The other day I was watching SportsCentre when one of those "human interest" stories came on and really caught my attention.

The hero was about a 27-year-old professional Bass Fisherman named Clay Dyer. At first, they played it off as another guy trying to make the cut on the Bassmaster tour until they showed a picture of him. No legs, no arm, or rather, he has only 1/3 of his right arm. That's all that he has.

It was such an amazing story that I was wondering what this guy could do. Growing up, he learned to play-baseball and basketball, but found that fishing was his true calling. And he does it all on his own. He holds the fishing pole under his chin and uses that and his stub (残端)arm to cast and reel the fish in. He uses his teeth to help him unhook fish. He ties his own hooks on with his mouth, never really asking anyone else to help. Clay Dyer even knows how to swim. Since his body can't produce enough sweat on its own, he has to take a dip in the lake every few hours to keep cool. He dives in just like anyone else, then somehow treads water(採7jO with his stub arm, then, with a little help, pulls himself back up into the boat and goes on fishing.

Clay Dyer has never looked for others' pity, and nor has he allowed his physical disabilities to prevent him from becoming a professional fisherman. His motto for life is "If I can, you can. ,, He refuses to use special equipment, saying, "I want to do it with one hand the way they do it with two."

5.    Why did the author become interested in Clay Dyer?

A.    He assumed Dyer was living happily.

B.    He thought that Dyer could do nothing.

C.    He took great pity on this disabled man.

D.    He wanted to know what Dyer could do.

6.    We learn from the last paragraph that   .

A.    it seems easy for Clay Dyer to go fishing

B.    Dyer aims to behave like a normal person

C.    special equipment is allowed when fishing

D.    physical disabilities destroy his faith in life

7.    Which word best describes Clay Dyer's personality?

A. Diligent.    B. Faithful.

C. Inspiring.   D. Stubborn.

8.    The text is intended to .

A.    persuade readers to watch SportsCentre

B.    share Clay Dyer's life story with readers

C.    call on readers to care for the disabled man

D.    express the author's admiration for Clay Dyer

University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldn't stand seeing good food thrown out on their campus. "We basically noticed that some of the extra food from the dining hall was going to waste at the end of the day. And we met with the dining services and asked them whether it would be okay if instead of throwing out the food we would donate it. And they were on board," he said.

So 18 months ago, the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network. Each night, volun?teers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and deliver them to area shelters and food banks. So far, they have donated more than 23, 000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out.

Nationwide, $ 165 billion worth of food is wasted each year, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Spokesman Bob Keefer says that is about 40% of the country's entire food production. **If we can re?duce our waste in this country by 15 %? we can feed 25 million hungry Americans. That is a huge benefit. That is what programmes like this Food Recovery Network are doing," he said.

Christian Life Centre is one of the beneficiaries (受益者)of the students' efforts. Ben Slye, the senior pas?tor (牧师),said? "It has been just amazing to see these students take their own time, their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this. Each week we are able with this food probably to feed over one hundred people.,,

University of Maryland's Food Recovery Network now has 200 volunteers and the programme has expand?ed to 18 schools across the country. "I want to grow 18 chapters to a thousand chapters within five years. And once we get to the Food Recovery Network being at ev?ery college campus inAmerica, we want to expand to restaurants and farms," said Simon.

The volunteers are committed to making that happen.

1.    The dining services in University  of Maryland

A.    threw out good food on campus

B.    enjoyed the talk with the students

C.    supported the volunteers' job

D.    donated their leftovers to the poor

2.    Volunteers  from  the  Food  Recovery Network

A.    started the Food Recovery Network two years ago

B.    delivered leftovers as well as money to shelters

C.    donated leftovers to avoid food waste

D.    helped to solve the hunger issues inAmerica

3.    Ben Slye's attitude towards the volunteers' efforts was that of .

A. unconcern  B. appreciation

C,  doubt      D. opposition

4.    What can be the best title for the text?

A.    Battles against the problem of hunger

B.    College students rescue leftover food

C.    How to pick up leftovers on college campus

D.    Waste problems in University  of Maryland

Chinese characters help improve IQ Chinese characters may be the reason why local children aged between 6 and 12 display a higher IQ than their peers in Britain, Germany and Australia.

