

A big storm took us by surprise. We didn’t _______ to be hit hard so we didn’t leave our home. When we realized our yard was _______ and more water was coming, it was too late to move.

We had to climb on _______ of the roof (屋顶) to get away from the water after it started entering the house. The ______ went off, it was extremely dark and we were ______. We had to tie ourselves to each other, because the _______ was very strong. I had my laptop with me and kept posting cries for _______. We stayed on the roof for eight hours ______ we were rescued.

It was a _____ night. Some people lost their lives. Many houses were completely _______. Our neighbors roof was blown away. ______, although our house was also hit, it remained intact (完整的).

At present, we keep going back, taking many photos—an requirement _____ the insurance company. We expect them to make an assessment of the damage, and then hopefully, _______ our losses. And I’m particularly _____ that my university projects were lost. That means more work for me and I am due to graduate in December.

We are now _______ at a friends house in Brooklyn. We wont be able to return to our house in months. Theres no information about the support for the _______ of this storm. All we hear is to go to the shelter.

But now I’m ________ because my family and I are alive. And it’s important to _______ that there are still people _______ food, shelter, or gas in the cold weather. It’s a truly terrible time for the city now but I believe everything will _______.

【1】A. decide B. expect C. wait D. prepare

【2】A. closed B. measured C. flooded D. cleaned

【3】A. trees B. top C. tower D. tables

【4】A. fire B. house C. power D. radio

【5】A. excited B. puzzled C. frightened D. embarrassed

【6】A. light B. building C. rope D. wind

【7】A. help B. forgiveness C. safety D. goodness

【8】A. before B. unless C. since D. because

【9】A. clear B. fantastic C. surprising D. terrible

【10】A. burnt B. destroyed C. stolen D. sold

【11】A. Conveniently B. Exactly C. Luckily D. Rarely

【12】A. with B. by C. to D. for

【13】A. realize B. choose C. find D. cover

【14】A. guilty B. shocked C. bored D. upset

【15】A. staying B. pointing C. calling D. working

【16】A. results B. victims C. records D. experiences

【17】A. hopeful B. proud C. grateful D. brave

【18】A. forget B. explain C. warn D. remember

【19】A. for B. without C. against D. plus

【20】A. disappear B. count C. happen D. change


Tornadoes are natures most violent storms, which can cause deaths and destroy a neighborhood in seconds. A tornado appears as a funnel-shaped (漏斗状) cloud from a thunderstorm to the ground with whirling (飞快移动) winds that can reach 300 miles per hour. Damage paths can be over one mile wide and 50 miles long. Every state is at some risk from this disaster.

Some tornadoes can be seen clearly, while rain or nearby low-hanging clouds obscure others. At many times, tornadoes develop so rapidly that little, if any, advance warning is possible.

Before a tornado hits, the air may become very still. A cloud of debris (散片) can mark the location of a tornado even if a funnel can not be seen. Tornadoes generally occur near the edge of a thunderstorm, when the strong wind may die down. It is not uncommon to see clear, sunlit skies behind a tornado.

The following are facts about tornadoes:

The average forward speed of a tornado is 30 MPH, but may also vary from still to 70 MPH. Debris is picked up or a cloud forms in the funnel.

The average tornado moves from southwest to northeast, but tornadoes have been known to move in any direction. Tornadoes are most often reported east of the Rocky Mountains during spring and summer months.

Tornadoes can happen together with tropical storms and hurricanes as they move onto land. Waterspouts are tornadoes that form over water.

The tornado season in the southern states of America is March through May; in the northern states, it is late spring through early summer. Tornadoes are most likely to occur between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m., but can occur at any time.

【1】From the passage, where may tornadoes come from?

A. Hurricanes. B. Great heat.

C. Thunderstorms. D. Sandstorms.

【2】What does the underlined word obscure probably mean?

A. Hide. B. Reduce. C. Produce. D. Raise.

【3】 When a tornado happens, ________.

A. it often reaches the speed of 70 MPH

B. it can only be seen in the late of the day

C. it may form on the surface of sea water

D. it only moves from southwest to northeast

【4】 The passage makes us believe that ________.

A. tornadoes are mostly seen in the southern states of America

B. warnings about tornadoes are well developed in many countries

C. of all the natural disasters, tornadoes often cause the biggest damage

D. tornadoes may strike so quickly that there is often little or no warning

【题目】 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文信息填空。注意:每个空不要超过3个词。

Many of us invest valuable time,energy and money planning our vacations. We do this because we know for sure that going on vacations must be good for us. Research proves this feeling without a doubt. Vacations help us perform better at work, improve our sleep quality and cushion us against depression.

Yet, despite these benefits, many of us return home with a feeling that our last vacation was OK - but not great. In order to change this, some mistakes should be avoided. A classic one for vacation planners is attempting to maximize value for money by planning trips that have too many components (组成部分) Perhaps youre planning a trip to Europe, seven cities in 10 days,and you realize it will cost only a little more to add two more destinations to the list Sounds fine in theory, but hopping from one place to the next hardly gives an opportunity to experience what psychologists call mindfulness - time to take in our new surroundings, time to be present and absorb our travel experiences. Another mistake is that we worry too much about strategic issues such as how to find a good flight deal,how to get from A to B,or which destinations to add or subtract from our journey. These issues may seem important, but our psychological state of mind is far more important.

Actually, vacation happiness is based on the following top rules. First, choose your travel companions wisely, because nothing contributes more significantly to a trip than the right companions. Second,dont spend your vacation time in a place where everything is too expensive so as to maintain a positive mood. Third, shop wisely, for meaningful experiences provide more long-term happiness than physical possessions.

Title: Happy 【1】


a better 【2】 at work

an improved 【3】

a reduced level of depression

mistakes to be avoided

a(n) 【4】 to maximize value for money

too much 【5】 about the following issues

> finding a(n) 【6】

> selecting the best travel route

>【7】 or substracting destinations


making a wise 【9】 of travel companies

choosing destinations properly


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