
Dad lost his job after arguing(争吵) with the boss, and when Christmas came that year, we had no money at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad took me out into the park. I had a blanket(毛毯) wrapped(卷绕) around me, so I offered to share        with Dad, but he said no thanks. We looked           at the sky. Those shining stars were one of the       treats for people like us who lived out in the wildness(荒凉). Rich city people, he’d say, live in fantastic flats, but their air was so polluted(污染的) that they could not even see the stars.
       out your favorite star.” Dad said that night. He told me I could have it for keeping. He said it was my Christmas present. “You can’t give me a star,” I said, “Nobody       the stars.”
“Right,” Dad said, “But you can suppose it is yours. And when you do that, it is yours.”
      my head, looked at the stars, and tried to figure out(断定) which was the best one. Then, I found one.
“I       that one.” I said.
Dad smiled. “That’s Venus(金星),” he said, “Venus was only a planet. She looked bigger and brighter because she was much       than the stars. Poor old Venus didn’t even make her own light. She shone only from reflected(反射)       .”
“I like it anyway,” I said, “I had loved Venus even       that Christmas. You could see it in the early evening, and if you got up early, you could still see it in the morning, after all the stars had disappeared.”
Dad said, “Ok, it’s Christmas. I       your decision. You can have it if you want.” And he gave me Venus.
We all laughed about the kids who believed in the Santa myth(圣诞传说) and got nothing for Christmas but a bunch(堆) of cheap plastic toys. “Many years later, when all the junk(废物) they got is broken and long forgotten,” Dad said, “you will       have your star.”
A.upB.forC.out D.after
A.when B.beforeC.afterD.until
A.evenB.still C.neverD.already


小题1:考查代词与语境理解。A. it它;B. me我;C. us我们;D. him他,句意:我用一条毛毯围着我,我提出来和父亲共用它。根据句意此空指代毛毯,所以选A。
小题2:考查介词与语境理解。A. up 向上;B. for 为了;C. out 外面;D. after在……之后,句意:我们向上看天空。“向上看”是look up,故选A
小题3:考查形容词与语境理解。A. strange  奇怪;B. special特殊;C. important重要;D. impossible不可能,句意:那些闪亮的星星是对象我们生活在外面荒凉之中的人们的特殊待遇之一。根据句意及上下文此题选B。
小题4:考查动词与语境理解。A. Go去;B. Put放下;C. Take带走 D. Pick捡起来,句意:挑拣出你最喜欢的星星。根据句意此空应用动词pick,故选 D。
小题5:考查动词与语境理解。A. owns拥有;B. sees看到 C. likes喜欢;D. reaches 到达,句意:没有人拥有星星。根据句意及上下文此题选A。
小题6:考查动词与语境理解。A. lowed放低;B. put放下;C. raised举起,抬起;D. rose升起,句意:我抬起了头,根据句意此题选 C。
小题7:考查动词与语境理解。A. need   需要;B. want想要;C. have有;D. hope希望,句意:我想要那一颗。根据句意此题选 B。
小题8:考查形容词的比较级与语境理解。A. slower较慢的; B. farther较远的; C. closer较近的;D. higher较高的,句意:她看起来又大又亮是因为她比其他星星离我们近得多。根据句意及上下文此题选C。
小题9:考查名词与语境理解。A. sun太阳;B. star星星;C. planet行星;D. light 光,句意:她发出的只是来自反射的光。根据句意此题应选D。
小题10:考查连词与语境理解。A. when 当……时候; B. before   在……之前; C. after在……之后;D. until直到,句意:在那个圣诞节之前我就喜欢金星了。根据句意及上下文此题选B。
小题11:考查动词与语境理解。A. dislike不喜欢; B. refuse拒绝; C. accept接受;D. consider认为,句意:好吧,今天是圣诞节,我接受你的决定。根据句意此题选C。
小题12:考查副词与语境理解。A. even甚至;B. still仍然;C. never从不;D. already已经,句意:你将仍然拥有你的星星。根据句意及上下文此题选B。
Most people have a cellphone(手机). When you are walking on a busy street, you will see many people speaking on their phones. Many people say they can’t imagine how they live without a cellphone.
