
   A study shows that today's children play outdoors just half as much as their parents did when they were young.

They stay indoors most of their time. They watch TV,play computer games and,in some cases (情况) , even do their homework. Figures show that in the 1970s and 1980s children enjoyed more than two hours of outside play on weekdays,and even nine hours on weekends—whatever the weather is. But today's youngsters (年轻人,小孩) stay outside for just over an hour on weekdays,and fewer than five hours on Saturdays and Sundays.

   It also shows that 58 per cent of parents wish their children played outdoors more often,and they seriously worry their children don't spend enough time playing outdoors.

   In fact,playing outdoors is so important for children—not only to help them stay active and healthy,but also to communicate (交流) with friends,and make those colorful childhood (童年时代) which we look back on so warmly.

    And because they don't go out,they don't know their own communities as well as their parents did,they don't have as many friends in the area and they don't have the same chances for fun as their parents did.

1. How long do today's children play outdoors on each weekday according to the study?

   A. More than one hour.

   B. More than two hours.

   C. Fewer than five hours.

   D. About nine hours.

2. What does the underlined word “ figure” mean in Chinese?

   A. 人物   B. 档案   C. 数据   D. 轮廓

3. How many of the parents want their children to play outdoors more often?

   A. None of them.

   B. Some of them.

   C. Most of them.

   D. All of them.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Today's children do sports outdoors more than their parents did.

   B. Today's children play outdoors as much as their parents did.

   C. Playing outdoors helps children stay active and healthy.

   D. Playing outdoors brings the children safe problems.

5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

   A. Children today have more outdoor activities.

   B. It's helpful for children today to play outdoors often.

   C. Children today don't know what to play.

   D. Parents should give children more free time.

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B

导读本文用具体的数据说明了如今的孩子在户外活动的时 间只是他们的父母在这个年龄的时候活动时间的一半,原因 就是他们中的大多数喜欢呆在家里看电视、上网、做作业。


1. A 细节理解题。由第二段 “ But today's youngsters stay outside for just over an hour on weekdays... ” 可知,如今 的孩子在上学日这五天中每天户外玩耍的时间只有一 个多小时。

2. C词义猜测题。下文中列举了大量的数字用于比对现在的孩子们和家长们在儿童时期玩耍的时间。因此猜 测,figure意为“数据”。

3. C细节理解题。第三段中提到“It also shows that 58 per cent of parents wish their children played outdoors more often. 由此可知,超过半数的家长希望孩子们在户外多玩耍,故most of them与原文信息一致。

4. C细节理解题。根据第四段not only to help them stay active and healthy,but also... ”可知,户外玩耍可 以让学生保持健康活力。

5. B主旨大意题。综合理解全文可知,本文建议孩子们增加户外活动时间,因为户外活动有助于健康。因此B 项与原文观点一致。


A study shows that today's children play outdoors just half as much as their parents did when they were young. 

—项研究表明,现在的孩子们在户外玩耍的时间只是他们父母年轻时 候的一半。

该句主体结构是“ A study shows that +宾语从句”。在 宾语从句中,as. .. as...连接的是比较状语从句,前后比较的 内容是 today's children play outdoors 和 their parents did 两个 活动所花费的时间。


Welcome to the official website for First News 

    First News is a weekly newspaper for young people (aged 7-14) ,which comes out in a traditional,lively,full color newspaper style. First News,with over 1 million readers each week,opens children's minds to the issues (问题) of today,taking them to the world around them.

    Nowhere else can you find all the important stories in a child-friendly way—in the way the children reader will grow up to be the country's great communicators (交流者) .

   Try First News today and get:

    First News mailed each week direct to your door. Free post

. Easy articles in a child-friendly design

. A great teaching resource (资源)

. Games,competitions and much more!

. £34. 99 for six months and only £58. 99 for a year.

1. How often does First News come out?

   A. Every day.    B. Every week.

   C. Every month.    D. Every year.

2. Who like reading First News'?

   A. The parents.   B. The grown-ups.

   C. The teachers.   D. The young people.

3. Mr Smith ordered 6-month First News for his son and one-year First News for his daughter. How much did he pay?

   A. £34. 99.   B. £58. 99. 

   C. £93. 98.   D. £117. 98. 

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. It is helpful for children's study.

   B. There are many interesting games in First News.

   C. First News ever won two awards.

   D. You need to go to the post office to get your First News.

5. Where can we probably read the passage?

   A. In a magazine.        B. In the newspaper.

   C. On an advertisement.    D. On the Internet.

   There is an old Italian tradition called “suspended (待用)coffee”. There,you pay for two cups of coffee but only take one,so that someone can go into the cafe and enjoy the other coffee for free. This way,no-money people can still enjoy coffee.

    Now,this model is catching on in China. It is “suspended fast food. ” Many people think it's a great way to help someone who is more disadvantaged (写导势 的) than us. On the other hand,some people don't think it's a good idea. They don't know if these people taking the meals are really in need of help or just out for a free lunch. Also,how do we know the restaurant owners won’t just pocket (隐藏) the money and give out (分发) the food?

    This is really a trust issue. In fact,it's sometimes difficult to decide if we should give a beggar (乞丐) on the street a little money. Maybe they really need our help; it's also possible that they aren’t really homeless but just don't want to work.

But all in all,hopefully we can trust those enough to do the right thing.

1. In Italy, “ suspended coffee” is a charity activity.

   A. new   B. modern

   C. traditional   D. ancient

2. Who can enjoy suspended coffee in the country?

   A. Every person. B. The rich.

   C. The old. D. The poor.

3. For suspended fast food,which of the following do people worry about?

 ①Some are just out for a free lunch.

 ② Some people don't pay for the meals.

 ③ The restaurant owners don't give out the food.

