
The earth is our home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than it was       years ago, but it has brought some new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution(污染). We can see it, smell it, drink it and even      it. Man has polluted the        . The more people, the more pollution.Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so      people. When the land was used up (用光), the river was not clean in a place,man went to      place. Now man is slowly polluting the whole world      pollution is still the most serious, it’s bad for      things in the world.Many countries don’t le t people burn      for air in houses and factories in the city. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of      pollution. It’s caused by heavy traffic. People say it’s      to ride bikes. When you are      , there is no pollution. But even in developed countries, most people don’t go to work by bike. It’s not     bikes are expen sive or people are tired if they ride to work. It’s because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. So more people      their bikes and go to work by cars,  then things are getting      . We should have special roads only for bikes and make it      difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use their bikes. 


小题1:考查数词及语境理解。表示整百时hundred不用复数,也不跟of连用,但表示概数时,hundred必须用复数,并且跟of连用。数百年前hundreds of years ago是一固定用法,所以选B。
小题2:考查动词及语境理解。 listen 听,是一个非及物动词,常与 to  搭配使用 ,强调听的动作过程;hear of  听到,听说;hear 听,听见,是一个及物动词,强调听的结果。根据We can see it, smell it, drink it and推知选D。
小题3:考查名词及语境理解。Moon月球;star 星;earth  地球;sun 太阳。结合句意人类已污染了地球可知选C。
小题4:考查形容词及语境理解lot 很多;little  很少,几乎没有;many  许多,修饰可数名词复数;much 许多,修饰不可数名词。根据上句The more people, the more pollution.(人越多,污染越多)可知本句句意为:许多年前,这问题不严重是因为没有如此多的人,people是复数名词,所以选C。
小题5:考查代词及语境理解。others 其他的,泛指;the others 其他的,特指;the other  另一,指两者当中的另一者;another另一,指多数当中的另一者。根据上句When the land was used up, the river was not clean in a place,(当土地被用光,那地方的河流不干净时)知本句句意为:人们就去了另一个地方,所以选D。
小题6:考查名词及语境理解。 Air  空气;Food 食物; Water 水;Noise噪音。跳读知句意:现在,人类正在慢慢地污染整个世界,空气污染仍然是最严重的,所以选A。
小题7:考查名词及语境理解。life 生活,复数为lives;live 居住,现在分词为 living  ,第三人称单数为lives 。living things生物,是一固定说法,所以选C。
小题8:考查不定代词及语境理解。something 某事,某物;bad 坏的; good  好的;形容词修饰复合不定代词要放在后面。跳读知句意:许多国家不允许人们燃烧废物,所以选A。
小题9:考查名词及语境理解。Water水;air 空气;noise 噪音; white白色,白色的。根据常识二氧化硫污染是最危险的空气污染可知选 B。
小题10:考查形容词及语境理解least 最少的; best  最好的;most 最多的;worst 最坏的。跳读知句意:人们说最好骑自行车,所以选 B。
小题11:考查动词及语境理解。驾驶汽车用drive,骑自行车用ride。跳读知句意:人们骑自行车,没有污染。个和前面的are可知选 C。
小题12:考查疑问词及语境理解why 为什么;because  因为; what  什么;how 怎么。根据句意这不是因为自行车贵,可知选 B。
小题13:考查动词短语及语境理解put on  穿,戴;look at 看; put away 收起,放好; look up向上看,在字典参考书中查找。根据前句It’s because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger.(这是因为道路上的汽车数量变大) 知本句意为更多的人收起他们的自行车而开车去工作,所以选C。
小题14:考查形容词及语境理解。better and better 越来越好; more and more  越来越多;worse and worse 越来越坏; bigger and bigger 越来越大。根据前句more people  put away their bikes and go to work by cars(更多的人收起他们的自行车而开车去工作)知,本句句意为,情况变得越来越糟,所以选C。
小题15:考查副词及语境理解。quite  很,非常;such 如此,常用在名词前;very 非常,很; so如此,常用在形容词或副词前。Such…that,so..that,都译为如此…以致,由于difficult为形容词,故用so。所以选 D。

The air pollution was so bad in Harbin, in China, on October 21,2013 that the city had to close roads and schools, and cancel* hundreds of flights from its airport.
