
     April Fool's day,also known as All Fools’ Day,is the first day of April. It is a day when many people play jokes among one another. If you fall for a joke,you will be called an April fool.

   April Fool's Day originated from France. At the time of 1500s,some people still used the old calendar to count day and time. As a result,they celebrated New Year's Day on April 1st. These people were known as April Fools. This cultural custom became adopted (采纳) in France and later spread (传播) to many other countries like the United States of America. It is not a holiday,and so it doesn’t have a day-off,cake,any gifts,or sweets,but it does have a really good laughter after all among friends and family.

   Let me tell you some jokes I have played on my family in the past. The night before April FooFs day,I changed every clock in the house and made sure that when my parents got up the next morning the clock should be pointing to 3 :00 pm. The next morning,my parents woke up wondering how slept so late and were worried for missing their work. Then I would run out from my room and shout ,“ April Fools!” The whole family laughed happily.


1.When is April Fool's Day?

2. Which country did April Fool's Day originate from?

3. What do people often do on April Fool's Day?

4. Do students have a day-off on April Fool's Day?

5. Did the writer's parents wake up at 3:00 pm? Why?


文章是一篇说明文,介绍了愚人节的来历及作者愚人节 和家人开的玩笑。


1. It is the first day of April. /Ifs April 1st.根据常识以


2. France. 愚人节起源于法国。根据第二段首句可知 答案。

3. People play jokes among one another.在愚人节这天人们相互开玩笑。根据第一段第二句话可知答案。

4. No,they don't. 愚人节不是节日,不放假。根据第二 段的最后第一句话“It is not a holiday,and so it doesn’t have a day-off.可知答案。5. No,they didn't. Because the writer played a joke on them and changed every clock in the house to 3:00 pm.通读最后一段可知,作者与父母开了一个玩笑:把钟表重 新调好,爸爸妈妈起床时是下午的3:00.其实,父母起床 仍然是在早晨。


The night before April Fool's day,I changed every clock in the house and made sure that when my parents got up the next morning the clock should be pointing to 3 :00 pm.,愚人节

前夜,我把家里所有的钟表都重新调好,确保爸爸妈妈起床 时(时针正指向) 是下午3 :00.

make sure意为“保证,确保”,后面引导的宾语从句中, 是以连词when引导的时间状语从句,意为“当……的时候”。


    When you are playing with your toys,do you sometimes wish they could come alive?

Mr Magorium,a 243-year-old man,owns the most magical (有魔力的) toyshop (玩具店) in the world,the Wonder Emporium. There,all the toys for sale are alive. Children love to go to the store and play with the animals.

   But one day,Mr Magorium thinks he has lived a full life. He wants to leave the world. He wants to give the shop to his manager,Molly. Molly is a 23-year-old young woman.

   Molly does everything she can to keep Mr Magorium alive. She takes him to a hospital. She tells him how good life is. But Mr Magorium has made up his mind.

   The shop suffers after Mr Magorium leaves. First,the toys go crazy,then they turn grey and black. The shop assistants (店员) are all worried. Will Molly be able to bring the shop back to life? Find out in the movie Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium.

1. Why do children love to go to Mr Magorium's store?

   A. Because the shop sells toys.

   B. Because the toys in the shop are cheap.

   C. Because the animals in the shop are alive.

   D. Because Mr Magorium is 243 years old.

2. How do you like the Molly after reading the story?

   A. Beautiful and kind.

   B. Kind and honest.

   C. Impolite and crazy.

   D. Kind and hard-working.

3. What does the underlined word “suffer” mean?

   A. be hurt   B. be successful

   C. be open   D. be famous

4. Where can we most likely read the passage?

   A. In a fashion magazine.

   B. On a TV news program.

   C. On an advertisement for sale.

   D. In the movie website.

     The question whether there is life on Mars (火星) has made the public think a lot for more than a century. The closest look showed Mars to be a dusty,cold world,covered by air that is too thin to breathe. A British spaceship and Europe's Mars spaceship plan to land on Mars or enter orbit (轨道) around it. One of the NASA’s (美国宇航局) spaceships is expected (期 望) to land on January 3; the other is going to land on the opposite side of Mars on January 24.

