
Dear boys and girls,

   I'm very happy to be your guest speaker today. I have been a reporter in the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel around the world,but the work is sometimes difficult. I have seen wars,earthquakes,poverty (贫穷) and death. But I have also seen courage,hope and happiness.

   In India,I visited a city where there were many homeless children. A wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. In a year,she was looking after two hundred children,feeding them,teaching them and giving them hope.

    Another time,I was in Japan after the terrible earthquake. In a place,an old lady's son was missing and people around her said that there was no chance that her son was alive. But the lady did not give up hope. For four days,she kept moving heavy stones by herself until she found her son still alive.

    Here in China,I met a young boy with a serious illness. He had to have twenty operations (手术) in hospital. But when I met him,he was still smiling.

Now when my life is difficult,I always remember the courage of the three people.

1. The writer chose the job as a reporter to .

   A. make a speech

   B. travel around the world

   C. meet homeless children

   D. teach children some lessons

2. From the passage,we know Rosa was .

   A. young   B. hopeless

   C. kind   D. serious

3. made the old lady in Japan find her son at last.

   A. Reporters   B. People around

   C. Happiness   D. Hope

4. When the writer is in trouble,she always thinks of

   A. the courage of the three people

   B. boring travels

   C. the terrible earthquakes and wars

   D. many homeless children

5. The passage above is a .

   A. news report   B. letter

   C. speech   D. diary

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C

导读这是一篇演说词。作者谈到了作为一个记者多年来的 感受和经历,包括曾经到过的很多地方和难以忘怀的事情, 比如战争、地震、贫穷和死亡,但更多的是他从中看到的希 望、快乐、勇气以及意志。


1. B细节理解题。从文章第一段“I chose this job so I could travel around the world.得出答案。

2. C推理判断题。理解文章第二段,在印度一个名叫Rosa

的女士收留了很多无家可归的孩子,并抚养教育他们 以及给予他们希望。由此可见这是个善良的女士。

3. D推理判断题。理解文章第三段,在日本的一次地震中,一个老人一直没有放弃希望,四天里独自在砖石中救 出了自己的儿子。

4. A细节理解题。从文章最后一段话“Now when my life is difficult,I alwaysremember the courage of the three peope. ”可知答案。

5. C推理判断题。从本文的开头可判断出本文是一篇演讲稿。


   In 1989 an 8. 2 earthquake happened in America. It killed over 30 ,000 people in less than four minutes.

   A father left his wife safely at home and ran to his son's school. When he got there,he found the building was as flat as a pancake. He felt so sad but soon he remembered the words to his son ,“No matter what happens,I'll always be there for you!” And tears began to fill his eyes.

    As he looked at the ruins,he seemed to find where his son was.

  He began to dig. Very soon,other helpless parents arrived,crying ,My son!”“ My daughter! ”

   “It's too late!They’re all dead!You can't help!” someone told the father. “Are you going to help me now?” The father went on digging for his son,stone by stone.

    He dug for 38 hours and heard his son's voice. He called his son's name ,“Amanda!” The boy shouted back ,“Dad!I'm here. I told my classmates that if you were alive,you are sure to come to save us. No matter what happens,I know you’ll always be there for me!You did it,Dad!”

1. The father ran to his son's school because .

   A. his son had a fight

   B. a teacher called him to come to school

   C. his son was in danger

   D. his son was ill in the office

2. When the father got to the school he found .

   A. some students were crying

   B. the students were taking a lesson about earthquakes

   C. the teachers were looking for the students

   D. the school became ruins

3. What were other parents doing when the father was digging?

   A. They were helping the father.

   B. They were doing nothing helpful.

   C. They were calling the police.

   D. They were looking for their children.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The father gave up looking for his son at last.

   B. It didn't take the father too much time to find his son.

   C. All the students were lucky to leave the building in time.

   D. The son believed his father was sure to come.

5. What's the purpose of the author writing this passage?

   A. To tell us not to give up.

   B. To tell us not to be afraid of earthquakes.

   C. To tell us father's love is great.

   D. To tell us we should help each other.

   A man made a nice talking machine. It could weigh people's weight. The man wanted to try the machine before he could make a lot of machines.

    He put the machine into the waiting room of a station. There were always lots of people in and out.

The first one who used the machine was an Indian woman. She stood on the machine. The machine thought for a few seconds to decide which language to speak. 44Good morning,Madam. ” It said in Indian. uYour weight is 72 kilograms. That's three kilograms more. If you eat more fruit and vegetables,you will be soon all right. Please have a nice day. ”

   The second one to use the machine was a Chinese girl. She stood on the machine and waited to hear her weight. “Good morning,Miss. ”The machine said in Chinese. “Your weight is 45 kilograms. It's all right for your age. Keep eating what you eat every day. Please have a nice day. ”

    The third one to use the machine was a very fat American woman. She thought for a long time to stand on the machine. The machine spoke quickly in English, “Good morning. Will one of you get off?”

1. The machine in this passage could .

   A. weigh and talk to people

   B. tell people what they should eat

   C. speak all kinds of languages

   D. make people laugh

2. According to the machine,if the Indian woman weighs,she will be all right.

   A. 72 kilograms   B. 69 kilograms

   C. 75 kilograms   D. 45 kilograms

3. The machine said to a Chinese girl that she .

   A. should eat more

   B. should eat less

   C. had to eat more fruit

   D. kept herself healthy

4. How was the American woman?

   A. She was healthy.

   B. She liked thinking.

   C. She was too heavy.

   D. The machine didn't like her.

   People well know about reading online. But do you hear “reading on the line”?

