Water runs downhill from mountaintops to streams to rivers to oceans. But downhill isn’t the only way that water moves .A new study measures how water travels from country to country for human consumption. This flow isn’t the type we usually think about .These scientists looked at the water used to grow and make the products which get shipped from nation to nation as imports or exports. They call this a flow of“virtual water(虚拟水)”.

We typically think about water as the liquid that flows from a tap. However,92%of the water used by people goes into growing crops,according to water researcher Arjen Hoekstra. He recently studied the hidden travels of virtual water used in products made from things like crops and meats .These products are shipped around the world.

For example.consider a sugary soft drink. Hoekstra estimated that to produce one half-liter of the drink requires between 170 and 310litersofthewater—about 95%—is used to grow and process the ingredients(原料).Another 4%goes into the packaging and labeling. In Hoekstra’s calculation, when one country produces a half-liter of soda and sells it abroad,it exports as much virtual water as would fill a large refrigerator.

According to Hoekstra’s new report,dry countries like Israel and Kuwait,both in the Middle East, get the majority of their virtual water from other countries,through imported products. More surprisingly, some wetter countries,like the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, also get the majority of their virtual water from other places. That means that most of the water used to grow or produce the products and food consumed in those countries came from other countries.

In the United States most of the virtual water used comes from American sources .In China even less of the water associated with its products

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Crops and Virtual Water B. Import and Export of Water

C. Benefits of Virtual Water D. Water’s worldwide travels

2.The first paragraph is intended to talk about__________.

A. how water flows

B. what virtual water is

C. where virtual water exists

D. why water is imported and exported

3.The example of a sugary soft drink in Paragraph 3 is given to show_________.

A. how drinks are made B. how virtual water is used

C. how virtual water is exported D. how drinks are shipped

4.In which countries does most part of virtual water come from outside?

A. lsrael and America B. America and the Netherlands

C. China and the United Kingdom D. Kuwait and the Netherlands

5.The passage is most probably a_________.

A. science news report B. book review

C. newspaper advertisement D. science fiction story


How to deal successfully with a child showing outstanding musical ability? It’s not always clear how best to develop and encourage his gift. Many parents may even fail to recognize and respond to their children′s need until discouragement explodes into uncooperative(不合作的)behavior. And while most schools are equipped to deal with children who are especially able in academic subjects,the musically gifted require special understanding which may not always be available in an ordinary school. Such children may well benefit from the education offered by a specialist music school.

The five music schools in Britain aim to provide all environment where gifted children can develop their skills under the guidance of professional musicians. Children here spend about half of a day on musical activities,for example,individual lessons,orchestras,chamber(室内音乐的)groups,voice training,conducting and theory. They also spend several hours a day practicing in private rooms .The rest of their time is taken up with the subjects:English,maths and basic sciences.

What are the disadvantages? An obvious problem is that the fees are high .However, each school will often scholarships and other forms of financial aid. Secondly, not all parents want to send their children to boarding school, especially at an early age .Almost all the directors of the specialist schools express doubts about the wisdom of admitting children as young as seven into such a tense and disciplined(守纪律的)environment. They stress,however, that their main aim is to turn out “well-rounded and well—balanced individual.”

1.If a child’s musical ability is not recognized___________.

A. the child may behave badly

B. the ability may fade away

C. the child may lose interest

D. the parents may become anxious

2.What probably may musically gifted children face in ordinary schools?

A. Their academic work may suffer.

B. Schools lack musical equipment

C. Music is not seen as an important subject

D. Parents and teachers don’t work together.

3.What makes specialist music schools different from other schools?

A. Their working day is longer.

B. A range of musical training is offered

C. More than half the day is spent on music

D. The children have mostly one-to-one lessons

4.According to school directors,what is a possible disadvantage for pupils?

A. Poor children may not be included

B. They may lose their individuality

C. There may be a discipline problem

D. They may be too small on arrival

5.The passage mainly talks about__________.

