

As more adults hope to get peace from meditation (冥想), more children want to get it too. It can help people deal with stress and find a more peaceful idea of life. The following can help children do meditation exercises.

Look at the sky

On nice days, go to nature, lie down on the grass and look up at the sky. The clouds move through the sky. But the sky stays clear, open and free. This is also how our thoughts work. Thoughts float in and out of our minds just like clouds. Allow your thoughts to come and go.

Then you know your mind is clear and free just like the sky.

Mindful bottle

Fill a bottle with water. The bottle of water stands for our minds. Then add red and blue sand to it. Red stands for our thoughts, and blue stands for our feelings and moods. Now shake it up. The water will get cloudy. We need to wait and watch the sand settle, as our thoughts, feelings and moods settle just like the sand.

Mindful listening

Sit in comfort and hold a bell or anything that makes a simple sound in your hands. Just feel and hear its sound as you ring it. Focus on the sound from the very first moment you hear it all the way to the end. When you can’t hear the sound any more, open your eyes or put up your hand.

How to find1.


Meditation can help people deal with stress and find more peaceful 2. of life.


Looking at the sky

On nice days, go 4. and look up at the sky. The clear, open and free sky helps your thoughts float like clouds.

Mindful bottle

Make a bottle 5. of water and add red and blue sand to it. Red and blue 6. for our thoughts, feelings and moods. Shake it up and watch the sand settle as our thoughts, feelings and moods settle like the sand.


Sit 8. and hold anything that makes a simple sound. Pay 9. to the sound from the very first to the end as you ring it. When you can’t

hear the sound any more, open your eyes or 10. your hand.


I'm Huckleberry Finn. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of me. You will hear a lot about me and my ___________ Tom Sawyer.

Some days ago, Tom and I found a pile of gold that robbers had hidden in a cave. ___________ got $6, 000 each. That's a lot of money!

Judge Thatcher put that money in the bank for us and gave us one dollar a ___________ . That's enough for me to spend in one day, but Tom can always think of something to spend money on.

I lived by myself for some time ___________ my father ran off. I had no idea where he went. But the Widow Douglas took a ___________ on me and took me in to live with her. She thought I didn't behave like a gentleman. She always reminded me of my ___________ . "Huckleberry, ___________ behind your ears when washing your face. " "Huckleberry, don't eat with hour fingers, use the knife and the fork ___________ . " "Huckleberry, clean your shoes before you come in. " It seemed that she could never say my ___________without some reminder.

And she made me wear new clothes. They were so small that I could ____________ breathe in them. I didn't like the way she was trying to make a ____________ of me. So I ____________ in my old clothes.

I didn't go far before my best friend Tom found me. "You have to ____________ , " Tom said, "I'm thinking about starting a band of robbers. We need you to be a part of it. Only respectable people can join us. " I didn't much like that plan, ____________ I went back anyway.

The widow cried when she saw me. "Oh, Huck, I was so ____________when I couldn't find you. My poor boy" She put fine clothes back on me.

1.A.brother B.teacher C.friend D.cousin

2.A.I B.He C.We D.They

3.A.day B.week C.month D.year

4.A.if B.unless C.because D.so

5.A.pity B.time C.regret D.notice

6.A.fashions B.impressions C.actions D.manners

7.A.move B.fill C.check D.wash

8.A.otherwise B.instead C.therefore D.especially

9.A.face B.ears C.father D.name

10.A.mainly B.hardly C.truly D.mostly

11.A.lady B.robber C.boy D.gentleman

12.A.ran away B.ran down C.put away D.put off

13.A.come in B.come back C.go out D.go away

14.A.before B.but C.or D.as

15.A.excited B.interested C.satisfied D.worried

In South Korea, many schools hire English teachers from abroad, but as you know, there are not so many English native teachers in South Korea. A team of engineers has created a robot that they hope will take the place of foreign teachers.

Robots will save money for schools. The cost to build a robot and hire a Filipino teacher to work with it is around$20,000 a year. That is about half the cost of supporting a foreign teacher in South Korea.What's more,robot teachers can make students have more fun learning English.

The robot teacher is called Engkey. She is about one meter tall and is white, egg-shaped. She takes a screen as her face. She can move around her classroom while speaking to students, reading books to them and dancing to music by moving her head and arms.So this robot is more than a video screen on wheels. But Engkey’s voice is not her own. It is controlled by English teachers.With the help of the camera, English teachers in the Philippines can see and hear the students.

Engkey’s creators say that they don't know how successful the robot is as a teacher now. But they hope that someday all schools in South Korea will have a robot in the classroom.

1.According to Paragraph 1 there aren’t enough ________in South Korea.

A.great engineers B.foreign English teachers

C.English books D.smart robots

2.What are the advantages of robot teachers?

A.Save money for schools and make classes fun.

B.Save money for schools and hire a Filipino teacher.

C.Catch people's attention and make classes fun.

D.Catch people's attention and save money for schools.

3.What's the cost of hiring two English teachers from abroad in South Korea a year?

A.$10,000. B.$20,000. C.$40,000. D.$80,000.

4.Which one is NOT true about Engkey according to the passage?

A.She is white, egg-shaped and has a screen face.

B.She can speak and her voice is her own.

C.English teachers in the Philippines control her by using a camera.

D.She moves around the classroom on wheels.

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