
In 1993, Greg Mortenson took a trip to Pakistan to climb K2, the second tallest mountain in the world. On his way down the mountain, he got l (小题1:). Food and water were hard to find, but Mr. Mortenson found a small village. The people there saw that he was in n (小题2:) and helped him.  While in the village, Mr. Mortenson w(小题3:) the children write in the dirt for their school l(小题4:).The village did not have money to build a school or pay for a t(小题5:),Before he left, Mr., Mortenson volunteered to r(小题6:) to the village and help them build a school
Mr. Mortenson went back to the US and wrote to many rich people. He asked them to d (小题7:) money to build a bridge and a school for the village. The I (小题8:) did not work very well, but at last e (小题9:) people heard about Mr. Mortenson’s plan and helped him. That was the beginning of the Central Asia Institute, an organization that has succeeded in building or helping to build more than 130 schools in small villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan With the help of journalist David Relin, Mr. Mortenson wrote the famous book Three Cups of Tea. It is about his work with villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some people have criticized him, however, Mr. Mortenson was given a p(小题10:) in 2009 by the government of Pakistan for his work in the country.


小题1:根据后文可以知道Mortenson先生在下山的过程中迷路了,通过后面一句找不到食物和水可以推断出来。get lost为固定搭配,迷路的意思。所以填写lost。
小题2::前文说迷路了,Mortenson先生找到一个小村庄,村里人看到他需要帮助可以推出。考查be in need的用法。因此填写need
小题5:前文说村庄很贫穷,建不起学校等可以推出后面是请不起老师。因而是pay for a teacher ,因此填写teacher。
小题8:前文说Mortenson先生回到美国给有钱人写信要求他们怎么样。后文说什么效果不好,可以看出应为idea,所以填写 idea。
小题9:后文说人们听说了Mortenson先生的计划并帮助他,可以看出是enough people.故填写 enough。
World AIDS(爱滋病)Day is held on December lst each year. It is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against AIDS and to show their support for people living with AIDS. It's also an opportunity for us to learn the facts about AIDS. We can use the knowledge to take care of our own health and the health of others. On World AIDS Day we can show our support for people living with AIDS by wearing a red ribbon, the international symbol of AIDS support.

Liu Mingxiao, 13, is pretty and smart. She comes top in her class. But many students try to stay away from her because Liu's mum has AIDS. Liu's father has died of AIDS. Luckily, Liu didn't get it.
AIDS means fear for most people. "Nobody wants to play games with me. They call me bad names behind my back. Even a teacher who used to like-me turns her back on me now," said Liu.
Liu's mother didn't know what happened to her daughter until one day Liu came home with her nose bleeding(流血 ),“She fought with a boy who said something bad about her father," Liu's mother said, "My heart really hurts. My daughter did nothing wrong"
For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them. Many of them have to drop out of school because they can no longer stand others' indifference(冷漠 ).
"People are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it," said Wang Chongrun, head of a group to help children living with AIDS. Wang went to the villages and gave lessons about AIDS to the people there. “Many of these children are just as healthy as others," Wang said. “Even if they have AIDS, it’s still safe to eat and play with them. They need our love and understanding. A friendly smile means a lot to them.”
From the first paragraph of the passage, we know             ___World AIDS Day is held and               __ people do on that day.
Liu Mingxiao's             __both have AIDS. Many people are             __ to stay with her.
Why did Liu Mingxiao fight with the boy?
             __             __             __             __             
             __             __             __             __             _
What do people need to do to stop fearing AIDS?
             __             __             __             __             
“If you consider getting older with needing less sleep, it’s not true!” says Robert Oexman, D.C., director of the Sleep to Live Institute. Besides disease, medicine and pain, if partients complain of bad sleep, Dr. Oexman looks at their nighttime habits, where the problem almost always exists. So, how are you destroying your sleep?
Watch TV until you fall asleep
It has nothing to do with what you watch. It’s you who face TV’s bright light. That’s the reason. So even if you nod off in front of the TV, for example, you probably won’t stay asleep for long.
So an hour before bedtime, treat yourself like a baby: a warm bath. But no reading or writing on your computer before bed or in the middle of the night.
Exercise too close to bedtime
Remember how poorly you sleep when you have a fever, never really feeling rested? Well, heavy exercise too close to bedtime has the same effect--it raises your body temperature, so when you lay your sleepy head on the pillow, your body temperature is normal.
Eat fatty, heavy foods too close to bedtime
If you’ve ever tried to go to sleep after eating a fatty meal, you’ve probably found the discomfort of stomach acids(胃酸)less than good for falling asleep or staying asleep.
So try to eat your last meal of the day at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Should you feel hungry before bed? So have a bowl of cereal or a small boiled potato. Or maybe have a serving of jasmine rice.
Title: Help with sleep ___小题1:__
Bad ___小题2:
__小题4:__ TV until you fall asleep
It’s __小题5:__ that you won’t stay asleep for a long time.
Take a warm __小题6:__.
Don’t read or write before bed or at ___小题7:__
Exercising too close to bedtime
It takes you several hours to sleep ___小题8:__.
Don’t do exercise at least three hours before bedtime.
Eating fatty, heavy foods too close to bedtime.
You feel ___小题9:__because of stomach acids.
Eat your last meal at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Have something if you feel __小题10:___.
Do you know an old city called "Pingyao" in Shanxi? The old city is not far from Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi Province (省). It's a town with a long history of more than two thousand years.
The old city is not very large. It is only 2.25 square kilometers in size. And there are no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two floors. And most of them are made of stones(石头). There are many Chinese-style shops on each side(边)of the street.
Pingyao is a square(方的)city. The city has a wall around it. It's about 6 km long and 12m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustn't miss the nice food in Pingyao. Try Pingyao beef and you are sure to fall in love with it.
Pingyao is a place worth(值得) a visit. You can take buses or trains here. It's less than 2 hours' bus ride from Taiyuan. It costs you only 20 yuan. If you take a train, it will take you less time, only one and a half hours. And if you want to go to Pingyao from Beijing, the train ride takes only about 6 hours.
The City of Pingyao

In Shanxi,  小题1:  Taiyuan.
  小题3:  2000 years.
2.25 square kilometers.
Buildings: Most of them have two  小题5: . They are made of stones.
 小题6: : There are shops on both   小题7:   .
Wall: There is a 6-km-long wall around the 小题8:  city.
Food: Pingyao  小题9: tastes nice.
Visitors can come to Pingyao by bus or  小题10:   .
最近,洛阳小伙扶摔倒老人被讹一事引起了社会的广泛关注,人们都在议论还该不该去做好事,帮助他人。而“Positive Energy”一词早已对我们中国人产生了很大影响,因此,很多人并不会因此就不去做好事了。瞧!你身边就有很多助人为乐的同学,他们的事例值得我们学习。请根据下面表格信息给学校校刊写一篇短文,谈谈身边的好人好事,号召大家向他们学习。词数60—80(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)
Who they are
        What they usually do to help others
 Liu Chang
       make our school beautiful (clean the classroom..) 
Li Bing
      help other students with their studies…
Zhang Ling
      help the people in trouble (cheer others up…)
Dear Editor,
In our school,some students are always thinking more of others and ready to help them.I am moved deeply.Here is what they usually do.
Liu Chang is a very good student.                                                             
I hope everyone can learn from them and do something for others.

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