A. education and development about children

B. disadvantages of music schools

C. music schools for children with music gift

D. how to deal with music talented children


A job is more than a job,especially to the old. “It’s not the money that matters,but the sense of self-worth.”56-year-old Cbeng Wonlan said. So,every day Ms Cheng carries a bag of parcels,letters and documents and does her rounds in North Point. She’s a courier(快递员)

Five years ago.Ms Cheng was a nurse at a private clinic. She had worked there for 30 years but was Jobless when the doctor migrated. It was difficult for her to find another job as a nurse. “People do not trust my ability when they learn how old I am,”she said. After two years of searching, she eventually found another nursing job. But then after two years,she quit Why?

‘My colleagues were young and they didn’t understand me because of my age. They often asked me ‘You are so old what are you working for? I was very unhappy” She said. So while the rest of her family left for work,she was left to lonely boredom at home .Then her neighbours told her about Employee’s Retraining Board(ERB)offering retraining courses for older people. These courses are specifically designed to encourage the older people back to work.

“I was interested in courier work. I didn’t think my age was a barrier because I was fit.” She said .Upon graduating,Ms Cheng was offered a job by the Speeding Shuttle Courier Service Company. But then Ms Cheng was faced with a conflict:she was caught between honour and employment“I felt embarrassed about carrying and delivering letters and parcels.” she said. It took Ms Cheng 24 hours to make up her mind:there was nothing wrong or embarrassing about doing the job. So she went off to work as a courier.

Ms Cheng’s employer is delighted with her responsible attitude and said.“I hired older people because they were able and reliable .Age is not an important factor but attitude is Many old people will not run from difficulties but the young ones will”

1.Why was it difficult for Ms Cheng to find another nursing Job?

A. Nursing clinics were hard to find

B. She found it difficult to trust others

C. People thought she was too old to work

D. People didn’t think she had enough work experience

2.Ms Cheng left her second nursing job because___________.

A. she was bored with change less jobs

B. it was too difficult

C. she was too old to do the job

D. the other staff made her feel uncomfortable

3.Employee Retraining Board is a plan for___________.

A. finding jobs for older people

B. teaching new skills to older people

C. training older people to be healthier

D. providing older people with chances to earn money

4.According to Anthony Chong,young people___________.

A. are more likely to give up than the older ones

B. are less experienced than the older ores

C. are filler and stronger than the older ones

D. are able and reliable

5.From the text, we call infer that__________.

A. the life of the old is miserable

B. there is a generation gap between young and old

C. job—hunting is hard for old people

D. the old are looked down upon in society



[1]With the right encouragement and tools,children can develop leadership qualities that are important to help them succeed in all areas of life. Leadership activities and games help build these skills by enabling children to become more self-aware and improve their self-respect.

[2] Good leaders call convey their thoughts and feelings effectively. Poetry, short stories or drawing are ideal activities to .Introduce children to the concept of leadership .Ask children to think about what makes a great leader and then express their ideas. Games like blind obstacle courses can build communication skills as well.

[3]Planning and organizing is a fundamental leadership quality.Children can learn this skill by helping to plan a concert or play .Instead of assigning just one leader, ___________small ones and assign leaders to each group .One group can be in charge of assigning roles and the second could be in charge of making invitations. How you distribute leadership roles will vary depending on the age of the children and what you have chosen to perform.

[4]Compromise is a skill of many effective leaders .Goals are achieved faster when arguments don′ t slow the process. Activities that teach children the art of compromise help them to negotiate with friends and family naturally.Group science projects, for example,can help enable children to learn how to compromise and negotiate. The success or failure of the project will depend on the children’s ability to negotiate and work together.

[5]The ability to work well with others is another important leadership skill. Team sports like baseball can teach children how to work as a group and that their contribution is important to the overall success of the team. This builds their confidence and encourages them to think beyond themselves and their individual needs.

1.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4? (no more than 10 words)


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3with proper words(no more than 6 words)


3.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese


4.How do you distribute leadership roles when planning a play?(no more than 14 words)


5.Through what activities can you introduce children to the concept of leadership?(no more than 6 words)



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