Cellphones play an important role in our daily life, such as keeping in touch with others, calling home or the police if there is any emergency. Although cellphones can help us a lot, we must think of others when we use them. Unfortunately, some people do not consider others when using their cellphones. For example, some cellphone users speak too loudly and discuss personal matters in public places. Some people make phone calls in the cinema. Some people talk for a long time on the phone while they are driving on the busy road. Someone’s cellphone will ring during an important meeting. Many people complain about these bad manners. In their opinion, cellphone users shouldn’t disturb others when they make a call.
Then how to use a cellphone politely in public? The following rules will help you. When you’re in a meeting, watching a movie or having a lesson, you’d better turn off your cellphone. When you get a call and you’re with friends, try to make the call as short as you can. If you are waiting for an important call, then make sure that you tell others about this at the beginning of a meeting. It’s rude to scream(尖叫声) or shout on the phone. Make sure you will be heard only by the caller but not by the others around you. Besides, if possible, find a quiet place where you can talk in private.
小题1:You can see many people using ________ in the street.
A. radio                           B. cellphones                         C. MP4
小题2:What’s the Chinese meaning for the underlined word “emergency”?
A. 紧急情况                  B. 娱乐活动                          C. 公益活动
小题3:People must consider ________ when they use cellphones in public.
A. themselves                    B. other persons                      C. their family
小题4:It is good manners for cellphone users to ________.
A. make phone calls in the cinema
B. talk about personal matters loudly in public
C. turn off the phone during an important meeting
小题5:The best title for this passage is ________.
A. Cellphone Manners       B. Cellphones Are Very Useful    C. Having a Meeting
It is a cold and dry winter morning. When you wake up, you feel that your throat hurts. You begin to sneeze and later you may cough. You must have a cold! Wait a moment. Could it just be a common cold or the flu (流感) that’s been going around?
A cold gives you a runny nose and cough. But it’s usually easy to deal with. Some take medicine while others drink herbal tea or chicken soup. Usually you feel better after a week.
On the other hand, the flu can be much more dangerous. It usually gives you fever. Sometimes it can cause death. According to an American magazine, the worst flu killed about 50 million people from 1918 to 1919.
Don’t worry. If you get a flu vaccine (疫苗), it can stop you from getting the virus (病毒). Flu vaccines work by giving the body a small amount of flu viruses. This causes your body to develop antibodies (抗体). So next time you get the flu, the antibodies should help you.
The flu virus changes every few years. Therefore, there are so many types of flu, such as H1N1 and H5N1. The antibodies for one type of flu can’t help us against all types of flu. That’s why we need to get the vaccine every year.
However, good health habits may also help stop you developing a cold or flu. Washing your hands often helps stop you from getting viruses. It is also important to get regular exercise and eat healthy food. All these can help you strengthen your immune system (增强免疫系统).
小题1:If you have a common cold, usually you’ll feel better after ________.
A.a weekB.two weeks
C.ten daysD.twenty days
小题2:According to the passage, which is TRUE of the flu?
A.It first happened in 1919.
B.It usually doesn’t give you fever.
C.It is easy to deal with.
D.It can kill people sometimes.
小题3:If you get a flu vaccine, ________.
A.it can’t stop you from getting the flu virus
B.it won’t cause your body to develop antibodies
C.your body will develop antibodies
D.your body will get a large amount of flu viruses
小题4:We need to get a flu vaccine every year because ________.
A.we probably have a cold in winter
B.the flu virus changes every few years
C.the flu is very dangerous
D.you don’t need to take any medicine after that
小题5:The following ways can help stop the flu EXCEPT ________.
A.staying indoorsB.getting regular exercise
C.eating healthy foodD.washing our hands often
While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a beach near a playground. “That’s my son over there,” she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding(滑行) down the slide.  “He’s a fine-looking boy,” the man said. “That’s my son on the swing(秋千) in the blue sweater.” Then, looking at his watch, he called to his son,” What do you say if we go, Todd?” Todd pleaded(恳求), “Just five more minutes, Dad. please? Just five more minutes.” The man nodded and Todd continued to swing to his heart’s contently(尽兴地).
Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his son. “Time to go now?” Again Todd pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.” The man smiled and said, “Okay.” “Oh, you are certainly a patient father,” the woman said. The man smiled and then said ,”My older son Tommy was killed by a drunken driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I’d give anything for just five more minutes with him. I’ve vowed(发誓) not to make the same mistake with Todd.” “He thinks he has five more minutes to swing. The truth is …I get five minutes to watch him play.”
小题1:The woman’s son was________ .
A.in redB.wearing a blue sweater
C.called ToddD.playing on the swing
小题2:According to the passage, the man had________ son(s) the year before.
