
In the world, soccer (or football) is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember the 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from different Japanese schools came together and spent three weeks drawing a big picture called“Dream (梦幻) World Cup”in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under bright blue sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags (旗帜) of all countries that would take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama.
Are you a football fan? The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get pictures of their favorite players such as, Figo, Oven and Pauleta. And they put the pictures up on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup.
小题1:If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, it must have _______.
A.many football fansB.a very good football team
C.many football playersD.a big playground
小题2:The next World Cup will be held in _______, after 2006.
小题3:From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except _____.
A.some football starsB.people playing football
C.a sunny skyD.flowers
小题4:In “Dream World Cup”, the children drew the flags of some countries ___.
A.to show their love for their own countries
B.to tell the people their stories
C.to show their good wishes for the football teams
D.to show their new ideas about football
小题5:Many teenagers (青少年) own pictures of some football stars because ___.
A.they are interested in footballB.they are football fans
C.they think their favorite players are greatD.A, B and C


试题分析:本文主要通过儿童纪念2002 FIFA世界杯的事来呼吁全世界的人民要爱世界杯
小题1:细节理解题。由第一段This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup.可知选B。
小题2:细节理解题。由第一段The World Cup is held every four years.2自006年四年后为2010年,可知选D。
小题3: 细节理解题。由第二段The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under bright blue sky.可知选A。
小题4:细节理解题。由第二段They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags (旗帜) of all countries that would take part in the World Cup,可知选C。
小题5:细节理解题。由文章最后一段Many of them love some football stars so much that they get pictures of their favorite players such as, Figo, Oven and Pauleta.可知选B。
We all know the dangers of fires. It's good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire,and here are some suggestions.

Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
Make escape plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire,everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.
Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器)in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them. Practice for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:
★Don't open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
★Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.
★What will you do if your hair or clothes star to burn? First. stop! Don't run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.
There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire. don't forget to call 119 for help.
小题1: When a fire happens,_______ if you open the hot door.
A.the door will soon be on fire
B.the electricity will be cut off
C.the fire will grow more quickly
D.the house will fall down
小题2:What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?
A.Stop, run, roll. B.Stop, drop, roll.
C.Run, drop, roll. D.Roll, drop, stop.
小题3: What is the best title for this passage?
A.The Dangers of a Fire.
B.The Causes of a Fire.
C.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.
D.Be Ready for a Fire.

