
There is good news for the children in the      . We may still remember the girl       big eyes. Her big eyes       us her dream: I wish to go to school. In China, there are still       girls and boys like her. They want to go to school,        their families are too poor. If the family has two or three children, it is harder for them to       the education for all the children. So the parents often ask girls       at home, and boys to go to school.
Now they       worry about the money. From 2006 on, children could go to school for free in some poor places. They don’t have to pay for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government to make their life       . Soon all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the news. It is       great. China that has changed for the better.
小题1:A. cities             B. countryside         C. farm
小题2:A. with              B. on                  C. in
小题3:A. says              B. tells                  C. talks
小题4:A. a lot             B. much                C. a lot of        
小题5:A. but           B. and                C. or
小题6:A. take              B. afford                 C. spend
小题7:A. stay          B. staying            C. to stay 
小题8:A. mustn’t          B. needn’t            C. can’t
小题9:A. better         B. worse                  C. longer      
小题10:A. really       B. never                   C. hardly  


小题1:B 考查名词及语境理解。根据第二段的poor families判断是农村countryside,选B。
小题2:A 考查介词及语境理解。with本身带有,如:a girl with long hair长发女孩,an animal with a long nose长鼻子的动物。故选A。
小题3:B 考查动词及语境理解。空后是双宾,三个选项只有B可跟双宾。
小题4:C 考查限词及语境理解。许多男孩和女孩可用a lot of boys and girls,a lot of可修饰可数名词复数也可修饰不可数名词;a lot作副词,修饰形容词或副词比较级或动词;much只修饰不可数名词。故选C。
小题5:A  考查连词及语境理解。空前后分句是转折关系,应用but,故选A。
小题6:B 考查动词及语境理解。afford sth为某事付得起钱;take花费,一般用不定式做真正的主语;spend花费,用人做主语,宾语一般是时间或金钱。故选B。
小题7:C 考查非谓语动词及语境理解。根据ask sb to do sth要某人做某事判断选C。
小题8:B 考查情态动词及语境理解。句意:现在他们不必为钱而担忧了。mustn’t一定不能,严禁,禁止;needn’t不必;can’t不能。故选B。
小题9:A 考查形容词及语境理解。make life better使生活更美好。句意:…从政府那里得到资金以使他们的生活更美好。故选A。
小题10:A 考查副词及语境理解。really真地;never从不;hardly几乎不,简直不  。句意:这真地是伟大的中国已经变得更好。故选A。
If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星).
  A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels.
If a comet isn’t a star, what is it then?
    Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail.Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see.
  An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because he was the one who worked out when it would come back again. Maybe you have ever seen Halley’s Comets because the last time it came close to the sun and the earth was in the year 1986. Then people all over the world were outside at night to look at it. You will probably be able to see Halley’s Comets when it comes near the earth again.
小题1:A comet is like ________.
A.sunB.moonC.sunlightD.the earth
小题2:A large part of a comet is ______.
A.water and rock
B.water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron
C.ice, iron and rock dust
D.only a few big pieces of rock
小题3:Maybe many people _______.
A.haven’t seen any cometsB.have seen all comets
C.have seen a comet at daytimeD.have seen a comet
小题4:Some comets keep coming back ________.
A.at any timeB.at noonC.at regular timesD.at daytime
小题5:Halley’s Comets came back _____.
A.in 1990B.in 1980C.in 1986D.in 1989
Dolphins are mammals, not fish. Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk as human beings do, but they talk with sounds. They show their       with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They don’t       like school children, but they travel together.
Dolphins talk to each other in the school. They give out different      . They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say “    ” when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play. They can even make       sounds above water. However, they make many more sounds under water. People       hear these sounds because the sounds are very, very high.       make tapes of the sounds and study them.
Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium (水族馆). People can watch the dolphins in a      . Dolphins don’t like to be in an aquarium away from the sea. They are sad and lonely.
Dolphins are very friendly animals. Maybe you have heard some       that people are saved by dolphins at sea. Dolphin meat is good,       people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck.
A.not anyB.a fewC.fewD.all
It was a village in India. The people were poor but they were happy. After all, their forefathers had lived in the same way for centuries.
Then one day, some visitors from the city arrived. They told the villagers there were some people elsewhere who liked to eat frog. However, they did not have enough frogs of their own, and so they wanted to buy frogs from other places.
This seemed like money for nothing. There were millions of frogs in the fields around, and they were useless to the villagers. What they had to do was to catch them. Agreement was reached, and the children were sent into the fields to catch frogs. Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money. The villagers were able to dream of a better future. But the dream didn’t last long.
The change was hardly noticed at first, but it seemed as if the crops weren’t doing so well. More worry was that the children fell ill more often, and there were more insects around lately. The villagers decided that they couldn’t just wait to see the crops failing and the children getting weak. They would have to use the money earned to buy pesticides (杀剂) and medicine. Soon there was no money left.
The people realized what was happening. It was the frog. They hadn’t been useless. They had been doing an important job--- eating insects. Now with so many frogs killed, the insects were increasing more rapidly. They were damaging the crops and spreading diseases.
Now, the people are still poor. But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs. These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.
小题1:From Paragraph l, we learn that the villagers_______.
A.worked very hard for centuries
B.dreamed of having a better life
C.were poor but somewhat happy
D.lived a different life from their forefathers
小题2:Why did the villagers agree to sell frogs?
A.The frogs were easy money.
B.They needed money to buy medicine.
C.They wanted to please the visitors.
D.The frogs made too much noise.
小题3: What might be the cause of the children’s sickness?
