
Bikes are very popular in China. In the country, you can see bikes almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you can find a lot of people riding bikes to schools, shops and any other place. So many people call China “the kingdom(王国) of bikes”. In China, many families have one or two bikes.

Compared with cars, bikes have many advantages(优点). First, bikes don’t need much money. Some Chinese can’t buy cars, but they buy bikes. They can also use shared bikes(共享单车)with only one yuan every hour. An app on the phone helps them to do that. Second, bikes are small to park anywhere, but cars need a bigger place. What’s more, they can’t ride bikes too fast, so it’s usually not dangerous to ride.

However, bikes also bring some problems(问题). Some riders don’t follow the traffic rules and some don’t think about others’ safety, so they ride too fast. During rush hours(高峰期), there may be traffic jams because there are too many bikes on the road. We still have much to do to solve the problem, like making strict rules for the riders.

1.“The kingdom of bikes” is saying ________.

A.China has so many bikes B.China makes bikes

C.Chinese bikes are the best D.only China has bikes

2.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of bikes?

A.Bikes often don’t need much money. B.Bikes are easy to park.

C.Bikes are very fast. D.Bikes are safe(安全)

3.What does the underlined word “solve” mean(意思是)?

A.面对 B.逃避 C.讨论 D.解决

4.Where can you find this passage?

A.A story book B.A newspaper

C.A dictionary D.A science book

5.Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A.The advantages of bikes B.The problem of bikes

C.Riding bikes every day D.China, the kingdom of bikes


Billy always loved blueberries. They were his favourite fruit. Today he was going to make juice with his uncle. His uncle likes to make juice out of everything. He made carrot juice, apple juice, vegetable juice, and more juices. But he had never made blueberry juice before!

First, Billy and his uncle went to a blueberry farm. They were each given a basket. They picked for an hour and got several pounds. It was hard work picking the little berries from the trees. Now Billy understood(明白)why they were expensive in the shops.

Next, they had to wash the fruit. Some of them still had leaves. Those had to be pulled off. Then the bad berries had to be thrown away. They washed the berries and made them air-dry.

After that, they pushed the blueberries through a strainer(过滤网).The strainer caught most of the seeds and skins, and only left a small glass of dark purple juice to them.

When they tasted the juice, it wasn't very sweet. Billy's uncle didn't want to add white sugar to the juice. It was better to use a naturally sweet juice, like apple juice, pear juice, or grape juice. They used grape juice as a sweetener(甜味剂), because grapes had a similar colour to the blueberries.

Finally, they could drink it. It was a lot of work to make juice, but it sure was refreshing!

1.Billy's uncle hadn't made________juice before.

A.carrot B.blueberry C.apple D.vegetable

2.Billy thought blueberries were expensive because________.

A.they were delicious B.they had to be sent(送)to the store

C.it was hard to pick them from the trees D.there weren't many blueberry trees on the farm

3.The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 4 refers to________.

A.blueberries B.farmers C.seeds and skins D.Billy and his uncle

4.The passage is mainly about .

A.why Billy liked blueberry juice

B.where Billy got the best blueberries

C.how Billy made blueberry juice with his uncle

D.what Billy did on the blueberry farm with his uncle

Since is was built during the Ming Dynasty, it’s said that the Forbidden City has survived more than 200 earthquakes. For an old building made from wood and stone, that’s really impressive. But what’s even more impressive is the intelligent(智能) design feature(特点) that’s kept it standing for all these years.

According to experts, the answer to the Forbidden City’s strength(牢固), as well as other ancient Chinese buildings’, lies in dougong — a centuries-old building method invented in China. This is the name for special brackets(构件) on building. Although being held together without any nails(钉子) or glue, the brackets are perfect at keeping structures together when the weather gets bad.

“Dougong design is an important earthquake resistant(抗震的) feature of classical Chinese structures, because the framework(框架) changes in shape when under pressure, much like the shock absorbers(减震器) of a car,” according to Chinese National Geography. “Ancient Chinese craftsmen(工匠) created structures that were both lasting and aesthetically(在美学方面) pleasing, showing their advanced understanding of architecture, materials, and structural science.”

A recent television documentary by UK broadcaster Channel 4 put the skills of the ancient building’s designers to the test. A group of Chinese craftsmen and engineers were shown building a scale model(按比例制作的模型) of one of the Forbidden City’s places, at one fifth of the size.

To show how strong ancient Chinese architecture really is, the model went through a simulated(模拟的) earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale—equivalent(等同于) to the largest ever recorded quake — and survived. Instead of falling apart, the model was just moved gently during the test.

The Forbidden City draws visitors because of its rich history and cultural importance, but perhaps it should add one more thing to its list of attractions: earthquake shelter.

1.What is the article mainly about?

A.What has made the Forbidden City a popular tourist destination.

B.What has helped the Forbidden City survive so many earthquakes.

C.The characteristics(特点) of Chinese architecture during the Ming Dynasty.

D.Different building methods used in ancient Chinese structures.

2.The aim of the test in the UK documentary was to __________.

A.recreate a real earthquake from the Ming Dynasty

B.discover a long-lost Chinese building method

C.explain the impact(影响) of earthquakes on ancient buildings

D.prove the strength of ancient Chinese architecture

3.According to the article, “dougong” is __________.

A.a paint that gives Chinese buildings an attractive look

B.a tool used by ancient people to measure earthquakes

C.a special building part that keeps a traditional Chinese building together

D.a building piece located in the center of a traditional Chinese house

4.The underlined word architecture in the third paragraph means __________.

A.方法 B.建筑 C.设计 D.应用

5.The Forbidden City is not attractive because of tis__________.

A.earthquake shelter B.rich history

C.ancient Chinese craftsmen D.cultural importance

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