
    Paying too much money to do what they want is not the most relaxing hobby. Here,some stay-at-home activities are a great way to enjoy time without spending much.

    Start a small garden: You could start it in your backyard or in your balcony. Get different types of plants. The more colors,the better,right?

 ◆ Read: Reading is a great habit. So why not use it to enjoy your time? Read books that interest you and that will make you more and more knowledgeable (知识渊博的) .

   Yoga: Yoga can also exercise your mind. There are several videos available (可利用的) on the Internet that you could watch to learn it well.

   Repair Work: There are several things around the house that need to be repaired and kept. Being the man of the house,you can spend your spare time doing that. This way,you could not only take your free time,but also save money that you would need to pay if you ask someone to come and do those jobs.

   Cooking: Cooking is a kind of art. Whether you have skills or not,you can cook. The most important is that it makes you wiser every time. Just try your hand at it.

1. What place may the word “balcony” refer to?

   A. 厨房   B. 书房

   C. 阳台   D. 卫生间

2. Which of the following isn’t a stay-at-home activity?

   A. Growing plants in your garden.

   B. Doing some reading.

   C. Square dance.

   D. Repairing around the house.

3. Which of them can exercise your mind?

①Working in the garden.②Reading books. Playing Yoga.④Repairing at home.⑤Cooking.

    A. ②③   B. ①③⑤

   C. ②③⑤   D. ②③④⑤

4. What does the writer think of cooking?

   A. Housework.   B. A skill.

   C. An art.     D. A subject.

5. The passage mainly tells us .

   A. what to do on weekends

   B. how to save money

   C. what activities can save time and money

   D. what stay-at-home activities can be pleasant but cost little money

1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. D

1. C词义猜测题:,该段介绍的是把后院开辟成花园。


2. C细节理解题本文介绍了各种stay-at-home兴趣活动,

Square dance (广场舞) 没有提到。

3. C细节理解题。介绍Read时提到“that will make you more and more knowledgeable ” ;介绍 Yoga 时提到 “Yoga can also exercise your mind” ;介绍 Cook 时提到 “it makes you wiser every time. ”,由此可知,这二'•项 活动都可以使人头脑灵活。

4. C细节理解题。由活动介绍最后一条“Cooking is a kind of art. ”以及下文描述可知,作者认为做饭也是一种艺术

5. D 主旨大意题。本文第一段 some stay-at-home activities are a great way to enjoy time without spending much 说的是“很多家庭兴趣活动可以打发时间但是不会花销 太大。”下文围绕这一话题展开介绍。


     Do you like watching videos online? A video by 9-year-old Robby Novak was quite popular now. When he knew that his good friend Gabbi is badly sick,he made a video to cheer him up. He played the role of “ Kid President ” and he was giving the world a talk. Here is what he was speaking to Gabbi.

  “The world needs you to stop being boring,” he said. “Yeah,you!Boring is easy. Anybody can be boring. But you’re better than that. ”

      Robby said his favorite part about being “Kid President” was dancing.

Robby had a disease that made his bones brittle. “I feel like I'm flying,like a bird,” he said. He recently broke his finger. He said ul usually hurt mostly arms and legs,but not a finger. This is my first finger break. ” He has had more than 70 broken bones but he said he didn't worry about breaking things. “I'm trying not to worry about it. Like,I want everybody to know…I'm not that kid who breaks a lot. Like,I'm just—I'm just a kid who wants to have fun. ”

1. What happened to Robby's good friend Gabbi?

   A. He was hurt in a game.

   B. He was tired of homework.

   C. He felt stressed out because of his lessons.

   D. He felt sad because of his illness.

2. Robby Novak made a video to .

   A. make Gabbi feel better

   B. tell Gabbi good news

   C. sing new songs for Gabbi

   D. raise money for Gabbi

3. In Robby's video,he played the role of “ Kid

President” .

   A. to encourage people around the world

   B. to laugh at the doctors

   C. to copy the president's example

   D. to say goodbye to Gabbi

4. According to the last paragraph we can infer that

   A. Robby is a funny boy

   B. Robby is a clever boy

   C. Robby is a brave and happy boy

   D. Robby is always afraid of illness

5. What's the best title for this passage?

   A. Robby and His Best Friend Gabbi

   B. A Sick Boy

   C. A Talk from a Sick Boy

   D. Kid President

Welcome to the official website for First News 

    First News is a weekly newspaper for young people (aged 7-14) ,which comes out in a traditional,lively,full color newspaper style. First News,with over 1 million readers each week,opens children's minds to the issues (问题) of today,taking them to the world around them.

    Nowhere else can you find all the important stories in a child-friendly way—in the way the children reader will grow up to be the country's great communicators (交流者) .

