
As more adults hope to get peace from meditation (冥想), more children want to get it too. It can help people deal with stress and find a more peaceful idea of life. The following can help children do meditation exercises.

Look at the sky

On nice days, go to nature, lie down on the grass and look up at the sky. The clouds move through the sky. But the sky stays clear, open and free. This is also how our thoughts work. Thoughts float in and out of our minds just like clouds. Allow your thoughts to come and go.

Then you know your mind is clear and free just like the sky.

Mindful bottle

Fill a bottle with water. The bottle of water stands for our minds. Then add red and blue sand to it. Red stands for our thoughts, and blue stands for our feelings and moods. Now shake it up. The water will get cloudy. We need to wait and watch the sand settle, as our thoughts, feelings and moods settle just like the sand.

Mindful listening

Sit in comfort and hold a bell or anything that makes a simple sound in your hands. Just feel and hear its sound as you ring it. Focus on the sound from the very first moment you hear it all the way to the end. When you can’t hear the sound any more, open your eyes or put up your hand.

How to find1.


Meditation can help people deal with stress and find more peaceful 2. of life.


Looking at the sky

On nice days, go 4. and look up at the sky. The clear, open and free sky helps your thoughts float like clouds.

Mindful bottle

Make a bottle 5. of water and add red and blue sand to it. Red and blue 6. for our thoughts, feelings and moods. Shake it up and watch the sand settle as our thoughts, feelings and moods settle like the sand.


Sit 8. and hold anything that makes a simple sound. Pay 9. to the sound from the very first to the end as you ring it. When you can’t

hear the sound any more, open your eyes or 10. your hand.

Mascots(吉祥物) are great ambassadors(大使)for sporting events. You may remember the five cute "Fuwa(福娃)”dolls from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Now, get ready to meet two new mascots.

On Sept 17, there was a giant panda with a white helmet named “Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩)” and a red lantern baby called“Shuey Rhon Rhon”(雪容融) as the two mascots for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games(冬奥会和残奥会). These two mascots show Chinese culture. The giant panda is Chinese national treasure, and the red lantern is an important element(元素) of Chinese New Year celebrations. What’s more, the panda's helmet(头盔) stands for modern society and its white color means the snow and ice of winter sports.

“The two mascots includes elements of traditional Chinese culture and a modern international style, as well as emphasizing the characteristics of ice and snow sports," Beijing 2022 Games executive president(执行主席) Chen Jining told Xinhua.

These two mascots show Chinese characteristics(特征). And their names express Chinese people's understanding of the Olympic spirit(精神). “Bing” and “Shuey” mean “ice” and “snow” in English. “Dwen Dwen” means “honest and lively” and “Rhon Rhon” has the meanings of “tolerance(包容)”and “integration(融合)”.

“They can express the Olympic spirit. They warmly invite people all over the world to come and visit China." Chen told Xinhua.


1.How many mascots are mentioned in the article? __________________________

2.What’s the name of the lantern baby? __________________________

3.When are the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games? __________________________

4.What does “Dwen Dwen” mean in English? __________________________

5.What do our Chinese people think of the giant panda in Paragraph(段落) 2? __________________________

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