
Do your parents make you do lots of after-school activities? My parents did. I used to listen to them. But now, I decide to think for           .
My parents made me do a lot of after-school activities: taking guitar lessons, taking         class, playing tennis and doing different kinds of other things.
I didn’t like many of them. I often asked my parents to stop         me.
This year, I will stop some activities. I decide to         the guitar because I don’t like to play it at all. I think I can learn English by myself at home         I won’t go to the English class any more
My mother doesn’t think that I get enough         . But I don’t think so.I walk two miles to school every day. I think that is         for me. So I don’t want to play tennis.
One day, my mother         me to go to a swimming club, but I refused.She was         and said,“The more you study, the more skills you will have, and then the more independent you will be.”          she’s right, but I really don’t want to go.
Dear friends, am I right? What will you do if you meet the situation?
A.give upB.make upC.take upD.set up
A.and B.soC.butD.or


小题3:考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:他们当中很多我不喜欢。我经常让我的父母停止逼我。Push sb.逼迫某人,A. dropping放弃;B. offering供给;C. beating  打;D. pushing推,根据句意及四个选项的意思,故选D。
小题4:考查动词短语辨析及语境的理解。句意:我决定放弃吉他,因为我一点也不喜欢它。A. give up 放弃;B. make up 弥补 C. take up 占据 D. set up 建立,根据句意及四个选项的意思,故选A。
小题8:考查动词辨析及语境的理解。句意:一天,我母亲让我去参加游泳俱乐部,但是我拒绝了。短语“让某人做某事”英语表达为“ask sb. to.do sth.”,故选C。
小题9:考查形容词辨析及语境的理解。句意:她生气了并且说:“你学的越多,你掌握的技能就越多,你就更能独立”,A. nervous 紧张的;B. excited 兴奋的    ;C. angry 生气的;D. glad 高兴的,根据句意及四个选项的意思,故选C。
小题10:考查副词辨析及语境的理解。句意:或许她是对的,但是我真的不想去。A. Instead 代替; B. Maybe 或许;C. However 然而;D. Anyway无论如何,根据句意及四个选项的意思,故选B。

In most parts of the world, many students help their school make less pollution. They join in “environment clubs”. In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean.
Here are things students often do:
Turn off the water! Do you know that some toilets can waste twenty to
forty tons of water an hour? In a year, that would fill a small water! In environment clubs, students mend those broken toilets.
No-car day. On a no-car day, nobody comes to school in a car-not the students and not the teachers. Cars give pollution to our air, so remember: walk, jump, bike or run.
Use your legs! It’s lots of fun!
No-garbage(垃圾) lunches. How much do you throw away after lunch?
Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used
again. Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage
and report them to the whole school.
We love our environment! Let’s work together to make it clean!
小题1: After mending the broken toilets, they save      .
A.a small riverB.a lot of waterC.a toiletD.a year
小题2:On a no-car day,      will take a car to school.
A.only studentsB.only teachers
C.both students and teachersD.neither students nor teachers
小题3:Environment clubs ask students        .
A.to run to school every dayB.to play sports every day
C.not to throw away lunch bagsD.not to forget to take cars
小题4:From the passage we know that students usually have lunch       .
A.at schoolB.in clubsC.at homeD.in shops
小题5:The write wrote the passage to tell students to       .
A.join in clubsB.help teachersC.make less pollutionD.clean schools
Many textbooks are not written in the kind of English that we speak every day. In fact, sometimes the reading is so difficult that it almost seems like a foreign language. In a way, it is—the language of science. You should not expect to be able to read a difficult science passage the same way you read an interesting story; you should not expect to read it easily and all at once. Instead, you may have to read it several times through, catching on the meaning of difficult words, going back over difficult sentences, and finally putting the whole thing together. Do not be discourages if the whole passage don’t make sense to you at first. You need to pick it apart patiently until you can understand it.
These are the steps to follow when you are reading something difficult:
1. Start to read normally until you run into a sentence that doesn’t make sense to you.
2. When a sentence doesn’t make sense, go back and read it again more slowly.
3. Look for any word you don’t know in the sentence. Try to understand their meanings using word parts and context clues(上下文线索). If necessary, look them up in the dictionary.
4. Look at the next few sentences to see if they explain more about the sentence you are working on. Do not read very much farther ahead until you understand what is being said.
5. Finally, read the sentence again. Try to put it into simpler words.
6. Read through the passage once. Try to understand all the hard parts well. Then read the whole passage once more at a usual speed. This helps you to put all ides together.
The stops sound a lot harder than they are. It is really just the normal way good readers understand anything that is difficult to read. After you have done the best you can this way, you should always feel free to ask for help from your teacher, if you have one.
小题1:The underlined phrase “run into” means ___________.
A.work outB.come acrossC.look intoD.pass by
小题2: From the passage, we can know _________.
