New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world. You might want to do some shopping in New York. Fifth Avenue is probably New York's most famous shopping street,but if you go,be prepared to ¡°window shop¡± only. This is shopping for the rich. There are other,less expensive shopping areas nearby,and you¡¯ll soon come across famous stores such as Bloomingdales,Macy's and FAO Schwartz.

   And if you¡¯ve brought your rollerblades (¹öÂÖ±ù µ¶Ð¬) £¬then a visit to Central Park is a must. This is a large,open park right in the middle of Manhattan,but if you thought that people came here to relax,sit down for a few minutes and get away from the rush of New York life,then you¡¯d been wrong. Nobody sits in Central Park. They run,jog (ÂýÅÜ) £¬and most of them wear their rollerblades.

When you leave New York,you might be tired,but the one thing you won¡¯t be is bored!


1. ¸ù¾Ý¶ÌÎÄÄÚÈÝ£¬ÅжÏÕý(T) Îó(F) ¡£

() New York is one of the most exciting cities

in the world.

2. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

3. Why would you probably only ¡°window shop¡± in Fifth Avenue?

4. What do some people in Central Park wear on their feet?

5. What don't people do in Central Park?


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1. T ¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕ¿ªÍ· ¡°New York is one of the most exciting cities in the world¡±¿ÉÖª£¬Å¦Ô¼ÊÇÊÀ½çÉÏ×îÁîÈ˼¤¶¯²»ÒÑµÄ ³ÇÊÐÖ®Ò»

2. µ±ÄãÀ뿪ŦԼµÄʱºò£¬¿ÉÄÜ»áºÜÀÛ£¬µ«ÊÇÄã¿Ï¶¨²»»á¾õµÃÑá·³¡£

3. Because this is shopping for the rich.¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕ¡°but if you go,be prepared to 4 window shop,only. This is shopping for the rich. ¡±¿ÉÖª£¬ÕâÀïÊǸø¸»ÈË×¼±¸µÄ¹ºÎïÌìÌá£

4. Rollerblades. ¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕ¡° And if you¡¯ve brought your rollerblades,then a visit to Central Park is a must. ¡± ¿ÉÖª£¬È¥ÖÐÑ빫԰Ҫ´©¹öÂÖ±ùµ¶Ð¬¡£

5. Nobody sits in Central Park.¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕ¡°Nobody sits in Central Park. They run,jog,and most of them wear their rollerblades. ¡±¿ÉÖª£¬ÕâÀïµÄÈËÃÇ´ó¶à¶¼ÔÚÔ˶¯¡£


   People well know about reading online. But do you hear ¡°reading on the line¡±£¿

   Line 2 of Shanghai's subway opened a ¡° guerilla library ¡±(Á÷¶¯Í¼Êé¹Ý) . This underground library allows every passenger to borrow a book at one station,and leave it at another station when they get off.

   With the help of Aizhi bookstores and Hujiang. com,Metro Line 2 opened the library for the public,and some online education (½ÌÓý) companies also gave their help. It helps more people to read books and to make better use of their time while they are in the subway. People gave back the books in the next station after reading,and many of them even put one yuan in the ¡° ideas box ¡± , which is used for charity (´ÈÉÆ) .

  Unlike (²»Ïñ) a traditional library,the Line 2 guerilla library is usually simple and easy. On the comer of every station stand a few shelves of books. Passengers can take their favorite without any formalities (ÊÖÐø) .

    A study shows that people today don't read many books these days. Last year,people in China aged 18 ¡ª70 read fewer than five books. Most people use the excuse that they¡¯re just too busy or reading is boring. Well,some books may be boring,but reading certainly isn¡¯t.

