







A.首联提挈全篇,花伤客心,以哀景写哀情,和“感时花溅泪”(《春望》)一样,同是正衬手法。 “登临”二字,则以高屋建瓴之势,领起下面的种种观感。























(3) 前人引《南史》注诗中小乌巾刘岩隐逸不仕,常著缁衣小乌巾。结合这一注解,谈谈诗的最后两句表达了诗人怎样的思想感情。

【题目】It's not unusual for parents to stay with sick children round the clock. But the floor nurses noticed something special about Kathy. She was always smiling even on days when Michael was very ill or received bad news about blood tests. “It was never about Kathy or the sacrifices she was making”says Debra ,one of Michael's nurses. "She never let Michael see how hard this was on her.

One day, Michael told one of the nurses, Felice ,that he was so impressed by what she and the other nurses did, he planned to enroll in the nursing program when he was healthy enough to go back to college.

Michael always believed he would conquer the disease. He'd done so with other hurdles in his life. Born a premature(早产的婴儿),he overcame a learning disability and was admitted into a regular classroom by the third grade. Despite good grades, he did poorly on his SATsthe college entrance exam. He gave up a trip to take a summer prep program at Widener University, south of Philadelphia, then entered as a freshman that fall. He was always told he was too short to play sports, yet he managed to be-come a linebacker (中后卫球员)on Widener's Division ID football team.

When the third round of chemo(化疗)was finished, Michael returned home to await the results. A few weeks later, Kathy and Matthew were extremely sad when Selina Luger, the doctor in charge of Michael's illness, pulled them aside in the hall of the clinic ,out of Michael's earshot, and told them, “The chemo didn't work. Michael's incurable.

Matthew was shell-shocked at the news. Like his sonhe always believed they would beat this. This can't be the end of it he tried to convince himself. Kathy wept against a hallway window while Dr. Luger and Matthew walked into an exam room.

1 We can learn from the first paragraph that __________

A. Kathy didn't care about her son's illness

B. Kathy made few sacrifices for her son's illness

C. Kathy cared much about her son's illness but never showed her anxiety

D. Kathy didn't feel sad despite her son's illness

2 How many hurdles in Michael's life are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

3What do we know about Michael from the passage?

A. He was born with the deadly disease.

B. He enrolled in the nursing program before he went to college.

C. He did well in his study in high school.

D. He acted as a linebacker just because he was too tall.

4 We can conclude from the passage that Michael's father __________

A. thought his son would make a recovery

B. was disappointed with his son's disease

C. was sure that his son would be better very soon

D. doubted if his son would be well

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