On June 26, 2000, two scientists, called Francis Collins and Craig Venter, told the world that they could now read the whole “map” of the human body: DNA. DNA is something that everybody has, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our mother and father, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.
People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things named “genes” in our body. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA with a special language.
  In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg and Johann Matthaei found a message in DNA showing how DNA tells the cell (细胞) to build its parts. Scientists have now found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help save more people from several illnesses.
  Most people hope that this will help make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when people begin to know more words and find out lots of other information, we might use it in a wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people from getting jobs. Man would have to meet a lot of trouble if DNA technology (技术) wasn’t limited (限制) in use.
小题1:When did we first know why we look like other people in our family?
A.In 1860.B.In 1953.C.In 1961.D.In 2000.
小题2:What did the two scientists first discover in 1961?
A. The “map” of DNA.                     B. A new illness. 
C. The language of DNA.                   D. A message of DNA.
小题3:What can we do if we understand some “words” of the language inside the body?
A.Make people get new jobs.
B.Make medicine for illnesses.
C.Make maps of human.
D.Make people less attractive.
小题4:What do people think about this work?
A.It can cause good or bad results.
B.It can cause only good results.
C.It can cause good results but won’t work.
D.It can cause only bad results.
If I ask you to shut your eyes and gave you a piece of apple to eat, would you be able to tell me what it is just by tasting it? Of course, you could. Your tongue is covered with tiny “taste buds” which help you know what different foods taste like. Do you know that foods would taste different if you did not have a nose? This experiment shows how important your nose is when you taste things.
What You Need:
? a friend to help
? small pieces of any food like carrot, orange, banana
? small pieces of apple, raw(生的) potato, and onion
What You Do:
There are actually three different experiments. You and your friend should take turns to try them on each other.
Experiment 1:
Have your friend close her eyes and open her mouth.
Give her a piece of the food and ask her to taste it.
Then, ask her what she thinks it is. She will probably guess correctly.
Experiment 2:
While your friend has her eyes closed, give her a piece of the raw potato. At the same time, hold a piece of apple right under her nose. Ask her to eat the potato (but don’t call it by name) and tell you what she thinks it is. She will say it is a piece of apple!
Experiment 3: (for the brave)
Take a piece of raw onion. You don’t have to close your eyes this time. Squeeze your nose closed with your other hand so that no smells can get into your nose. Now take a nibble of the onion. Surprise! As long as you hold your nose, you will not be able to taste the onion.
The Science Secret
You already know the science secret. Your nose and your tongue work together to make food taste the way it does. Your tongue, however, can taste only certain flavors like salty, bitter, sour, and sweet. All of the other “tastes” are actually “smells,” and you need your nose to “taste” them. Oh, and you might use this science secret the next time you are told to eat something you don’t like the taste of. If you hold your nose while you eat it, you won’t “taste” it at all.
小题1: According to this article, what could a reader know about food?
A.People hold their noses to eat onions.B.If you can smell potatoes, you will taste apples.
C.People need a sense of smell to taste some food.D.If you close your eyes, food will taste better.
小题2:What is the most likely reason Experiment 3 is called “for the brave”?
A.You keep your eyes open.B.You have to eat a raw onion.
C.You have to squeeze your nose.D.You do the experiment alone.
小题3:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Your Eyes KnowsB.Your Nose Knows
C.Your Mouth KnowsD.Your Tongue Knows
"Here's the advance payment(预期款) of 10,000 dollars. You will get the other half when we get those papers," the agent told Mike. "But sir, Mr. Smith has been very suspicious (怀疑) since last week," Mike replied.
"In that case, be careful and don't worry. You are very clever," the agent said." Take 5,000 dollars more," Mike looked around uneasily but took the money.
Mike was a clerk in a large company. A few years ago he started to get very worried because it was very hard for him to support his family. He wanted to give his child an excellent education and a bright future, but the future looked rather hopeless.
One day some agents called him. They were his company's competitors. At first he refused their offers. But when he thought his dream could come true, he agreed to their offers and began giving them information.
However, his spy work started to get more and more difficult because his owner had become suspicious, since a lot of important information was leaking out.
One night when Mike was on one of his spying tasks, he met Alim, the night watchman." What are you doing here, Mike?" shouted Alim.
"Oh, I had just forgotten some documents here, Alim, "Mike replied, trying to look comfortable." I just came to get them."
"Is that true?" Alim said." We’ll see what Mr. Smith says."
Alim called Mr. Smith and told him to come right away. Mr. Smith looked at Mike and said. "So you are the thief! I believed in you, Mike."
"Call the police, Alim. We have finally caught the spy," Mr. Smith said. "And by the way, Mike ,no man can serve two masters. You should have left if you did not work with us any longer."  
小题1:Why did Mike take the job as a spy? Because ______________.
A.he didn't want to work for his company any longer.
B.some agents forced him to do so.
C.he wanted to give his child an excellent education and bright future.
D.Mr. Smith did not give treat him very well.
小题2:What did the agents ask Mike to do?  
A.To give them some important information of his company.
B.To follow his boss secretly.
C.To serve his master very honestly.
D.To leave his company and join them.
小题3:Mr. Smith thought Mike was______ before he knew that Mike was a spy.
小题4:What's the meaning of the phrase "leak out" in the passage?___________.
A.land onB.cross outC.become knownD.come out
小题5:What can you learn from the passage?______________.
A.We should be careful at work.B.We should be honest at work.
C.We should work hard.D.We should serve the masters.

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