
Life comes and goes quickly. Keep writing diaries, they will help you record life and become a better person.
Record now to remember later
There are many little things that happen to you every day. These things show you how you should do later in life. So remember to write them down. ①And you can share the things written in diaries with your lovers later in life.
Write to express feelings
②_______ can help you express your _______ and help you move on with your life. For example, if you have someone close who hurt you or even someone who passed away, you have no chance to tell them the things you wanted to tell them. Then you can write a “letter” in your diary to express yourself. It must be a very healthy way.
Record your success
Another great thing to add to a diary is all of your successes. When you are in your unhappy days, it’s nice to go back and see what you have done successfully before. The diaries about your successes help you move forward in your life.
Understand your failures
Recording your failures is as important as recording your successes. You can learn from your failures. Writing down your failures and learning from them keeps you from making the same mistakes over and over. You should understand that you can and will fail, and it keeps you calm and realistic.
小题2:在②划线处填入适当的单词,使句意完整、上下文通顺___________ ___________
小题3:What can the diaries about successes help you do?
Recording your failures and learning from them can let you not make the same mistakes again and again.

小题2: Diaries, feelings
小题3:They can help you move forward in your life.
小题4:Writing down your failures and learning from them keeps you from making the same mistakes over and over.
小题5:Keep writing diaries, they will help you record life and become a better person.

小题1:share…with是“与…分享”;the things written in diaries “在日记中写的东西”,in life“在以后的生活中”。
小题3:根据The diaries about your successes help you move forward in your life.可知,本题的答案是They can help you move forward in your life.。
小题4:本句的意思是“记录你的失败,从中学习可以让你不一次次犯同样的错误。”文中只有Writing down your failures and learning from them keeps you from making the same mistakes over and over.符合题意。
小题5:本文就是讲述了我们应该学会及日记,可以让我们记录生活,做一个更好的人。所以本题的答案是Keep writing diaries, they will help you record life and become a better person.。
China started to make its sixth population census (人口普查) from November 1, 2010. Census workers would go to every home to check who lived there. They would ask family members questions about   1  names, ages, jobs and so on.
China holds a census every about 10 years. The   2  one was in 1953. At that time, there were only about 600 million people in China. But in 2000, the number was 1.29 billion (十亿).
 3  does our country make a population census?
First, the census will help draw a big picture of the country. China has the largest population  4 the world, and it is still growing. The government could use the information from the census to help   5  to live better lives. For example, if the population census shows that there are a lot of kids in your area , the government will know that they have to   6  more schools there.
Second , from the population census, scientists can learn more about population growth. In some years the population grows larger than in others. Even in the same year, population growth is not the same in   7  places. Scientists can use the information to look for reasons behind the growth.
Third, the census will help to find the number of foreigners who are  8  in China. It can also find out how many Chinese have moved to other countries.
1. _______________   2. _______________   3. _______________  
4. _______________   5. _______________   6. _______________  
7. _______________   8. _______________
小题1:It is easy to protect the planet! These tips help save limited resources, especially water. So give the tips a try and get green. You can take short showers instead of having a bath and turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Be sure to ask your parents before trying any of these tips.
小题2:It might not seem like such a big deal, but think about how much time you spend sitting before your computer and playing computer games. And then you get up to go to school the next morning with a very heavy backpack. Now, without moving anymore, check out your posture.
小题3:The school year always brings new friends, new teachers, new assignments, and unfortunately some new germs. But don’t worry; a new school year doesn’t have to mean new illnesses! Follow these tips and you might score a perfect attendance (出席人数) record this year!
小题4:Going to school is an exciting time because everything’s new --- teachers, new package of markers when last year’s set works just well. In addition to reusing old supplies, we’ve got a great list of ways to be green in the new school year.
小题5:Be sure to ask your parents and yourself to save energy in the summer. You can try any of these tips. Turn off the TV and play in a garden or park. Turn off your computer before you go to bed each night.
A.Green Tips: Conserve Resources Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
B.Green Tips: Save Power Play outside instead of using electricity.
C.Green Tips: Back to School Reusing anything possible is better for the environment
and yourself!
D.20 Tips for a Germ-free School Year Wash your hands with soap and water to kill germs.
Drinking water: Bottled or From the Tap?    For every six water bottles we use,
only one makes it to the recycling bin.
F. Bad Posture Means Pain           Kids should carry backpacks that weigh less than 10 to
15 percent of their body weight.
Anger(生气) is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when your friend borrows your favourite thing and then 小题1:b      it, you may get really angry.
  Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe much faster, your小题2:f    turns red and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes, you try to hide your anger. For example, you may hide it in your head. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a 小题3:h     or your stomach may hurt.
  In fact, it's not 小题4:g     to hide your anger, and it's normal for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right 小题5:w    , without hurting others or yourself. Let me give you some advice.
  When you get angry, you can talk about it with小题6:o     people. It's 小题7:h    to talk about your anger with other people, such as parents, teachers, good friends etc. When you talk about anger, those 小题8:b      feelings can start to go away. On the other hand, when you start to feel angry, you can do some other小题9:t     : count from 1 to 100, go for a bike ride, think about good things, and so on.
In a word, don't let your anger小题10:c    you. Remember that how you act when you are angry can make everything better or worse.

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