
   Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada. Now a cartoon about 1 is very popular.

    In the story,Reggie the Turkey hopes to have a free 2 . He wants to have a lifestyle with television and much pizza. But he has always been 3 of Thanksgiving because turkeys have always been on the menu. So he wants to make a 4 . However,other turkeys aren’t 5 in him. Later,when the other turkeys finally realize what's going on,they throw Reggie to the wolves to 6 themselves.

    With the help of a time machine,Reggie and his friend Jake 7 to the first Thanksgiving in 1621. They want to change the 8 There,they meet Jenny,a pretty turkey. Then they 9 together for their big plan. Reggie likes to be alone. 10 this time,he learns to become part of the team. Will Reggie and his friends stop people from eating turkeys? Go to a movie to find it out.

1. A. its   B. Canada

   C. the USA   D. it

2. A. life   B. school

   C. game   D. job

3. A. ready   B. afraid

   C. kind   D. careful

4. A. speech   B. talk

   C. change   D. photo

5. A. lucky   B. interested

   C. tired   D. dangerous

6. A. visit   B. help

   C. kill   D. save

7. A. return   B. come

   C. send   D. write

8. A. math   B. time

   C. history   D. biology

9. A. sing   B. fight

   C. study   D. chat

10. A. But   B. And

   C. In   D. On

1.D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A

  《时光鸡大作战》是一部喜剧动画片。当餐桌上的火鸡 们开始有了对自由的向往,两只从现代穿越到17世纪的火 鸡带领它们的祖宗们以长矛傍身冲锋陷阵,与人类的枪口对 抗。它们能获得胜利吗?


1.D根据上一句可知,此处指的是Thanksgiving Day,故用it代替。

2. A由下一句中的lifestyle可知,雷吉希望过上自由的生活。

3. B由于在感恩节这一天,人们会吃火鸡,所以雷吉总是害怕过感恩节。

4. C作为一只火鸡,雷吉害怕过感恩节,因此他想改变这-切。

5. B根据上一句和本句的However可知,其他的火鸡对他不感兴趣。

be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,为固定短语。

6. D当其他的火鸡意识到他们的处境时,便让雷吉来拯救自己。

7. A由时间1621年可知,他们返回到了第一个感恩节的时期。故选return。

8. C从1621年到现在,在感恩节这一天吃火鸡成了传统,所以雷吉想改变这样的历史。

9. B想改变历史,就得与人类作斗争,故此处应选fight。

10. A由下一句中的become part of the team可知,雷吉改变了独自一人作战的风格,转为团队作战,因此此处表示转折。

realize v.意识到

throw. .. to the wolves 把 送入虎口障碍句分析

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada.


这是一个简单句,celebrated是一个过去分词,与in the United States and Canada —起作 holiday 的定语。


    Patricia and her husband,Mike,were having an argument (争吵) about another woman—his mother. “You two haven’t had dinner together for so long,” Patricia said. Mike replied that his busy job cost most of his time. 44 Mother was happy enough when she was with you and the two lovely granddaughters. ”

   “But you are the son. I ordered (预订) for you both at Tony's Steakhouse for tomorrow at seven,” his wife said, “Tell mother about the dinner. ”

   “Hello,Mother,would you like to go to Tony's tomorrow night for dinner?Mike asked,uYou know,it's Mother's Day. ”

   Hearing this,mother felt very worried. She thought maybe something was wrong with them.

   “Don’t worry,Mom. ” the son explained, “The family is great. I just think it'll be fun if only the two of us go out,like we used to do in the old days. ”

    The next day Mike picked up his mother. They drove to the restaurant and sat at the same table they used to sit 30 years ago. Mike's mother said she needed to tell him one thing first. ‘‘ Son,I know you have to work hard to be successful,but make sure you spend as much time with your family as possible. ”

1. Why were Patricia and Mike having an argument?

   A. Because Patricia cost too much.

   B. Because Patricia didn't cook dinner.

   C. Because Mike went back home from work late

   D. Because Mike hasn’t had dinner with his mother for long.

2. How did mother feel when Mike called her for dinner together?

   A. Happy.    B. Surprised.

   C. Worried.   D. Sad.

3. Where did Mike and his mother eat dinner?

   A. In his house.

   B. In his friend Tony's house.

   C. In a restaurant.

   D. In his car.

4. How did Mike go there for dinner with his mother?

   A. By car.   B. On foot.

   C. By bike.   D. By bus.

5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Mike and Patricia have two daughters.

   B. Mike is too busy with his work all day.

   C. Mike often has dinner with his mother together now.

   D. Mike and his mother used to have dinner together.

   My brother and I often quarrel with each other over small things. One day our father said to us 1 ,

   Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you can

2 something from those children. ” My brother

3 “Dad,Ray is a home for physically (身体上) disabled (歹矣疾的) children. What can we learn from them?”

   “You will see”’ our father said. Our father works as a volunteer at Ray. The children there have problems with their hands,speech,hearing or 4 . Every day,he spends hours 5them to move or exercise their legs or arms.

    The following day,he took us to Ray Home. When we got there,we found a nice place to sit down. Finally,the 6 began. There was a 50-metre race to see who could run fastest. All the runners were physically disabled. As the race started,all the children moved as fast as they could. Just then,one of the girls 7 She began to scream (尖叫) at the top of her voice.

   All the 8 children stopped to help the poor girl. Then they all held hands and finished the 9 together. My brother and I were 10 at this: the children weren’t interested in winning the race—they were more interested in helping each other to finish the race.

1. A. seriously   B. warmly

   C. excitedly   D. anxiously

2. A. take   B. hear

   C. get   D. learn

3. A. laughed   B. cried

   C. smiled   D. shouted

4. A. sleeping   B. eating

   C. lying   D. walking

5. A. watching   B. hearing

   C. helping   D. asking

6. A. class   B. sports

   C. party   D. show

7. A. fell behind   B. fell over

   C. came first   D. came last

8. A. healthy   B. kind

   C. disabled   D. worried

9. A. work   B. plan

   C. race   D. test

10. A. shocked   B. embarrassing

   C. lucky   D. pleased 

Dear boys and girls,

   I'm very happy to be your guest speaker today. I have been a reporter in the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel around the world,but the work is sometimes difficult. I have seen wars,earthquakes,poverty (贫穷) and death. But I have also seen courage,hope and happiness.

   In India,I visited a city where there were many homeless children. A wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. In a year,she was looking after two hundred children,feeding them,teaching them and giving them hope.

    Another time,I was in Japan after the terrible earthquake. In a place,an old lady's son was missing and people around her said that there was no chance that her son was alive. But the lady did not give up hope. For four days,she kept moving heavy stones by herself until she found her son still alive.

    Here in China,I met a young boy with a serious illness. He had to have twenty operations (手术) in hospital. But when I met him,he was still smiling.

Now when my life is difficult,I always remember the courage of the three people.

1. The writer chose the job as a reporter to .

   A. make a speech

   B. travel around the world

   C. meet homeless children

   D. teach children some lessons

2. From the passage,we know Rosa was .

   A. young   B. hopeless

   C. kind   D. serious

3. made the old lady in Japan find her son at last.

   A. Reporters   B. People around

   C. Happiness   D. Hope

4. When the writer is in trouble,she always thinks of

   A. the courage of the three people

   B. boring travels

   C. the terrible earthquakes and wars

   D. many homeless children

5. The passage above is a .

   A. news report   B. letter

   C. speech   D. diary

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