A.The crops didn’t do well.B.There were too many insects.
C.The visitors brought in diseases.D.The pesticides were overused.
小题4:What is meaning of the last sentence of the article?
A.Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country.
B.Money is important.
C.The harmony between man and nature is important.
D.Good old days will never be forgotten.
It's very early in the morning and I'm sitting outside. It's also very cold and dark. With me is Jim Nightingale, and he is the reason I'm up so early. He passes me a hot cup of coffee. "Not long to wait now," he says. I hope he's right.
After a few minutes there is a very weak light in the east, and then I hear a bird singing. It sings very loud and very clear. "That's the robin(知更鸟)," says Jim. A few more birds start singing with the robin and Jim knows the names of them too. Half an hour later, there are more and more birds singing, and it's very loud! Suddenly, all around us the air is full of the sound of birdsong. This is the dawn chorus(晨鸣), and it's beautiful.
"Wow, this is amazing!" I tell Jim, who is smiling. "Is there a dawn chorus every morning?"
"Birds can sing any time of the year but the best time is the end of winter and during the spring. This is when the birds sing most."
"Really? So, why do they sing?" I ask.
"Well, there are two reasons," explains Jim. "Most of the songbirds who sing are males. They want to find a female(雌性)so they sing to show how strong they are. The females listen and choose the best singer! The birds also sing to tell other males to go away. They need their own area; they don't like sharing with another male."
I listen to the birds; the songs seem too much to me. "Do the birds sing a special song in the morning?"
"That's a good question," replied Jim. "The successful birds have many kinds of calls and songs. Sometimes they copy the songs of other birds. This makes it sound like there are many birds in that place already and other males stay away. Also the female likes songs with different notes. Some birds, for example the European wren, have songs that contain over 700 different notes per minute!"
So, how does Jim know so much about birds? Well, he works as a volunteer for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. He is trying to help the birds live in the modern world. "More and more of the birds' habitat disappears every year. The sparrow, for example, was a very common bird in the UK, now it's in danger."
By now the sun is up and the birds are quiet. It's light so they can start looking for food, they need a big breakfast after all that singing.
小题1:Why does the writer get up early in the morning?
A.To visit her friend.B.To drink hot coffee.
C.To see different birds.D.To hear birds sing.
小题2:A bird sings early in the morning mainly_______.
A.to call a female's attentionB.to fight with other males
C.to find a place to live inD.to start looking for food
小题3: According to the text, which of the following statements is true?
A.At first the writer is happy to be up so early in the morning.
B.Male birds have their own ways of fooling other birds.
C.It's easier for the birds to find food early in the morning.
D.Jim has a job with the Royal Society for the Proteciton of Birds.
小题4:The text is mainly about_______.
A.the robin's songsB.the birds' habitat
C.why birds singD.how to protect birds
Good health is very important. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good order, free from illness and pain.
Good food, plenty of water, cleanness and plenty of rest all help in keeping our machines running as they should. Food does many things for our bodies. It gives what we need for keeping good health. It gives us energy for work and play. No food gives everything we need. We should eat foods of different kinds. Having enough to eat is not the same as having the right food.
The water we drink helps wash away wastes formed inside our bodies. It also puts back the water we lose when we perspire(流汗). Our bodies are actually more than half water. We must drink enough to replace what we lose.
We feel better and look better when we are clean. A bath every one or two days is a good rule for most of us. Brushing our teeth is important part of keeping clean.
Sleep is the best kind of rest. Growing children need more sleep than grown-ups. Children's bodies not only have to be repaired; they also have to grow, No one's body can grow bigger properly while he is working and playing and wearing it out (疲劳).
It has been useful to work for good health. Millions of years ago, people live only 20 years. Now people can live about 70 years. It has gone up 20 years just since the beginning of the present century.
小题1:You should have foods of different kinds because _________.
A.some foods are not good
B.no food can give everything you need
C.different foods taste different
D.different people like different foods
小题2:We must drink enough water to replace what we lose. Here replace means   .
小题3:At the beginning of the present century people live about _________.
A.20 years.B.70 yearsC.40 yearsD.50 years
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Grown-ups sleep less than children because they have a lot of work to do.
B.If one's mind does not work well, he is not considered to be healthy.
C.One cannot grow well when he works too hard.
D.About half of man's body is water.
Almost everyone likes to eat apples. Apples trees grow in nearly every part of the world. The United States produces (出产) more apples than any other country except(除外) France. The states of Washington and New York grow the most apples.
Apples are red, yellow or green. They are very popular in the United States. Many people like to carry apples to work or to school to eat with their lunches. Most American people are often too busy or too tired to cook dinner, so they often have their dinners very simply(简单地). Apple juice is also a popular drink and apple pie is the favorite dessert for many Americans.
  The state of Washington is proud(骄傲) of its apples. The trees there produce about five billion apples every year—nearly one apple for every man, woman and child in the whole world.
小题1:Almost everyone likes to eat _______________.
小题2:___________ produces the most apples in the world.
A.The United StatesB.CanadaC.ChinaD.France
小题3:Many Americans like to eat apples during lunch because they _______ at noon.
A.eat nothing but applesB.feel it better to eat apples
C.often eat simple foodD.can get apples easily
小题4: “The trees there produce about five billion apples every year.” One billion is ­­­__.
小题5:The state of Washington is proud of its apples because they think_____________.
A.everyone in the world can share (分享) their happiness
B.they can produce as many apples as people all over the world
C.their apples are better than any of the other fruits
D.their apple trees are the best in the world

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