News reports said the smog (a mixture of smoke and fog) was so thick that people couldn’t see more than 10 or 20 metres in front of them.
It is also said that people could not even see the person standing next to them. The city’s website said: “You can’t see your own fingers in front of you.”
The local people said there was a “burning” smell in the air. Many people covered their noses and mouths with scarves or masks*.
The pollution was caused on several factors* including: farmers burning off old corn stalks* and crop stubble*; coal*-fired heating systems; and low winds that allowed the smoke to remain over the city.
The smog had been building up for several days. It became worse when the city turned on the public heating system, which uses coal to heat millions of homes and offices in the city.
Harbin has a population of more than 10 million people. It lies in northeastern China, where cold winter weather can last up to six months. The main fuel* there is coal, because it is cheaper than other types of fuel.
Air pollution from burning coal can cause health problems like heart disease. During the smog crisis* in Harbin, the number of people taken to the hospital with breathing problems was 30% higher than usual.
The city government is trying to reduce its use of coal by adding more insulation* and better roofs and windows to buildings to reduce heating needs. It has also used cleaner fuel for cars and factories.
小题1:The roads and schools in Harbin had to be closed on October 21, 2013 because of  ____
A.the heavy rainB.the strong windC.the serious smogD. the terrible snow
小题2:There are many reasons for the air pollution EXCEPT____________.
A.farmers burn off old corn stalks and crop stubble
B.people use coal to heat millions of homes and offices
C.The smoke remains over the city because of low winds
D.Many buses and cars use cleaner fuel and so do factories.
小题3: What is the government trying to do when the air pollution get worse?
A.To offer cars new fuel.
B.To give people more masks.
C.To reduce its use of coal.
D.To ask people to stay at home.
小题4:What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.The serious air pollution in China
B.Coal-fired heating systems
C.The population crisis in Harbin
D.The reasons for heart disease

Amazon. com was one of the first companies to try to sell products on the Internet. Jeff Bezos started the company. He was a successful vice—president of a company in New York. One day he predicted the future. He thought,“The World Wide Web is growing 200 percent a year. It's going to continue to grow. Shopping is going to move to the Internet. People are going to shop online. ”He gave up his good job and drove across the country to Seattle,Washington. There he started an online bookstore called Amazon. com. Bezos had very little money. The company began in a garage,and at first there were very few people who bought things.
At the Amazon. com site,people can search for a book about a subject,find many different books about that subject,read what other people think about the books,order them by credit card,then get them in the mail in two days. This kind of bookstore was a new idea,but the business grew. In a few years,Amazon. com had 10 million different things in categories including books,CDs,toys,electronics,videos,DVDs,things you use to fix up a house,software,and video games. Today you can buy anything from food to gold rings at a“virtual shopping mall”,that is,a group of stores all over the world that works like group of stores all in one place.
Are people going to shop online more and more? No one knows for sure. At least online shopping is growing.
小题1:Amazon. com is ___________.
A.a bookshop to sell books on the Internet
B.a school to teach students on the Internet
C.a kind of email to send and receive letters
D.a company to sell things on the Internet
小题2:From second paragraph we infer(推测) that ________.
A.people can buy books on the Internet
B.Amazon. com had 10 million different things
C.it's easy to buy anything on the Internet
D.most people enjoy buying things on the Internet
小题3:From the passage,we mainly know that ________.
A.online shopping is growing now
B.we are not sure if online shopping is growing
C.it's cheaper to do shopping online
D.many people shop online at first
Sports can help you keep fit and close to nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should realize that sport you choose might have great influence on the environment.
Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also lots of water. Besides, huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场)in good condition. This causes major environmental changes. For example, in the dry places of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for (为...承担责任) serious water shortage(短缺) in some local areas.
