
   The food we eat depends on (取决于) where we live,or which part of our country we live in. For example,in the south of China,they eat rice,but in the north of China,they eat noodles. In central Europe,people don't eat so much fish; they eat meat and sausages. In Australia,Germany,and Poland (波 兰) there are hundreds of different kinds of sausages.

   In North America,Australia,and Europe there are two or more courses for every meal and people eat with knives and forks. In China there is only one course,all the food is together on the table,and they eat with chopsticks. In parts of India and the Middle East,people use their fingers to pick up the food.

   Nowadays it is convenient to transport food from one part of the world to the other. We can eat what we like at any time of a year. Bananas come from the Caribbean or Africa;rice comes from India or the US;strawberries (草莓) come from Chile or Spain.


1. 根据短文内容完成句子。(每空限填1个单词)

People living in the north of China eat and

people living in the south of China eat.

2. 根据短文内容完成句子。(每空限填1个单词)

In parts of India and the Middle East,people use to   pick up the food.

3. What do people in central Europe eat?

4. 把短文中画线的句子译成汉语。

5.根据短文内容,用一个完整的英文句子回答问题。 (限8个词以内)

Whafs the main idea of the second paragraph?

  导读本文是一篇说明文,讲述了饮食习惯在不同地方的差 异。不同国家的人吃的食物不尽相同,甚至同一个国家不同 地区的人的饮食习惯也不完全一样,比如在中国,北方人喜 欢吃面条,南方人喜欢吃米饭等。


1. noodles;rice 由第一段中的“For example,in the south of China,they eat rice,but in the north of China,they eat noodles. ”可知,在中国,南方人吃米饭,北方人吃面条。 由此可知第一空填noodles,第二空填rice。

2. their fingers 由第二段最后一句“ In parts of India and the Middle East,people use their fingers to pick up the food. ”

可知,在印度和中东,人们用手抓食物吃。由此可知答案 为 their fingers。

3. They eat meat and sausages. 由第一段中的“In central Europe,people don't eat so much fish,they eat meat and sausages”可知答案。

4. 如今,把食物从世界上的一个地方运到另一个地方很方便。本句考查“It is + 办+ to do sth. ”这一句型结构。 其中convenient意为“方便的,便利的”;transport意为“运送,运输"。

5. Ifs about how people eat. 题干问第二段的段落大意,通读第二段可知,该段讲的是“人们如何吃东西”。


    From an early age,Parker always said that he would be an astronaut. But no matter how much he studied,worked,and took tests,he never passed.

   Year by year,he couldn’t take the successful test. And he was never able to achieve his dream.

   However,Parker went on working hard,and never gave up his dream. He continued training and studying everyday,just like he was studying for the next month's astronaut test.

   He kept on doing it as he got older,and when he was a very old man,he heard that doctors in Space Agency were doing some very important medical (医学 的) experiments (实验) . For those experiments,they needed a very old astronaut. Parker was the only old man in the whole world who was trained to fly in a rocket. He got the chance to fly this time.

   The experiments were very successful. The knowledge from the experiments helped doctors to cure one of the worst sicknesses for old people.

   People all over the world saw the photos of an astronaut with a walking stick and no teeth. They called him a hero. But Parker didn't care about it ,“I am just a real astronaut now. That's enough. ” Parker said to the reporter.

1. What did Parker want to be when he was a child?

   A. A doctor. B. A train driver.

   C. An astronaut. D. An engineer.

2. Why did Space Agency choose Parker?

   A. Because he was old but strong.

   B. Because he had a dream of flying.

   C. Because he was old but was trained to fly.

   D. Because he studied,worked,and took many tests.

3. The underlined word “cure” has the same meaning

” as.

   A. find new food to eat

   B. find a good way to do with

   C. find a nice place to live in

   D. find a new kind of sickness

4. People called him a hero because.

   A. his dream came true

   B. he was the oldest astronaut

   C. he kept on studying and training

   D. he helped do the important medical experiments

5. What does the passage tell us?

   A. We are never too old to learn.

   B. We should keep on with the dream.

   C. We must do sports even if we are old.

   D. We must stop doing something useless.

    World Book Day usually falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO in 1955 to encourage people,especially teenagers,to find the pleasure of reading. It also helps raise money for Book Aid International for the libraries in Africa. Many schools hold non-uniform days asking pupils to dress up as their favorite book characters and give away £ 1.     People often hold a book sale or sell goodies to help raise money for the charity.

On that day in the UK,millions of students can buy books of special prices,much lower than usual in any bookstore. This activity started in 1998.

    Lutterworth High School in England celebrated World Book Day with a number of activities,one of these was for students to dress up as book characters and other students had to guess who they were. There were some easy guessing games but there were also some difficult ones. Sometimes the students have to spend about 5 minutes guessing who a character is.

World Book Day falls on Thursday March 6th,this year. 2014 is the 17th year of this event.

1. What's the main aim of the World Book Day?

   A. To encourage teenagers to study harder.

   B. To sell more books.

   C. To raise more money for the poor.

   D. To encourage more people to read books.

2. On non-uniform days,the pupils in Africa .

   A. dress up as their favourite book characters to raise money

   B. students can buy their favourite clothes

   C. students mustn't wear the school uniforms

   D. can go on the streets to hang out

3. On World Book Day,a lot of students in the UK can .

   A. buy some pictures on sale

   B. buy some second-hand books

   C. buy some cheap books

   D. get some famous books for free

4. One of the interesting activities in Lutterworth High School in England is .

   A. guessing game

   B. selling books

   C. selling goodies

   D. making paper clothes

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. March 6th,2014 is the seventh World Book Day.

   B. You can take many activities in Lutterworth High School on World Book Day.

   C. On World Book Day people only sell books to help raise money for the charity.

   D. The students don't think some activities are interesting in Lutterworth High School.

    What other things do you usually do except doing homework on weekends? Do you help your parents with the laundry? Our parents are usually very busy,so they need help with the housework,especially on weekends. As teenagers,it is the chance for us to learn life skills from the chores. What chores are suitable for us teenagers?

Taking Out the Trash 

   While it may be a dirty job,somebody has to do it. Although taking out the trash is far from fun,it only takes a few minutes to finish. If you truly find the smell of the family garbage very awful,cover your nose while you do this task. Mom and Dad will be glad when you take this task off their hands.

Cleaning Your Room 

   It's your space,so it may seem that you should be able to keep it clean. However,for most parents a messy room is a no-go place. Even though it is your room,it is a space in their house. So your parents would hope to see that this room stays tidy. Instead of telling your parents that you will clean your room tomorrow,make yourself keep this space clean.

1. The writer thinks that it is for teenagers to do the chores.

   A. hard   B. useful

   C. boring   D. interesting

2. What problem do we usually have while taking out the trash?

   A. The trash is too awful.

   B. The trash box is too far.

   C. The trash is always too heavy.

   D. No one likes taking out the trash.

3. According to the writer's opinion,most kids’ rooms

   A. are always clean

   B. are too small

   C. are quiet places

   D. are often kind of dirty

4. If your parents say that your room is a no-go place,you should .

   A. move out of the room

   B. clean it when you are free

   C. clean it right now

   D. ask them the reason

5. What's the best title for this passage?

   A. Keep Your Room Clean

   B. A No-go Room

   C. Life Skills

   D. Help Do the Chores

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