,她和司机很熟,向他打听行车路 线呢


1. Because she was deaf.由第三段“The lady that got on the bus just now was a deaf one. ”可知,这个和司机用手语交流的女人是聋哑人。

2. Yes,he did.由第三段司机介绍 “ She was one of my passengers before. ”可知,这个聋哑人是自己的一位乘客, 由此判断,他们之间互相认识。

3. She asked if the bus went to 5th Street.由第三段. she asked me if the bus went to 5th Street. ” 可知答案。

4. Because he wanted to tell the woman that he couldn't stop on halfway. 在第一段中提到对这个聋哑人做 的手语是“Then the driver made his left hand skate up his right arm quickly. ”左手在右胳膊上一直滑下去,表明 中途不停车,印证了第三段“ I told her that I couldn’t stop the bus halfway. ” 

5. She felt surprised.由第二段“That is the most surprising thing.可知,前座的这位女乘客看到了他们之间的这 些怪异的举动感到很惊讶。


There was another woman sitting in the front row of the bus who saw the whole exchange.

有另一个坐在公共汽车前 排的女人看见了整个的交流细节。

该句主句为There be... doing...句型,意为“有某人/某物正在 ”。另外,who saw the whole exchange是一个定语从句,修饰woman。


     Raven was walking along the beach in Haida Gwai. He wanted to find a way to have fun. As he walked along the beach,the blue sea in front of him and the green forest behind him didn't seem interesting. Raven wanted to play,but there was no one to play with.

     Then he heard a strange sound. He looked up and down the beach. Where was it coming from? As he walked he noticed a small white clamshell in the sand. Inside the clamshell was a small animal.

    Raven got a closer look. It was very different from Raven. It had no feathers,no wings,and no beak. Raven thought it was very interesting and said, “Are you in trouble? Do you want to come out? Now let me help you out. ” “No,I don't want to go out. It's dangerous. If you help me out,you may eat me”’ said the animal.

    “I won’t hurt you. I'm only feeling bored. Could you be my friend?”

     “OK,I'm bored here,too. I'm coming”’ said the animal.

1. From the first paragraph we can infer that .

   A. Raven was interested in the forest

   B. Raven liked to stay alone

   C. no one liked to play with Raven

   D. Raven felt very bored

2. Raven looked up and down the beach .

   A. to find where the sound came from

   B. to find something to eat

   C. to find a good place to play

   D. to find his parents

3. Maybe Raven was .

   A. also a clamshell   B. a fish   C. a bird   D. a boy

4. The small animal didn't want to go out because

   A. it was very cold there

   B. she thought it was dangerous outside

   C. she heard a strange sound outside

   D. she hated the green forest

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Raven saw a small animal while he was flying.

   B. Raven liked the beach very much.

   C. Staying inside the clamshell made the small animal happy.

   D. Raven solved his problem at las

   Last autumn my parents were studying in Canada,and brought me over with them.

It was soon my birthday.

   Then came Halloween. Once I asked Mum why there was Halloween. She told me a lot about ghosts (鬼) .

   “ Sweets are like good words for the dead ,” Mum told me. “The more,the better. They can help the dead go to a better place. ”

   On the day before Halloween,Mum bought me witches’(女巫) clothes. They were black,with a hat.

   The next day,at about 6:30 pm,I went out with my parents. It was dark. Many people got together around a house. They were asking for sweets. Lots of children were dressed in different clothes. I pushed in and stretched (伸) out my hand. I got some.

   “Wow!There's nothing hard about this ,” I thought.

Some kids left the house and started to ask for sweets door to door. I decided to go with them. I wanted more. I was a little afraid at first. But the people at each house were very kind. They gave me lots of sweets.

   When I went home that day,I found that my sweets could fill a whole big box!

  “The sweets could last through the year! ” I thought,and they did.

1. My parents lived in Canada for last year.

   A. studying   B. making money

   C. a tour   D. a visit to me

2. My mother bought me witches’ clothes for .

   A. my birthday   B. Halloween

   C. family party   D. my new semester (学期)

3. I asked for sweets door to door .

   A. on the morning of my birthday

   B. on the evening before Halloween

   C. on the morning of Halloween

   D. on the evening of Halloween

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. I went over to Canada with my parents last autumn.

   B. On Halloween,the more sweets you get,the better it is.

   C. It was not easy for me to ask for sweets door to door.

   D. People were very kind when I asked for sweets.

5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Life in Canada

   B. An Unforgettable Halloween

   C. My Special Birthday

   D. My Visit to Canada

   A study shows that today's children play outdoors just half as much as their parents did when they were young.