   Try First News today and get:

    First News mailed each week direct to your door. Free post

. Easy articles in a child-friendly design

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. Games,competitions and much more!

. £34. 99 for six months and only £58. 99 for a year.

1. How often does First News come out?

   A. Every day.    B. Every week.

   C. Every month.    D. Every year.

2. Who like reading First News'?

   A. The parents.   B. The grown-ups.

   C. The teachers.   D. The young people.

3. Mr Smith ordered 6-month First News for his son and one-year First News for his daughter. How much did he pay?

   A. £34. 99.   B. £58. 99. 

   C. £93. 98.   D. £117. 98. 

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. It is helpful for children's study.

   B. There are many interesting games in First News.

   C. First News ever won two awards.

   D. You need to go to the post office to get your First News.

5. Where can we probably read the passage?

   A. In a magazine.        B. In the newspaper.

   C. On an advertisement.    D. On the Internet.

   There is an old Italian tradition called “suspended (待用)coffee”. There,you pay for two cups of coffee but only take one,so that someone can go into the cafe and enjoy the other coffee for free. This way,no-money people can still enjoy coffee.

    Now,this model is catching on in China. It is “suspended fast food. ” Many people think it's a great way to help someone who is more disadvantaged (写导势 的) than us. On the other hand,some people don't think it's a good idea. They don't know if these people taking the meals are really in need of help or just out for a free lunch. Also,how do we know the restaurant owners won’t just pocket (隐藏) the money and give out (分发) the food?

    This is really a trust issue. In fact,it's sometimes difficult to decide if we should give a beggar (乞丐) on the street a little money. Maybe they really need our help; it's also possible that they aren’t really homeless but just don't want to work.

But all in all,hopefully we can trust those enough to do the right thing.

1. In Italy, “ suspended coffee” is a charity activity.

   A. new   B. modern

   C. traditional   D. ancient

2. Who can enjoy suspended coffee in the country?

   A. Every person. B. The rich.

   C. The old. D. The poor.

3. For suspended fast food,which of the following do people worry about?

 ①Some are just out for a free lunch.

 ② Some people don't pay for the meals.

 ③ The restaurant owners don't give out the food.

 There will be more and more homeless people.

    A. ①②   B. ①③

   C. ①③④   D. ①②③④

4. What does “trust issue” refer to (指的是) ?

   A. Eating habit. B. Honesty problem.

   C. Big decision. D. Clever idea.

5. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?

   A. We shouldn’t believe the beggar.

   B. We have to make sure who are homeless.

   C. We can trust those enough to do the right thing.

   D. What is “suspended fast food”.

   On Well La Paz Plaza is one of the most popular tourist sights in the world in South America. And the only scenery spot is its infamous San Pedro prison (监狱) .

  There are around 1,500 prisoners in the prison,80 percent of whom are drug offences (贩卖毒品罪) . However,besides the high walls and the main gate,there are no prison bars. Even most prisoners’ families live in the prison with them.

  Differing from most of prisons in the world,its prisoners (囚犯) have to buy cells themselves. Prices change according to what section you want. There are eight sections in San Pedro. The cell blocks in rich sections have tiled floors,cable TVs,and DVD players. Some of them even have an open balcony (阳 台) . While cells in the poorer sections are designed for one person,but often house five. The prisoners lie on dirty mattresses (床垫) .

   The cheapest cell will cost around £100,but the cells which look like actual apartments can sell for as much as £3,000.

   Besides the cells,the food in prison can also make your life here easier on condition that you have enough money. Instead of a large pot of unappetizing-looking (引不起食欲的) soup,you can buy fried chicken with chips or rice. There are many restaurants around the prison.

    Everything that prisoners need can be bought from sellers. They own shops selling fruit and vegetables,soft drinks and other items such as toilet paper. Some prisoners also sell handicrafts (手工艺品) they have made or pictures they’ve drawn.

1. According to the first paragraph,San Pedro prison makes La Paz Plaza

   A. popular   B. famous

   C. infamous   D. dirty

2. San Pedro prison is different from other prisons in the world,because .

   A. Even most prisoners’ families live in the prison with them

   B. The prisoners have to buy cells themselves.

   C. 80 percent of the prisoners are drug offences

   D. There are no prison bars in the San Pedro prison

3. About the cell blocks in rich sections,which of the following is NOT true?

   A. They have tiled floors,cable TVs,and DVD players.

   B. Some of them have an open balcony.

   C. There are five prisoners living in them.

   D. They may sell for as much as £ 3,000.

4. The meaning of the underlined part “on condition that” is “

   A. unless   B. because

   C. if       D. though

5. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT mentioned?

   A. The number of the prisoners in the prison.

   B. The prices of the different cells.

   C. The food that the prisoners eat and buy in the prison.

   D. The clothes of the prisoners in the prison.

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