There were many sick monkeys, and Dr. Dolittle was very busy curing them.

He separated the sick monkeys from the well ones.He gave shots to all the monkeys that were well so that they wouldn't get sick. Then he asked them to build a house and make beds for all the sick monkeys. He put all the sick monkeys in this house.

“I need more nurses, ”he said. “Ask other animals in the jungle to come and help.” At first, the other animals did not want to help. The King of the Lions said with a roar, “I'm not going to nurse monkeys.” The doctor tried hard not to seem afraid of him. He said,“ One day you may be ill. Then you will want someone, even a monkey, to nurse you.” The King of the Lions just roared again and went away. That night, one of his children felt sick.“ He won't eat,” the Queen Lioness said to the King of the lions.“ You must do something.”“ There's nothing I can do, ”the King of the Lions said.“ A lot of monkeys are sick, too. Do you know, there's a man who asked me to nurse them. He’s some kind of doctor. Huh! I told him that lions didn't nurse other animals.”

The Queen Lioness was very angry.“ That was a stupid thing to say,” she said. "Go back to him, and ask him to come and cure our baby. Tell him you'll help nurse the monkeys. And take some other animals with you.”

He did as he was told. Many of the animals helped to nurse the sick monkeys, and they were soon well.

The doctor was very tired now and needed to rest.

1.Why did Dr Dolittle give the healthy monkeys a shot?

A.Because he did not want them to get sick B.Because he did not want them to find the sick monkeys

C.Because he did not want them to help. D.Because he did not want them to find the lion

2.Why did the King of the Lions not want to help?

A.Because he did not want to be a monkey. B.Because he did not want to nurse a monkey.

C.Because he did not want to see a lion. D.Because his son was sick

3.Why did the King of the Lions finally help Dr Dolittle?

A.Because his son was sick, and his wife left the house

B.Because his son was sick, and his wife died

C.Because his son was sick, and his wife told him to help

D.Because his son was sick, and his sister told him to help

4.What happened at last?

A.The monkeys ran away. B.The monkeys died

C.The monkeys were cured D.The lion died

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