 There will be more and more homeless people.

    A. ①②   B. ①③

   C. ①③④   D. ①②③④

4. What does “trust issue” refer to (指的是) ?

   A. Eating habit. B. Honesty problem.

   C. Big decision. D. Clever idea.

5. What does the writer mainly tell us in the passage?

   A. We shouldn’t believe the beggar.

   B. We have to make sure who are homeless.

   C. We can trust those enough to do the right thing.

   D. What is “suspended fast food”.

    World Book Day usually falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by UNESCO in 1955 to encourage people,especially teenagers,to find the pleasure of reading. It also helps raise money for Book Aid International for the libraries in Africa. Many schools hold non-uniform days asking pupils to dress up as their favorite book characters and give away £ 1.     People often hold a book sale or sell goodies to help raise money for the charity.

On that day in the UK,millions of students can buy books of special prices,much lower than usual in any bookstore. This activity started in 1998.

    Lutterworth High School in England celebrated World Book Day with a number of activities,one of these was for students to dress up as book characters and other students had to guess who they were. There were some easy guessing games but there were also some difficult ones. Sometimes the students have to spend about 5 minutes guessing who a character is.

World Book Day falls on Thursday March 6th,this year. 2014 is the 17th year of this event.

1. What's the main aim of the World Book Day?

   A. To encourage teenagers to study harder.

   B. To sell more books.

   C. To raise more money for the poor.

   D. To encourage more people to read books.

2. On non-uniform days,the pupils in Africa .

   A. dress up as their favourite book characters to raise money

   B. students can buy their favourite clothes

   C. students mustn't wear the school uniforms

   D. can go on the streets to hang out

3. On World Book Day,a lot of students in the UK can .

   A. buy some pictures on sale

   B. buy some second-hand books

   C. buy some cheap books

   D. get some famous books for free

4. One of the interesting activities in Lutterworth High School in England is .

   A. guessing game

   B. selling books

   C. selling goodies

   D. making paper clothes

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. March 6th,2014 is the seventh World Book Day.

   B. You can take many activities in Lutterworth High School on World Book Day.

   C. On World Book Day people only sell books to help raise money for the charity.

   D. The students don't think some activities are interesting in Lutterworth High School.

     The clownfish lives in salt water. It is a kind of bright and orange fish with three white stripes. Clownfish can grow to be from 2 to 5 inches long.

It is also called an anemonefish because they can keep itself safe in anemones. This means they benefit from living with the sea anemones,and the sea anemones benefit from the clownfish. The sea anemones are dangerous and they eat other fish. But the clownfish have mucus outside their bodies to keep themselves safe. They eat everything that is left over by the sea anemones.

    The father clown fish is a great parent. He makes a house before the mother clownfish is ready to lay eggs. He then takes care of the eggs. Seven days later,many baby fish come out of the eggs.

    Clownfish are very active fish. Clownfish are not ugly but pretty,so some people catch them and keep them as pets in aquariums (水族馆) .They don't know that they make a mistake. In aquariums,the clownfish can live from 3 to 5 years. In the sea,they live 6 to 10 years.

1. What color is the clownfish?

   A. Black and pink. B. Blue and golden.

   C. Red and brown. D. Orange and white.

2. Clownfish is also named anemonefish because

   A. it is also a kind of anemone

   B. it likes to eat anemones

   C. anemones can't hurt it

   D. its mother is a kind of anemone

3. The food for the clownfish is mainly from.

   A. dead plants and fish

   B. everything left over by the sea anemones

   C. food left over by its mother

   D. everything left over by big fish

4. Who looks after the eggs of the clownfish?

   A. The father clownfish.

   B. The mother clownfish.

   C. The sea anemones.

   D. No one.

5. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. Clownfish are pretty so many people love to have them as pets.

   B. Clownfish are hard to catch so few people would like to keep them as pets.

   C. It is better for clownfish to live in aquariums than in the sea.

   D. Mother clownfish can't lay eggs but father clownfish can.

    Do you know why many people use the Internet? Here are some reasons.

    To find information about a subject 

    The Web is like a large book of different information (信肩、) 一in some ways it's even better. It is very easy to find the information you like.

To communicate with faraway (远处的) friends

   E-mail is a cheap and easy way for people to communicate with friends far away. It's faster and easier than writing letters and it's also cheaper than using the telephone.

To meet people 

   The Web is always a very friendly place. People love getting emails from strangers,and strangers can be friends quickly on the Net (因特网) .When you know you will never have to meet someone face to face,you may find it easier to tell them your darkest secrets. Net friendships can become real life ones,too.

To have fun 

    It's true that the Internet is a fun place. There are lots of fun things for you to spend a boring rainy day. You can find lots of songs,movies,games and so on.

To learn 

   Using computers can let you learn something good and interesting.

    There are many other reasons why people use the Internet,such as,to read the news,to find software and to buy things.

1. Which is NOT mentioned in this passage?

   A. You can find a stranger to talk with on the Internet.

   B. You can e-mail your friend on the Internet.

   C. You can watch movies on the Internet.

   D. You can cook on the Internet.

2. The Chinese meaning of “darkest” is “ ” in the passage.

   A. 最黑暗的   B. 最隐秘的

   C. 最开心的   D. 最模糊的

3. Which is right according to the passage?

   A. To e-mail is more difficult than using the telephone.

   B. People like to tell their secrets to Net friends because they will not have to meet.

   C. Net friendships are not real ones.

   D. The Internet is boring on rainy days.

4. In the passage,there are reasons why people use the Internet.

   A. four   B. five

   C. eight   D. six

5. The passage is about .

   A. how to use a computer

   B. how to use the Internet

   C. why people use the Internet

   D. what the Internet is like

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