I'm Huckleberry Finn. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of me. You will hear a lot about me and my ___________ Tom Sawyer.

Some days ago, Tom and I found a pile of gold that robbers had hidden in a cave. ___________ got $6, 000 each. That's a lot of money!

Judge Thatcher put that money in the bank for us and gave us one dollar a ___________ . That's enough for me to spend in one day, but Tom can always think of something to spend money on.

I lived by myself for some time ___________ my father ran off. I had no idea where he went. But the Widow Douglas took a ___________ on me and took me in to live with her. She thought I didn't behave like a gentleman. She always reminded me of my ___________ . "Huckleberry, ___________ behind your ears when washing your face. " "Huckleberry, don't eat with hour fingers, use the knife and the fork ___________ . " "Huckleberry, clean your shoes before you come in. " It seemed that she could never say my ___________without some reminder.

And she made me wear new clothes. They were so small that I could ____________ breathe in them. I didn't like the way she was trying to make a ____________ of me. So I ____________ in my old clothes.

I didn't go far before my best friend Tom found me. "You have to ____________ , " Tom said, "I'm thinking about starting a band of robbers. We need you to be a part of it. Only respectable people can join us. " I didn't much like that plan, ____________ I went back anyway.

The widow cried when she saw me. "Oh, Huck, I was so ____________when I couldn't find you. My poor boy" She put fine clothes back on me.

1.A.brother B.teacher C.friend D.cousin

2.A.I B.He C.We D.They

3.A.day B.week C.month D.year

4.A.if B.unless C.because D.so

5.A.pity B.time C.regret D.notice

6.A.fashions B.impressions C.actions D.manners

7.A.move B.fill C.check D.wash

8.A.otherwise B.instead C.therefore D.especially

9.A.face B.ears C.father D.name

10.A.mainly B.hardly C.truly D.mostly

11.A.lady B.robber C.boy D.gentleman

12.A.ran away B.ran down C.put away D.put off

13.A.come in B.come back C.go out D.go away

14.A.before B.but C.or D.as

15.A.excited B.interested C.satisfied D.worried



Once upon a time, an eagle( 老鹰) was flying in the sky when he suddenly saw a beautiful hen. The eagle came near the hen and said, "My pretty hen, I Love you. Will you be 1. (I) wife?"

The hen was scared for the eagle was so strong. Her husband, the cock had gone out to look for food and her kids had gone away somewhere lo play with other 2.(child). The hen quickly answered, "I'm willing to be, but let me first grow wings like yours, so I can fly 3. high as you. " The eagle replied, "OK! This ring is for you as a sign of our betrothal(订婚). Tie it around your neck till I return."

The hen agreed 4. (do) so, and the eagle flew away.

When the cock met the hen the next day , he was very 5. (surprise) to see the ring around her neck. He said, "Where did you get that ring? Throw it away immediately. "

The hen did this and the cock was cheerful I again. But at the weekend, the eagle came6..

The frightened hen hid herself behind her door but the eagle soon found her out. Suddenly he cried, "Where 7.(be) the ring that I gave you? Why are you not wearing it?"

The hen was very scared and said, "Forgive me l I lost it yesterday. I was walking in the garden when I met a large snake. I was8.frightened that I ran fast. When I got home, I couldn't find it. "

The eagle looked al the hen 9. (angry) and said, "I don't believe you. You have hurt me. I will punish you.10.you don't marry me, I will snatch( 抓)away all your chickens from you. But I will promise to forgive you only if you find my ring. Good-bye! "

Ever since, all the hens in the world have been scratching( 轻抓) the ground to find the eagle's ring.

The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar(阴历).This day is always the first full moon in the new year. Ancient people also called it Shangyuan Festival. Celebrations and traditions on this day began from the Han Dynasty(朝代)and became popular in the Tang Dynasty.

Watching the red lanterns is one of the main traditions. Lanterns of different shapes and sizes are usually put on trees, or along river banks on show. It is said that sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming to ask for help when he was in trouble. Today, when the lanterns slowly rise into the air, people make wishes.

Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles. The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous. The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character(汉字),a famous person's name, or a place name.

The most important thing is to eat sweet dumplings with different tastes. In northern China, they are called yuanxiao while in southern part they're named tangyuan. Because making sweet dumplings is like a game or an activity, they are usually done happily by a group of friends or family members.

In old times, the Lantern Festival was also romantic. Watching lanterns gave young people a chance to meet each other. A line from Xin Qiji, a poet during the Song Dynasty, shows this:

Hundreds and thousands of times I searched for her in the crowd. Suddenly 1 turned. and there she stood, in the dim(昏暗的)light.

1.When did celebrations and traditions of the Lantern Festival become popular?

A.The Han Dynasty. B.The Tang Dynasty.

C.The Song Dynasty. D.The Yuan Dynasty

2.What were sky lanterns first used for by Zhuge Kongming in ancient times?

A.Making wishes. B.Celebrating birthdays.

C.seeking help. D.Decorating the house.

3.Which of the following is NOT true about sweet dumplings?

A.It's one of the main traditions. B.They are named "yuanxiao" all over the country.

C.People enjoy the process of making them. D.They have different tastes.

4.What is the main idea of Para.3?

A.The riddles are usually short and wise.

B.The answer to a riddle are different.

C.Guessing lantern riddles is the most important tradition.

D.Guessing lantern riddles is another tradition.

5.The line from Xin Qiji in the passage shows the Lantern Festival was in old times.

A.exciting B.humorous C.romantic D.interesting

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