There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes, and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also help you stay healthy. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and keep thin.
Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener than by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be "green gyms." They are better replacements(替代) for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership(会员身份). And best of all, it's free.
小题1:Which of following does the author most probably support according to the passage?
A.Bicycling around the lake.B.Car racing on the road.
C.Playing basketball in a gym.D.Swimming in a sports center.
小题2: What does the phrase "resource-hungry" in this passage mean in Chinese?
小题3: The author uses power walking as an example mainly because
A.it is an outdoor sport.B.it is loved by many people.
C.it uses fewer recourses.D.it is supported by experts.
小题4:The author writes the passage to_______.
A.show us disadvantages of golf.
B.encourage us to take part in green sports.
C.explain the major sports influence of popular sports,
D.discuss different kinds of environment-friendly sport.
Carmen Arace Middle School is situated in the pastoral town of Bloomfield, Conn., but four years ago it faced many of the same problems as inner-city schools in nearby Hartford: low scores on standardized tests and dropping enrollment(入学注册). Then the school’s hard-driving headmaster, Delores Bolton, persuaded her board to shake up the place by buying a laptop computer for each student and teacher to use, in school and at home. What’s more, the board provided wireless Internet access at school. Total cost: $2.5 million.
Now, an hour before classes start, every seat in the library is taken by students who cannot wait for getting online. Fifth-grade teacher Jen Friday talks about different kinds of birds as students view them at a colorful website. After school, students on buses pull laptops from backpacks to get started on homework. Since the computer arrived, enrollment is up 20%. Scores on state tests are up 35%.
Indeed, school systems in rural Maine and New York City also hope to follow Arace Middle School’s example. Governor Angus King had planned using $50 million to buy a laptop for all of Maine’s 17,000 seventh-graders – and for new seventh-graders each fall.
In the same spirit, the New York City board of education voted on April 12 to create a school Internet portal(入口), which would make money by selling ads and licensing public school students. Profits(盈利)will also provide e-mail service for the city’s 1.1 million public school students. Profits will be used to buy laptops for each of the school system’s 87,000 fourth-graders. Within nine years, all students in grades 4 and higher will have their own computers.
Back in Bloomfield, in the meantime, most of the kinks have been worked out. Some students were using their computers to visit unauthorized(非法的)websites. But teachers have the ability to keep an eye on where students have been on the Web and to stop them. “That is the worst when they disable you,” says eighth-grade honors student Jamie Bassell. The habit is rubbing off on parents. “I taught my mom to use e-mail,” says another eighth-grader, Katherine Hypolite. “And now she’s taking computer classes. I’m so proud of her!”
小题1:The example of Carmen Arace Middle School in the passage is used to ______.
A.show the problems schools are faced with today
B.prove that a school without high enrollment can do well
C.express the importance of computers in modern education
D.tell that laptops can help improve students’ school performance
小题2:According to the writer, students in New York City’s public schools will ______.
A.enjoy e-mail service in the near future
B.make money by selling ads on websites
C.all have their own laptops within nine years
D.become more interested in their studies with laptops
小题3:The underlined word “kinks” in the last paragraph most probably means ______.
小题4:From the passage we learn that ______.
A.a school Internet portal is the key to a laptop program
B.the laptop program also has a good influence on parents
C.students slowly accept the fact their online activities controlled
D.the laptop program in public school is mainly for the eighth-graders
Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.
I’ve seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways. One strict mother insisted that her son, right from a child, should stand up whenever anyone entered the room, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman. I saw him last week when I called round. Sprawling himself on the sofa in full length, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in, and his greeting was no more than a quick glance at me. His mother was ashamed. “I don’t know what to do with him these days,” she said. “He’s forgotten all the manners we taught him.” He hasn’t forgotten them. He’s just decided that he’s not going to use them. She confessed(坦白) that she would like to come up behind him and throw him down from the sofa onto the floor.
Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furniture, reach across the table, stare at me and say, “I don’t like your dress; it’s ugly.” One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school. The other has left home.
“Where did we go wrong?” her parents are now very sad. Probably nowhere much. At least, no more than the rest of that unfortunate race, parents.
小题1: This text is most probably written by ______.
A.A specialist in teenager studies.
B.a headmaster of a middle school
C.a parent with teenage children
D.a doctor for mental health problems
小题2:The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to ______.
A.the change from good to bad that’s seen in a child
B.the way that parents often blame themselves
C.the opinion that a child has of his parents
D.the advice that parents want their children to follow
小题3:The boy on the sofa would most probably be described as ______.
小题4:From the second example we can infer that the parents of the two daughters ______.
A.pay no attention to them
B.are too busy to look after them
C.have come to hate them
D.feel helpless to do much about them
小题5:What is the author’s opinion about the sudden change in teenage children?
A.Parents have no choice but to try to accept it.
B.Parents should pay still more attention to the change.
C.Parents should work more closely with school teachers.
D.Parents are a fault for the change in their children.
Many scientists find that colours can change people’s feelings. It’s very interesting. Some colours can make people feel relaxed,and some colours can make people feel nervous. Now,this kind of knowledge is being used in many places. For example, school walls are always painted green because green makes students feel relaxed. It is also good for the students’ eyes. Some books are also green or light blue for the same reason. Restaurant owners not only have to know how to make food,but also have to know how to make money. Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific studies. The colour red makes people hungry. Many fast food restaurants have red furniture or walls. Soft colours like pink and light blue make people feel relaxed,so they spend more time eating. Loud music may be nice at first,but it soon makes people want to leave. Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave. Many restaurants,especially fast food restaurants,use this knowledge to make customers eat faster.
小题1:How does the colour green make the students feel?
小题2:How does the colour red make most people feel?
小题3:Which colour isn’t mentioned in this passage?
A.Green.B.White.C.Light blue.D.Red.
小题4:What do many fast food restaurants do?
①Play loud music. ②Play soft music. ③Have hard seats. ④Paint their walls red.
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Colour and restaurant.
B.Use colour to make money.
C.Colour and science.
D.Use colour to change feelings.
What do you think of a forest, what do you see? Just trees? Or do you see many other things, such as singing birds, colorful plants and wild flowers?
The forest is a whole of its own. It is full of many different living things. But even though they are all different, they have one thing in common: they all need each other in order to live on.
The trees feed the forest "people" by making food in their leaves; by using sunlight to join water and minerals from the soil and air. Their deep network of roots joins the soil together and stops it from dying out, making it possible for living things to live in it.
Human beings are like the living things in the forest. We need one another in order to live. We need the farmers to grow our food, railroad and truck drivers to bring it to our shops and clerks (售员)to sell it to us. We need people to prepare our food and cook it and others to take our waste things away. Then, of course, we need doctors, nurses, government leaders, mailmen, telephone operators, and many others.
We also need other human beings in another way. We need people for friendship, to talk over our problems, exchange ideas. Think how lonely and unhappy you would be if you lived all alone.
Life is a matter of giving and taking. We need to help other people as much as we need other people to help us. Think what a good feeling you have when you have done something for someone else. You know, being a volunteer is so great!
小题1:According to the text, colorful plants and flowers live on______.
A.the leaves of the treesB.water and minerals
C.the soil and airD.all of the above
小题2:It is the ________ that make it possible for living things to live in the forest.
小题3:According to the writer, human beings are_______the forest "people".
A.likeB.dislikeC.unhappy withD.different from
小题4:The writer mainly wants to tell us ________.
A.we need people for friendship
B.the forest is a whole world of its own
C.we need one another in order to live on
D.the forest is full of different living things
小题5:Which one is the relationship (关系) between a forest and your life?
A.We are trees in the forests.
B.We like the living things in the forest.
C.We need farmers to grow our food in the forest.
D.We are the same as the forest: we need each other to live on.

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