
A. one day, someday, the other day

【1】 He will come to realize it _______.

【2】 Helen borrowed my book _______ , saying that she would return it soon.

【3】Then I'll buy a book for Mother, he said. I thank you very much, I hope I can repay you,

【4】 It was a terrible piece of work you turned in _______.

B. known as, known for, known to

5 Einstein is _______his theory, the Theory of Relativity.

6 The Yellow River is also _______the Mother River.

7 The news of their marriage has been made _______ the public now.

8 Hangzhou and Suzhou are _______Heaven on Earth.

C. the same with, the same as, the same to

9 Looking up, l found that her hairstyle _______mine.

10---Have a nice weekend with your family!

--- _______you.

11 ---He devoted much time to English, and it has improved a great deal.

---It is _______me.

D. once, ever

【12If you _______go there, please bring my best regards to the Smiths.

13 _______you loses confidence, you can never expect to do your work well.

14 No such thing _______happened here, you can believe in me.

15 He_______ went around the world. He has never been abroad _______since.

16 It is not the first time that you have _______been so careless with your homework.

17_______bitten, twice shy.

18 I have gone through your article, and I think this is the best one that I've _______ read.

19 Co-work in today's ituation has become more important than _______.

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