If people are so tired, they will fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there are people sleeping on the bus or train on their_________home from work in the evenings. A man is_______ the newspaper, and seconds later it seems that he is trying to eat it. Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger________next to him. Another short sleep goes on in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾) so_________that the professor has to ask another student to shake the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing(尴尬) situation happens when a student starts falling into sleep and the weight of the head pushes(推) the arm off the_________, and the movement carries the rest of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no ________ of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when_________. Police reports are full of accidents that happen when people fall into sleep and go off the road. If the drivers are_________, they will not be seriously hurt. One woman's car, for example, went into the river. She woke up in four feet of_________and thought it was raining. When people are really__________, nothing will stop them from falling asleep--no matter where they are.

1.A.way B.route C.path D.road

2.A.buying B.selling C.looking D.reading

3.A.lying B.waiting C.talking D.sitting

4.A.bravely B.happily C.carelessly D.loudly

5.A.sofa B.shoulder C.desk D.book

6.A.sense B.memory C.feeling D.dream

7.A.thinking B.working C.walking D.driving

8.A.lucky B.awake C.clever D.strong

9.A.ground B.water C.grass D.bush

10.A.lonely B.drunk C.tired D.lazy

Bikes are very popular in China. In the country, you can see bikes almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you can find a lot of people riding bikes to schools, shops and any other place. So many people call China “the kingdom(王国) of bikes”. In China, many families have one or two bikes.

Compared with cars, bikes have many advantages(优点). First, bikes don’t need much money. Some Chinese can’t buy cars, but they buy bikes. They can also use shared bikes(共享单车)with only one yuan every hour. An app on the phone helps them to do that. Second, bikes are small to park anywhere, but cars need a bigger place. What’s more, they can’t ride bikes too fast, so it’s usually not dangerous to ride.

However, bikes also bring some problems(问题). Some riders don’t follow the traffic rules and some don’t think about others’ safety, so they ride too fast. During rush hours(高峰期), there may be traffic jams because there are too many bikes on the road. We still have much to do to solve the problem, like making strict rules for the riders.

1.“The kingdom of bikes” is saying ________.

A.China has so many bikes B.China makes bikes

C.Chinese bikes are the best D.only China has bikes

2.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of bikes?

A.Bikes often don’t need much money. B.Bikes are easy to park.

C.Bikes are very fast. D.Bikes are safe(安全)

3.What does the underlined word “solve” mean(意思是)?

A.面对 B.逃避 C.讨论 D.解决

4.Where can you find this passage?

A.A story book B.A newspaper

C.A dictionary D.A science book

5.Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A.The advantages of bikes B.The problem of bikes

C.Riding bikes every day D.China, the kingdom of bikes

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