A.we should look up new words before reading
B.it is sometimes difficult to read a science passage
C.the six steps are helpful in learning spoken English
D.interesting stories help readers to improve their English
小题3:The massage is mainly about _________.
A.steps of studying scienceB.difficulties in reading science
C.ways of reading science passagesD.researches on science and English
My life, as it really is, is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always face it       .
In July, last year, I couldn't believe the news that I was      to enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didn't seem as         as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn't help _      .
What I saw didn't make me surprised. I knew very well _    my family was like. My mum had been in bed for two years because of her disease. I knew my family lived a hard life and couldn't afford my tuition fee(学费). I felt so upset at that moment but I could say         to my parents.
I decide to help my father with his work to support my family instead of       my schooling.
To my surprise, things completely changed just three days before the beginning of the new term. My head teacher who had taught me three years came to my family with some money, which had been raised(筹集) by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have    .”
At the same time, my father also earned some extra money, he tried his best to afford part of my tuition fee.
I knew I was such a lucky dog and decided to study harder in return. With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school        I had dreamed of.
I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always think of my teacher and schoolmates, and I can always get enough courage to go on. Because I have a college dream and must work hard for it no matter how hard life is. Just as a saying goes, “When one door shuts,      opens in life.”
A.to go onB.continuingC.enjoyingD.starting
A.moneyB.a dreamC.timeD.a chance
A.itB.anotherC.otherD.the other
Did you know that people without friends are more likely to die an early death? It’s true. Just ask science. The following types of friends are just what you need.
A Loyal(忠诚的) Best Friend
Everyone needs a loyal best friend who will support them no matter what happens . This is the kind of friend who knows all of your deepest and darkest secrets, but still loves you all the same.
An Adventurous Friend
We live in a big world where there are so many places to see, people to meet, and experiences to be had. We all need an adventurous friend who will pull us out of our shells and introduce us to new ideas, cultures and activities.
A Wise Mentor
If you have someone smart, inspiring (启发灵感的) and admirable (令人敬佩的) in your life, you’re extremely lucky. He’s simply someone who’s a few steps ahead (在…之前) of you in life and has enough wisdom and patience to guide you in the right direction. Being around such a person will challenge us to better ourselves every day.
A Friendly Neighbor
These days, a lot of people don’t know their own neighbors. It’s a shame, because some neighbors can be the nicest and most helpful people ever. If you’re on a vacation, and you suddenly realize that you forgot to lock the front door, you can call up your trusty neighbor and ask them to lock it for you.
With those friends in your life, you’re sure to live a long and happy life!
小题1:We need _______ to support us whatever happens.
A.a loyal friendB.an adventurous friend
C.a wise mentor D.a friendly neighbor
小题2:An adventurous friend can introduce us something _______.
小题3:What does the underlined word “mentor ”mean?
小题4:A wise mentor is someone who is ________.
A.smart, tall and rich
B.tall, rich and outgoing
C.smart, inspiring and admirable
D.tall, inspiring and admirable
小题5:It can be _______ that you don’t know your neighbors according to the article.
A.a pityB.a shame
Droughts (干旱)are common in Kenya . Before ,they came every 10 years ,but now they seem to be hitting us more often and for a longer time .
We gave the droughts names :“longoza”was the drought when many animals died ; there was the drought of the “planes” because food was dropped from the air by planes; and one particularly bad drought was called “ man who dies with his money in his fist (拳头)”,because ,even if there was money , there was simply no food to buy .
I was born in 1951 in Machakos. From what my mother tells me , when I was 7, there was a serious drought . I clearly remember the terrible weather and the hunger. I can’t tell you how many times I went to bed without eating . “ I slept like that ,” is how we described it . I can’t count the number of days when “ I slept like that,” or describe the feeling of going to sleep hungry ,knowing I’d wake up and there would still be no food for breakfast.
My father would leave early in the morning carrying a little basket to ask for food on credit (赊欠). Each night he would return home around 10:00p.m. My mother would try to encourage me by telling me to keep the water in our pot boiling so that when my father arrived we could quickly cook any food he brought in the already prepared water . I would keep the fire burning and the water boiling , along with the hopes that we would eat that night. But my father would arrive frustrated and empty -handed. And I would sleep like that.
小题1:The best title for the text is ________.
A.A Hungry Childhood Caused by Droughts
B.Food and Hunger
C.Protecting the Environment
D.Droughts and Their Names
小题2:What does the drought of the “ longoza”refer to (指代)?
A.Many animals needed food dropped by planes.
B.People had to eat animals because of hunger.
C.Many animals died because of the droughts.
D.People died of hunger even if they had money.
小题3:Why would the author keep the fire burning and the water boiling?
A.To wait for her father to come back to have supper.
B.To cook the food that her father would bring back.