小题3: The woman thought the man was ________ with his son.
小题4:Tommy died when ________ .
A.hiking B.swinging
小题5: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The man felt guilty(内疚) about not to spending much time with Tommy.
B.The man didn’t allow Todd to swing for another five minutes.
C.The man’s older son Tommy had been dead for about a year.
D.The man would like to give anything for five more minutes with Tommy.
Now some women are spending a weekend at Mother’s Camp(营地). There, husbands and children are not allowed. Why would a woman want to take a vacation without her family? Some women say they need time to be alone.
At Mother’s Camp a woman has room to herself. She can sleep, read or watch TV, and no one will bother her. No children will ask,“Mom, what’s for dinner?” No husband will say, “Oh, dear, I can’t find any clean socks.”In fact almost 50% of women in the United States work outside the home. Many of them work full-time and then come home to a second job-taking care of their homes and families. These working women say one of their biggest problems is housework.
In the United States, working wives do about 75% of the housework. Many of their husbands say they want to help. But then they burn the rice or they can’t find the pans. They ask so many questions that their wives decide it is easier to do the job themselves.
Some women go to Mother’s Camp just to get a break from housework. For two days they don’t cook, they don’t clean, they don’t look after their children and husbands. What do they do? They enjoy warm, sunny weather, walking, swimming or boating in a clear blue lake and sing songs around the campfire. They relax away from home. They have a really wonderful vacation at Mother’s Camp.
小题1:From this passage we can see      in the United States.
A.women want to work outside the home
B.working wives do most of the housework
C.hushands do as much housework as their wives
D.women do not like to stay at home with their families
小题2:At Mother’s Camp, women can’t        .
A.watch TVB.read newspapers
C.swirn in the lakeD.bring their husbands and children
小题3:Why would some mothers like to be alone? Because        .
A.they don’t like their husbands and children
B.they have to work full-time
C.they are too busy to relax themselves
D.they want a new life
小题4:      is one of the biggest troubles for working wives in the United States.
A.HouseworkB.Working outside the home
C.When to take a vacationD.Looking after their children
小题5:What’s the best title(标题)for this passage?
A.Busy Working MothersB.Welcome to Mother’s Camp
C.Mothers Relax Away from HomeD.Mothers in the US
When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he saved all his pocket money for over three months to buy Christmas presents. The third Saturday in December Mark said he had made his list and had twenty dollars in his pocket.
I drove him to a nearby supermarket. Mark picked up a basket and went in while I waited and watched in the car. It took Mark over 45 minutes to choose his presents. Finally he came to the checkout counter and reached into his pocket for his money. It was not there! There was a hole in his pocket, but no money. Mark stood there holding his basket, tears falling down his face.
Then a surprising thing happened. A woman came up to Mark and took him in her arms. "You would help me a lot if you let me pay for you," said the woman. "It would be the most wonderful gift you could give me. I only ask that one day you will pass it on. When you grow up, I would like you to find someone you can help. When you help others, 1 know you will feel as good about it as I do now."
Mark took the money, dried his tears and ran back to the checkout counter as fast as he could. That year we all enjoyed our gifts almost as much as Mark enjoyed giving them to us.
I would like to say “thank you” to that very kind woman, and tell her that four years later, Mark went house to house collecting blankets and clothes for the homeless people in the fire. And I want to promise her that Mark will never forget to keep passing it on.
小题1:When did the story probably happen?
A.On Christmas Day.B.Before Christmas Day,
C.On New Year's Day.D.After New Year's Day.
小题2:When they got to the supermarket, Mark went in_________.
A.with the writerB.by himself
C.with the womanD.with his friends
小题3:What happened to Mark in the supermarket?
A.His gifts were stolen.B.He broke his basket.
C.He lost his money.D.He lost his way.
小题4:Why did the writer want to say “thank you” to the woman?
A.Because she bought Mark a nice present.
B.Because she always paid money for others.
C.Because she collected clothes for the homeless.
D.Because she taught Mark to help people in need.
小题5:What's the best title for this passage?
A.A big supermarketB.A kind woman
C.A happy familyD.A wonderful gift
Meng Meihui,14,from Dongying, Shandong, loved reading certain pieces of work. But she paid particular attention to her classmate’s every composition, just to find her faults.