    Since 1960,over twenty spaceships sent to Mars have failed. Most have been lost on flying up or landing because those are the most difficult times of any flights. Scientists wanted to find out whether there was water in Mars. In October,a team of scientists reported that Mars had been a dry wasteland. But first appeared here on Earth. Scientists at once raise a question: if what they said is true,what happened on Mars? Then what about the earth?

weeks later,a second team reported differently that they had found some marks showed clearly that they were made by the rivers. Such marks told us that Mars was a warmer place billions of years ago—just as life to the passage?


根据短文内容,判断正(T) 误(F) 。

() Mars is a dusty,cold planet with little air to


2. How many spaceships were sent to Mars but all failed since 1960?

3. What did the second team of the scientists find in Mars?

4. What was Mars like billions of years ago according.


     The Voice of China is a Chinese talent show on the Zhejiang Television. Now its second season started on July 12 ,2013 and it is just one year since its first show this time last year.

  The show has three steps: a blind audition (试 镜) ,a battle phase,and live performance shows. The four judges of 2013 season are Wang Feng,Zhang Huimei,Na Ying,and Yu Chengqing. Each of them has the right to decide if he or she wants that singer on his or her team.

   With so many talent shows on television in China,The Voice of China turned out to be a great success. But why? The most attractive (吸弓人的) part of the show was the blind choice. It is clear that nothing but a good voice decides his or her success.

   These years there are many talent shows in China. Besides Super Girls,no shows have reached such a success as The Voice of China. When the activity was over,many young dreamers were left in the cold again. The Voice of China hopes to change that. Lu Wei,publicity director (宣传总监) of the show,says that they plan to record the singers’ live songs into albums and sell in APP stores.

1. The second season of The Voice of China started on

   A. June 12,2013   B. July 12,2012

   B. August 12,2012   D. July 12,2013

2. For The Voice of China,it is a program of .

   A. clothes show   B. talent show

   C. game show   D. talk show

3. What was the most important secret of The Voice of China?

   A. The blind choice. B. The judges.

   C. The contestants. D. The talents.

4. Who isn't in the group of judges of 2013 The Voice of China?

   A. Na Ying. B. Wang Feng.

   C. Yu Chengqing. D. Lu Wei.

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The Voice of China is on Zhejiang TV.

   B. Voices are the most important of all during the show.

   C. There are many talent shows on television in China.

   D. Only The Voice of China is successful in China.

     Let's take a look at the cool inventions in science and technology.


    Some students in South Korea have a new language instructor: the English-teaching robots. The robots help students practise speaking English. Many foreigners teach English in South Korea. The robot-teachers can help solve a shortage of English teachers. Can robots replace human teachers one day?

Superhero suit

   Have you ever dreamt of becoming a superhero? There's a real Iron Man suit,XOS 2. The suit provides the power to lift 200 pounds and break the wood easily. It was made to help lift the heavy things. One person in the suit can do the work of three persons. 

Hard-working robot

   The EMIEW2 robot is a perfect office helper. It can guide visitors to the place they want to go. The three-foot-tall robot can know different human voices and react to instructions. One day,it may work as a guard.

1. What do the robot-teachers teach?

   A. Maths. B. English.

   C. Chinese. D. History.

2. A man in the superhero suit can do the work of persons.

   A. two   B. three

   C. four   D. five

3. The EMIEW2 robot may work as a in the future according to the passage.

   A. teacher   B. superhero

   C. soldier   D. guard

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Robot-teachers help students in South Korea.

   B. The Iron Man suit,XOS 2 provides the power to lift 200 pounds.

   C. The Iron Man suit,XOS 2 is a robot.

   D. The EMIEW2 robot is a perfect office helper.

5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

   A. The robot-teacher.

   B. The superhero robot.

   C. The hard-working robot.

   D. Three cool inventions.

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