Raven was walking along the beach in Haida Gwai. He wanted to find a way to have fun. As he walked along the beach,the blue sea in front of him and the green forest behind him didn't seem interesting. Raven wanted to play,but there was no one to play with.

     Then he heard a strange sound. He looked up and down the beach. Where was it coming from? As he walked he noticed a small white clamshell in the sand. Inside the clamshell was a small animal.

    Raven got a closer look. It was very different from Raven. It had no feathers,no wings,and no beak. Raven thought it was very interesting and said, “Are you in trouble? Do you want to come out? Now let me help you out. ” “No,I don't want to go out. It's dangerous. If you help me out,you may eat me”’ said the animal.

    “I won’t hurt you. I'm only feeling bored. Could you be my friend?”

     “OK,I'm bored here,too. I'm coming”’ said the animal.

1. From the first paragraph we can infer that .

   A. Raven was interested in the forest

   B. Raven liked to stay alone

   C. no one liked to play with Raven

   D. Raven felt very bored

2. Raven looked up and down the beach .

   A. to find where the sound came from

   B. to find something to eat

   C. to find a good place to play

   D. to find his parents

3. Maybe Raven was .

   A. also a clamshell   B. a fish   C. a bird   D. a boy

4. The small animal didn't want to go out because

   A. it was very cold there

   B. she thought it was dangerous outside

   C. she heard a strange sound outside

   D. she hated the green forest

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Raven saw a small animal while he was flying.

   B. Raven liked the beach very much.

   C. Staying inside the clamshell made the small animal happy.

   D. Raven solved his problem at las

    Paying too much money to do what they want is not the most relaxing hobby. Here,some stay-at-home activities are a great way to enjoy time without spending much.

    Start a small garden: You could start it in your backyard or in your balcony. Get different types of plants. The more colors,the better,right?

 ◆ Read: Reading is a great habit. So why not use it to enjoy your time? Read books that interest you and that will make you more and more knowledgeable (知识渊博的) .

   Yoga: Yoga can also exercise your mind. There are several videos available (可利用的) on the Internet that you could watch to learn it well.

   Repair Work: There are several things around the house that need to be repaired and kept. Being the man of the house,you can spend your spare time doing that. This way,you could not only take your free time,but also save money that you would need to pay if you ask someone to come and do those jobs.

   Cooking: Cooking is a kind of art. Whether you have skills or not,you can cook. The most important is that it makes you wiser every time. Just try your hand at it.

1. What place may the word “balcony” refer to?

   A. 厨房   B. 书房

   C. 阳台   D. 卫生间

2. Which of the following isn’t a stay-at-home activity?

   A. Growing plants in your garden.

   B. Doing some reading.

   C. Square dance.

   D. Repairing around the house.

3. Which of them can exercise your mind?

①Working in the garden.②Reading books. Playing Yoga.④Repairing at home.⑤Cooking.

    A. ②③   B. ①③⑤

   C. ②③⑤   D. ②③④⑤

4. What does the writer think of cooking?

   A. Housework.   B. A skill.

   C. An art.     D. A subject.

5. The passage mainly tells us .

   A. what to do on weekends

   B. how to save money

   C. what activities can save time and money

   D. what stay-at-home activities can be pleasant but cost little money

   D. 阅读选择,阅读下面的短文,从所给的A、B、C选项中选出最佳答案。

A [2015 •鄂州改编]

                  MARS 一 The Red Planet

“MARS一The Red Planet!is one of our Early Reader Space books. It has surprising facts and photos explaining all about Mars. Aiming mainly at kids aged 7-10,it's an interesting way for readers to find out more about the red planet.

                       The Weather

“The Weather” is one of our Early Earth

books for boys and girls aged 13-15. This is a fun and fantastic way for readers to find out more about the weather on our earth. It offers information in a fun way — mixing facts,photos,and even has a web page with video clips explaining more about the information in the book.


Kids Book of Fun Facts & Amazing Pictures on Animals in Nature —A Perfect Horse Book for Kids Aged 5-8.

The book written by Kate describes the most noble animal on the planet for early readers. The book ivS packed with beautiful and clear pictures that help your child to understand the  (fun) facts about this animal. It also includes anatomy (解剖) of horses.

() 21. If your sister wants to know more about the space,she can choose .

   A. MARS —The Red Planet

   B. The Weather

   C. Horses

() 22. “The Weather ”is one of our Early Earth books for boys and girls aged .

   A. 5-8   B. 13-15

   C. 7-10

() 23. “Horses” is about .

   A. the most noble animal on the planet

   B. the weather on our earth

   C. the red planet

() 24. Which is true according to the ads (广告) above?

   A. The Weather is about the Moon.

   B. Horses was written by Kate.

   C. MARS —The Red Planet is about the most noble animal.

() 25. The subject of the three books is on

   A. history   B. geography

   C. science

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