C.To keep her house warm all night.
D.To make her hungry mother happy.
小题4:The sentence “I slept like that ” means “ ________.”
A.I was disappointed when my father came back empty-handed
B.I felt sorry because my family got hungry again
C.I went to sleep with no food for breakfast.
D.I went to bed with nothing to eat
Santa Can Come before Christmas
It was last June. I entered a supermarket to pick some vegetables,when a young man asked me,“Can you tell me where the       counter(柜台) is? ”
“Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied.
Picking up my things,I finally came to the milk counter where I met the same man       almost 10 bottles of milk.
I asked,“Do you need a basket or a trolley?”
“Sure,thank you.”he answered.
I was       he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk.
I laughed and asked, ”Why so many bottles?”
He smiled and said, ”These are for my street  dogs.  Today, I want to be a Santa           them.”
I said,” Well ,it`s too            for you to be a Santa,It is still June and Christmas comes in December.”
He              at me and walked a few steps,as if he wanted to say something but he left the counter without saying anything.
       ,we met again at the bread counter.
“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs ,Mr.Santa.”
He smiled and said, ”Yes ,These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June, Santa is a representation(象征) of surprises and             . Santa comes in December as we             him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us that shines through our personality at some point of time ,no matter which month it is. Maybe when you offered help to me by getting me a trolley ,there  was a           Santa in you ,When we offer food to a poor man or a(n)             to someone who is caught in the rain ,we are being Santa there, So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”
He left and I was happy that I had met him. It was right to understand that Santa can come before Christmas, We just need to realize that he is around us by             happiness and unconditional love.

I had never noticed her. She was not the kind of girl who could draw attention. She was not tall and just looked     . In class, she liked sitting at the back, reading or taking notes. One day I asked her to read aloud the text. When I heard her standard American pronunciation, I looked at her with new eyes. And I     her name—Kelly. Later on, the National College Speech Competition would be held. One student in our school was allowed to attend. I thought it over and filled in      name.
Kelly practiced hard for the competition. However, I was a little worried because she was always too      . Could she do well in the competition?
On the night of the competition, I sat in the front row of the hall very early. I told her to take it easy. Her face turned red and she said nothing. It seemed she was really      . I felt upset, but I just patted her on the shoulder and let her go to draw lots(抽签). As a result, she drew No. 9 while No. 8 was a boy who was very good at giving speeches.
Sure enough, No. 8 was very      . The whole audience made a warm applause (鼓掌)almost every 30 seconds and was still talking about his speech with     until Kelly appeared on the stage. I sat there with no     to look at her. It was her first time to go up the stage, so I couldn’t be angry with her for any small mistakes. But at that moment, I found I was so afraid of her     .
The strong spotlight and large hall made her so small that nobody seemed to notice she had been on the stage. I felt hopeless.
But the moment that      me came. I clearly heard a voice, a very loud voice, “Now, please focus on(聚焦于)me.”
Three times in all, louder and louder.
The whole audience fell silent.
I could          believe that loud voice came from the girl, who was usually soft-voiced and didn’t       attention at all. She gave a perfect speech.
I think I will never forget this touching lesson that my student taught me — never underestimate(低估)the power of the silent people.
Gabriel Garcia Márquez ,who was awared the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982,passed away at the age of 86 on April 17,2014. The world paused to remember the cultural giant .
Garcia Márquez was born in Colombia ,but he spent most of his adult life in Mexico City . As one of the most famous writers ,he was widely regarded as “a giant of 20th-century literature ” . Garcia Márquez wrote in a style  called “magical realism ”In such works,people live a daily life in a certain period of time in history . But meanwhile ,magical things happen to them .
Garcia Márquez is best known for his 1967 novel ,One Hundred Years of Solitude ,which has sold about 50 million copies . It tells the tale of the small and isolated town of Macondo which was separated from the outside world –of its founding and its troubled history over a hundred years . The story is a metaphor for the development of Colombia since the 19century . As Colombian President Juan Manuel Santons said , Garcia Márquez wrote about “the very essence of the Latin American beings ” .
小题1:Garcia Márquez was born in the year _________.
小题2:We can know from Paragragh 2 that Garcia Márquez______.
A.was born in Mexico City
B.spent most of his adult life in Colombia
C.had a writing style called “magical realism ”
D.was famous but lived a simple daily life
小题3:The underlined word “isolated”means ________.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Garcia Márquez?
A.He was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982
B.His novel One Hundrend Years of Solitude was a great success.
C.He was widely known as “a girl of 20th-century literature ”.
D.Magical things happened to him during his stay in Mexico City.
小题5:The writer quotes from the President to ______.
A.praise Garcia Márquez for his achievement
B.show the deep sadness of the President
C.explain the writing style of Garcia Márquez
D.describe the character of Garcia Márquez

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