“Everyone said she was better at writing than me. I didn’t believe it. I wanted to beat her,”Meng said. Meng was caught by the green-eyed monster-jealousy(嫉妒)
Jealousy is _____among students. Most people may feel a little bit unhappy when others are better than them. It’s natural. However, if students don’t change theirs mindset(思维方式)and deal with it well, jealousy can bring out many problems.
Su Lulu, 14, from Xiamen, Fujian, said those who are too jealous of others might lose _____easily.“Few people like those who always try to find faults in others,” Su said. “A popular student should be open-minded.”
Besides affecting students’ interpersonal(人际间的)relationships, jealousy may also limit students’ development.
Meng said that during that time, she paid too much attention to her competitor(竞争者)and_______to improve herself. “It was tiring and useless,” she said.
Luckily, Meng_____ realized the problem. She stopped her silly behavior and focused on her own progress.
Wang Xiao, a psychology(心理学)teacher at Huangshi Foreign Language School, Hubei, agreed with Meng’s practice. Wang said the best way to deal with jealousy is to turn it into motivation(动力)
“___those who are better than you and focus on yourself, ” Wang said. “It’s more important to improve yourself than to be better than others.”
Wang also suggested that students be confident about themselves. “Everyone has their advantages and disadvantages. Don’t _______your disadvantages with others’ advantages,” he said.
A.unusal B.perfectC.commonD.useful
A.happened B.forgotC.promisedD.started
A.soonB.almost C.neverD.still
A.Compete withB.Dream ofC.Learn fromD.Depend on
Once there was a lovely vegetable field with a very big tree in it. Both the vegetables and the t________小题1: made the garden look wonderful.
No one knew that the vegetables in the field and the tree couldn't get on well with each other. The vegetables h________小题2:the tree. They thought the tree did not leave them e________ 小题3:light to survive. On the other hand, the tree hated the vegetables. He complained that the vegetables drank nearly all the water b________小题4: it could get to him.
The situation became worse and worse. One day, the vegetables got angry and decided to use up all the w________小题5:in the ground so that the tree would dry up. The tree fought back by refusing to give the vegetables shade(树荫) from the hot sun. Soon they both began to dry up.
Neither of them thought that the gardener would stop watering his vegetable f________小题6: when he saw it becoming worse. When the gardener did that, the tree and the vegetables really felt how t________小题7: they were. There seemed to be no ways to solve the problem, but one of the vegetables, a small pumpkin
r________小题8:what was going on, and decided to deal with it. Though there was little water and it was too hot, the little pumpkin did all he could to grow... F________小题9: he grow very big, the gardener noticed that and started watering the field again because he wanted to win the beautiful big pumpkin competition. At the same time, the tree and the vegetables grew better. They realizes that it was better to help each other than to f________小题10:.
From then on, they worked together and lived in harmony with these around them.
My crippled(瘸腿的)grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway, looking at her beautiful movements, completely        . Do you know she'd had her accident. I had read that in an old newspaper article.
‘‘So...Your leg? I mean,         did your leg heal(治愈)?"
“To tell you the truth my legs have been well all my life,” she said.
“But I don't understand!” I said, “Your dancing career...You         all these years?”
‘‘Very much so, and for a very good        .”
She thought for a while and then continued. “Your grandfather and I were talking about engagement(订婚)        he had to go to war. I was so afraid of losing him that the only way I could stay normal was to dance. I put all my heart          practicing and I became very good. The public loved me, but all I could feel worried about not knowing whether the love of my life would          return. One day a letter came, There were only three sentences: “I have lost my leg. I am no longer a        man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.”
“I made my decision there and then. I traveled away from the city. When I returned I had bought        a stick. I told everyone I had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. No one doubted the story l had learned to limp(一瘸一拐地走). And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a         I knew well. Then I went to the hospital. The nurses pushed your grandfather outside in his         .I took a deep breath, leaned on my stick and limped to him.”
I showed him newspaper articles of my accident. “There is a whole life waiting for us out there! But I am not going to         you. You are going to walk yourself.”
I limped a few steps toward him and showed him what I'd taken out of my pocket. “Now show me you are          a man.” I said.He bent to take his stick from the ground and struggled(挣扎) out of that wheelchair.He managed it on his own and walked to me and never sat in a wheelchair          in his life.”
“What did you show him?” I had to know. Grandma looked at me and smiled. “Two engagement rings, of course. I had bought them the day          he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man.”
A.droppedB.defeated C.shockedD.pleased
A.again B.aboutC.aboveD.along

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