They stay indoors most of their time. They watch TV,play computer games and,in some cases (情况) , even do their homework. Figures show that in the 1970s and 1980s children enjoyed more than two hours of outside play on weekdays,and even nine hours on weekends—whatever the weather is. But today's youngsters (年轻人,小孩) stay outside for just over an hour on weekdays,and fewer than five hours on Saturdays and Sundays.

   It also shows that 58 per cent of parents wish their children played outdoors more often,and they seriously worry their children don't spend enough time playing outdoors.

   In fact,playing outdoors is so important for children—not only to help them stay active and healthy,but also to communicate (交流) with friends,and make those colorful childhood (童年时代) which we look back on so warmly.

    And because they don't go out,they don't know their own communities as well as their parents did,they don't have as many friends in the area and they don't have the same chances for fun as their parents did.

1. How long do today's children play outdoors on each weekday according to the study?

   A. More than one hour.

   B. More than two hours.

   C. Fewer than five hours.

   D. About nine hours.

2. What does the underlined word “ figure” mean in Chinese?

   A. 人物   B. 档案   C. 数据   D. 轮廓

3. How many of the parents want their children to play outdoors more often?

   A. None of them.

   B. Some of them.

   C. Most of them.

   D. All of them.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Today's children do sports outdoors more than their parents did.

   B. Today's children play outdoors as much as their parents did.

   C. Playing outdoors helps children stay active and healthy.

   D. Playing outdoors brings the children safe problems.

5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

   A. Children today have more outdoor activities.

   B. It's helpful for children today to play outdoors often.

   C. Children today don't know what to play.

   D. Parents should give children more free time.

    Once upon a time,there lived a prince in the Persian Gulf (波斯湾) . He wanted to make his little fishermen village become a big rich kingdom. When people talked about his dream,they would say ,“ If our village became rich,a pig could fly. ”Some other people thought that their Prince must be mad. However,the Prince believed that he could make it and tried his best. Thirty years later,his dream came true. The Prince was an emir (酋长) ,Sheikh Rashid A1 Maktoum,and his kingdom was Dubai.

    Today,the city becomes one of the world's most important business centers. There are also expensive hotels and skyscrapers. People from all over the world go there to do business. In fact,each year the city gets its money mainly from business,not oil. It is also one of the world's fastest growing cities. People there can build a tall building in only a few months. The city also has many man-made islands. The Palm Jumerirah,is one of these. It looks like a palm (掠榈树) tree and is very beautiful.

1. What was the dream of Sheikh Rashid A1 Maktoum?

   A. To make his fishermen village become rich enough.

   B. To find a lot of oil.

   C. To lead the villagers to do business.

   D. To leave the village to find a better place.

2. The underlined phrase “a pig could fly” here means

   A. It is quite funny.

   B. It is not a joke.

   C. Even a pig is very rich.

   D. It is impossible.

3. From Paragraph 1 we can infer that Prince was a man who .

   A. was very funny

   B. was careless

   C. never gave up

   D. always liked joking

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Dubai has many man-made islands.

   B. There are many foreigners living in Dubai.

   C. People in Dubai can build a tall building in a few days.

   D. Dubai now gets money mainly from selling oil.

5. What's the main idea of this passage?

   A. Dubai is a big fishermen village.

   B. Dubai is growing very fast.

   C. People in Dubai are very thankful to Sheikh Rashid A1 Maktoum.

   D. The Palm Jumerirah has become the sign of Dubai.

     The question whether there is life on Mars (火星) has made the public think a lot for more than a century. The closest look showed Mars to be a dusty,cold world,covered by air that is too thin to breathe. A British spaceship and Europe's Mars spaceship plan to land on Mars or enter orbit (轨道) around it. One of the NASA’s (美国宇航局) spaceships is expected (期 望) to land on January 3; the other is going to land on the opposite side of Mars on January 24.

    Since 1960,over twenty spaceships sent to Mars have failed. Most have been lost on flying up or landing because those are the most difficult times of any flights. Scientists wanted to find out whether there was water in Mars. In October,a team of scientists reported that Mars had been a dry wasteland. But first appeared here on Earth. Scientists at once raise a question: if what they said is true,what happened on Mars? Then what about the earth?

weeks later,a second team reported differently that they had found some marks showed clearly that they were made by the rivers. Such marks told us that Mars was a warmer place billions of years ago—just as life to the passage?


根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

() Mars is a dusty,cold planet with little air to


2. How many spaceships were sent to Mars but all failed since 1960?

3. What did the second team of the scientists find in Mars?

4. What was Mars like billions of years ago according.


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