The pictographic nature of the Chinese writing sys?tem helps to inspire the thinking ability of children. Their intelligence develops better while they learn the characters. 9 

I am a retired Chinese-language teacher from Malaysia. From my experiences, I have long noticed that Chinese-medium-educated students always excel in mathematics as compared with those taught in other lan?guages. 10 The words for numerals are all monosyllabic(单音节的)in Chinese. In contrast, their equivalents(对应词)in Malay have two or three syllables, like sa-tu, du a, ti-ga, em-pat, li-ma, e-nam. 11 Their English equivalents-- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ten, hundred, thousand, mil?lion―include multi-syllabic words, too.

12 Children easily find that it is in the Chinese language that they can do the job fastest. Children taught in Chinese find it easier to learn numerals and can do their calculations much faster. This has been repeatedly proved by reports on Chinese-medium-educated students winning prizes in the International Mathemati?cal Olympiad.

Mathematics has a lot to do with IQ tests, as it is well proved that children good at numbers tend to have a stronger reasoning ability. 13 Teach the children Chinese so that they can think in the language. Keep their cutting edge in mathematics with the aid of Chinese characters, and this will improve their IQ.

A.    The secret lies in the Chinese characters.

B.    They are much quicker at learning languages.

C.    This was discovered by Dr Zeng, assistant professor of psychology at NUS.

D.    The difference between them is striking when it comes to memorizing the multiplication table.

E.    So, I would like to call on Chinese parents to treas?ure the language of our ancestors.

F.    It takes a longer time to pronounce these words.

G.    Therefore, I'm going to teach mathematics if possible.

A twenty-three-year Dutch student has enjoyed a short but unexpected holiday in Dubai. Mr Frank Vreede, a business student, had taken a part-time job at Schiphol Airport to help pay for his 5 . He worked as a baggage handler.

Last Friday night after a 6 day in the university library preparing for his final exams, Frank was 7 a plane at the airport. He was waiting for the next bag?gage truck to arrive and he felt tired. He decided to have a 8 rest so he sat down in the hold of the plane and shut his eyes just for a moment.

9 , while he was sleeping, the plane took off. An hour later, Frank 10 and was shocked to discov?er that the plane was in the air. 11 was a terrible noise from the engines, and he tried not to 12 It was dark, uncomfortable and very, very cold. Frank knew he could not 13 in the freezing temperatures. It was an impossible situation.

He decided to make as much 14 as possible. He hit the ceiling of the baggage hold and shouted at the top of his voice. 15 a passenger heard the noise and called a flight attendant, who immediately informed the pilot. 16 the captain understood what was happening, he ordered hot air to be pumped into the hold.

When the plane arrived at Dubai International Airport , an ambulance was waiting to take a very 17 and frightened Mr Vreede to hospital. 18 examined him, but he was unhurt and was allowed to leave after a few hours. 19 spread quickly about this " stowaway". The Managing Director of one of Dubai's top hotels offered him a free room for the week?end. "He must have wanted to come to Dubai very much if he was prepared to travel in the hold ! 20 the MD.

 21 been so kind," said Mr Vreede. "I'm really enjoying my stay in Dubai and I'm getting a lot of rest, so I won't fall asleep on the job again. He also 22 to his boss for sleeping at work 23 working, and promised it would not happen again. "Next time, I'll catch a 24 flight ! said Mr Vreede.

5.    A. business     B. studies

    C.   flights        D. exams

6.    A. tiring  B. boring

    C.  lazy  D. sad

7.    A. boarding    B. repairing

    C. loading            D. sweeping

8.    A. good   B. quiet

    C.  full        D. quick

9.    A. However    B. Therefore

   C.  Besides    D. Otherwise

10.   A.    set up      B.    threw up

    C.    woke up  D.    looked up

11.   A.    It     B.    There

   C.    What       D.    That

12.   A.    risk  B.    anger

   C.    bother     D.    panic

13.   A. guarantee   B. survive

    C.  challenge     D. involve

14.   A. sense  B. progress

    C, fortune       D. noise

15.   A. Luckily      B. Generally

   C.  Actually  D. Usually

16.   A. Unless       B. Though

   C.  Once       D. Since

17.   A. sleepy B. greedy

    C.  hungry                     D. cold

18.   A. Workers     B. Passengers

    C.  Doctors   D. Pilots

19.   A. Diseases     B. News

    C.  Fear D. Lies

20.   A. joked  B. cried

    C.  whispered       D. replied

21.   A. Nobody's    B. Someone's

    C.  Anyone's  D. Everyone's

22.   A. applied      B. contributed

    C.  apologized                D. appealed

23.   A. instead of   B.  in spite of

     C.  in case of D.  except for

24.   A. local   B. regular

     C. delayed      D. cheap

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