   Line 2 of Shanghai's subway opened a “ guerilla library ”(流动图书馆) . This underground library allows every passenger to borrow a book at one station,and leave it at another station when they get off.

   With the help of Aizhi bookstores and Hujiang. com,Metro Line 2 opened the library for the public,and some online education (教育) companies also gave their help. It helps more people to read books and to make better use of their time while they are in the subway. People gave back the books in the next station after reading,and many of them even put one yuan in the “ ideas box ” , which is used for charity (慈善) .

  Unlike (不像) a traditional library,the Line 2 guerilla library is usually simple and easy. On the comer of every station stand a few shelves of books. Passengers can take their favorite without any formalities (手续) .

    A study shows that people today don't read many books these days. Last year,people in China aged 18 —70 read fewer than five books. Most people use the excuse that they’re just too busy or reading is boring. Well,some books may be boring,but reading certainly isn’t.

1. Which of the following helped to open the guerilla library?

  ①Aizhi bookstores  Hujiang. com

   ③ Metro Line 2

  ④ some online education companies

   A. ①②   B. ③

   C. ①②④   D. ①②③④

2. Why do many readers put one yuan in the uideas boxM?

   A. To pay for books. B. To rent books.

   C. To buy the tickets. D. To help the charity.

3. Where is Line 2 guerilla library?

   A. On the subway.

   B. At every station comer.

   C. Near the ticket window.

   D. In the waiting room.

4. How many books did every Chinese read last year?

   A. More than 5.    B. Less than 5.

   C. More than 18.    D. Less than70.

5. From the news we can know,what is “reading on the line” ?

   A. To read books on the computer at home.

   B. To read books while taking the subway.

   C. To read books while waiting for the subway.

   D. To read books in the station library.

     When Mr Henry came into the classroom,all the kids stopped to look at him.

   “You’re in the wrong place,granddad!” a boy shouted.

  “Please be quiet,children. Mr Henry is retired now. He feels bored at home,so he wants to learn the flute”’ said the teacher.

   “Can old people really leam?” the children asked in surprise.

   “Of course”the teacher answered.

   To begin with,Mr Henry was a bit slow to learn things,but soon the old man learned to play the flute better.

   Two years later the teacher said, “Next Monday,the best pupils will play in a flute concert in the capital. ”

   “Is Old Henry coming too?” the children wanted to find out.

   “Of course,he's our best pupil. The King will be an important guest there. ”

   The day came. When Henry's turn to play arrived,no one wanted to let him on the stage.

   Old Henry played quietly and wonderfully. The king was on his feet,applauding him.

   When the king gave Mr Henry the golden flute,his teacher said proudly, “It's never too late to leam. ”

1. How did the pupils feel when Mr Henry came in?

   A. They felt amazed.

   B. They felt nervous.

   C. They felt sick.

   D. They felt afraid.

2. Mr Henry decided to learn to play the flute to

   A. win a big prize

   B. become a musician

   C. kill time

   D. see the king

3. How was Henry getting on two years later?

   A. He was the slowest pupil.

   B. He could even play a piece of easy music.

   C. He was the cleverest of all his pupils.

   D. He was better than any other pupil.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Mr Henry was too old to go to the concert.

   B. Mr Henry was very strict with himself.

   C. Mr Henry was kind of worried to play the flute at first.

   D. All of the people knew Mr Henry was good at playing the flute.

5. What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?

   A. To tell us it's never too late to leam.

   B. To tell us learning can make old people famous.

   C. To tell us children can't laugh at old people.

   D. To tell us old people are usually bored at home.

    More and more Chinese words are playing a part in the English language. Maybe that's because 300 million Chinese people are now studying or speaking English.

A study says several hundred Chinese words are coming into the English language every year. One example of a word used in English is chengguan (city patrol officer) . A quick Google searched it over a million times.

    The Oxford English Dictionary now has about 1 ,000 words of Chinese words,such as taikonaut (中国 宇航员) . In China,taikonaut means a person trained by a human spaceflight program to fly in space.

    In August this year,The Wall Street Journal used the word dama,which is Chinese pinyin for “big mother”,to report the middle-aged Chinese women leading the world's gold market.

    But Han Baocheng,a language teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University,said ,“Using ‘Chinglish,doesn’t mean Chinese words are trying to take the place of the English words. That's only because we cannot find the right words in English to express (表达) the meanings in Chinese. ”

    In fact,the mixing of the two languages makes it easier to learn a second language. 24-year-old Canadian Lisa said ,“ My mom can't speak any Chinese,she has to remember ni hao (hello) by 4 knee,and 4 how’. But she can easily say words with Chinese."

1. Why do many Chinese words come into the English speaking every year?

   A. Because Chinese is useful than English.

   B. Because more people speak Chinese than English.

   C. Because too many Chinese are studying or speaking English.

   D. Because Chinese words are easy to speak.

2. According to The Wall Street Journal,who is dama?

   A. All the middle-aged Chinese women.

   B. All the middle-aged women in the world.

   C. The Chinese women leading the world's gold market.

   D. The Chinese women taking care of kids at home.

3. What does the underlined word “mixing” mean in Chinese?

   A. 结合   B. 学习

   C. 构造   D. 消失

4. How does Canadian Lisa's mother learn Chinese?

   A. By writing Chinese words.

   B. By speaking Chinese pinyin.

   C. By speaking the English words.

   D. By talking with Chinese people.

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