1. Which of the following helped to open the guerilla library?

  ¢ÙAizhi bookstores  ¢ÚHujiang. com

   ¢Û Metro Line 2

  ¢Ü some online education companies

   A. ¢Ù¢Ú   B. ¢Û

   C. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Ü   D. ¢Ù¢Ú¢Û¢Ü

2. Why do many readers put one yuan in the uideas boxM?

   A. To pay for books. B. To rent books.

   C. To buy the tickets. D. To help the charity.

3. Where is Line 2 guerilla library?

   A. On the subway.

   B. At every station comer.

   C. Near the ticket window.

   D. In the waiting room.

4. How many books did every Chinese read last year?

   A. More than 5.    B. Less than 5.

   C. More than 18.    D. Less than70.

5. From the news we can know,what is ¡°reading on the line¡± £¿

   A. To read books on the computer at home.

   B. To read books while taking the subway.

   C. To read books while waiting for the subway.

   D. To read books in the station library.

     When Mr Henry came into the classroom,all the kids stopped to look at him.

   ¡°You¡¯re in the wrong place,granddad!¡± a boy shouted.

  ¡°Please be quiet,children. Mr Henry is retired now. He feels bored at home,so he wants to learn the flute¡±¡¯ said the teacher.

   ¡°Can old people really leam?¡± the children asked in surprise.

   ¡°Of course¡±the teacher answered.

   To begin with,Mr Henry was a bit slow to learn things,but soon the old man learned to play the flute better.

   Two years later the teacher said, ¡°Next Monday,the best pupils will play in a flute concert in the capital. ¡±

   ¡°Is Old Henry coming too?¡± the children wanted to find out.

   ¡°Of course,he's our best pupil. The King will be an important guest there. ¡±

   The day came. When Henry's turn to play arrived,no one wanted to let him on the stage.

   Old Henry played quietly and wonderfully. The king was on his feet,applauding him.

   When the king gave Mr Henry the golden flute,his teacher said proudly, ¡°It's never too late to leam. ¡±

1. How did the pupils feel when Mr Henry came in?

   A. They felt amazed.

   B. They felt nervous.

   C. They felt sick.

   D. They felt afraid.

2. Mr Henry decided to learn to play the flute to

   A. win a big prize

   B. become a musician

   C. kill time

   D. see the king

3. How was Henry getting on two years later?

   A. He was the slowest pupil.

   B. He could even play a piece of easy music.

   C. He was the cleverest of all his pupils.

   D. He was better than any other pupil.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Mr Henry was too old to go to the concert.

   B. Mr Henry was very strict with himself.

   C. Mr Henry was kind of worried to play the flute at first.

   D. All of the people knew Mr Henry was good at playing the flute.

5. What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?

   A. To tell us it's never too late to leam.

   B. To tell us learning can make old people famous.

   C. To tell us children can't laugh at old people.

   D. To tell us old people are usually bored at home.

When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew,especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said ,¡°Tony fell from the open window!¡± She was

   very worried and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, ¡°Don¡¯t worry,I'm just joking.¡± My mother shouted at me ,¡°If you do it again,I'll hit you. ¡±

    Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the

beginning I swam fast and I called out ¡°Help!¡± All my friends came to help me. However,they found that I was joking. But half an hour later I wasn¡¯t joking. I was so fast,soon I got tired and couldn¡¯t swim on in water. I tried my best to call my friends for help,but this time nobody came to help me.

     In the end they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best lesson in my life. From then on I haven¡¯t joked on anyone.

1 . When he was young,the writer liked to .

   A. play with his brother

   B. help his mother cook

   C. play jokes on people

   D. go swimming with his friends

2. What happened when the writer was playing with his brother?

   A. He got tired.

   B. He played a joke on his mother.

   C. Tony fell from the open window.

   D. His mother hit him.

3. In the beginning,all his friends came to help him

because he .

   A. swam fast

   B. called for help

   C. would sink in water

   D. couldn¡¯t swim on in the water

4. When the writer called his friends for help for the

second time,they .

   A. took him to the hospital at once

   B. came and saved him at once

   C. thought at first he was joking again

   D. did nothing because the writer had lied to them

5. The story tells us that .

   A. swimming is dangerous

   B. the writer is a naughty boy

   C. one can play jokes only on people he knows

   D. if someone always tells lies,others won¡¯t trust (ÐÅÈÎ) him

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