【题目】The best gift I've received was from two youngboys. At that time, I didn't have a lot of money or ahuge home. As a single mom with three youngchildren of my own, life is so ____.

They were boys with dirty faces a bit older thanmy children, but they always ____ my yard. Itseemed that they were more than ____ to avoidstaying in their own homes, for reasons that I shallnot describe here.

I must feed my children who were ____ thirsty and hungry, so I ____ a lot of time baking so manyhealthy muffins(松饼). Thesetwo boys almost grewup in our yard,and they were ____ to pray with usbefore they would have a ____ with my family.

We would also ____ food,laughter, books andgames with them. And a while later, they ____. Ididn't know where they had gone and I oftenwondered what had __ in their lives, andmeanwhile I hoped for the ____.

During one of the darkest times in my personallife,no one came to visit me. I felt really lonely thesedays. I even wondered if God had ____ me. OnMother's Day,my children ____ home from school.We were sitting together talking when I heard a ____ on the door.

I went to answer it, and there ____ two clean-faced, tall, smiling boys holding two bundles ofbeautiful flowers I had ever seen. They said to me,"Do you ____ us? You used to feed us muffins!They were so ____. We wanted to come back andthank you and sy Happy Mother's Day ____ youwere really like a ____ to us!"I was so moved that Icouldn't help crying, and ____ them again andagain.

【1】A.unfair B.real C.interesting D.hard

【2】A.visited B.repaired C.cleaned D.approached

【3】A.ashamed B.nervous C.happy D.surprised

【4】A.always B.already C.seldom D.still

【5】A.spared B.saved C.spent D.wasted

【6】A.upset B.anxious C.kind D.glad

【7】A.meal B.rest C.drink D.bath

【8】A.buy B.share C.collect D.pack

【9】A.changed B.regretted C.refused D.disappeared

【10】A.happened B.gone C.remained D.turned

【11】A.excuse B.luck C.best D.fortunate

【12】A.hugged B.forgotten C.blamed D.doubted

【13】A.missed B.left C.called D.arrived

【14】A.shock B.notice C.noise D.knock

【15】A.stood B.lay C.existed D.followed

【16】A.like B.remember C.support D.influence

【17】A.awful B.expensive C.delicious D.salty

【18】A.before B.if C.though D.because

【19】A.teacher B.mom C.friend D.sister

【20】A.invited B.touched C.praised D.thanked











1下列各句中,加点词语的解释有误的一项是 ( )

A.拔剑,剑长,操其室 操:操持

B.大王命之 唯:希望。

C.愿大王少假借 假借:宽容、原谅。

D.而秦武阳奉地图匣,以 次:先后顺序。

【2】下列各句中,加点词的意思不同的一组是 ( )

A.荆轲笑武阳 野有麦场

B.至秦 取图奉之

C.轲自知事不 更互用之,瞬息可

D.秦王惊,自引而起, 佛印类弥勒

3下列对课文表现手法的分析有误的一项是( )








【题目】"Failure is not an option (选择)"is a very well-known saying. But my father told me that "failure hasa time line".

You have to know that my father is a true genius(天才). He designed the first jet fighter plane, theF-84.

You also have to know that his only son isanything but a genius. I was born in 1941, and I amstill here at 68 years old. I graduated from PointLoma High in San Diego on June 15,1960, and I was"pleased"with being in the top l0% of the lower one-third of my class of about 300 students. Well, at least Igraduated! Some years later in the 1960s, my dadtalked to me about failure.

At the time I was very discouraged at my careerplans after serving two years in the Peace Corps inGabon, West Africa. I said to my dad, "Dad, youknow I've been a failure at everything I've tried inlife and I just don't know what to do now."

My dad looked at me with those "genius eyes"and said to me,"Failure is a relative(相对的) thing.It has a time line Now just remember that failure is not an optionin this lifetime! "He then explainedto me that failure is part of a successful path, and thatI should always keep in my mind that time, failureand success all work together.

To this very day, I still love, respect, and honourmy dad and my mom. Maybe some day I will "growup"and be as smart as my dad.

【1】 In the writer's opinion, his father was very ______.

A. serious

B. great

C. casy-going

D. different

【2】 What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

A. The writer used to consider himself to be a genius.

B. The writer didn't get along well with his classmates.

C. The writer was not good at his studies at school.

D. The writer failed to graduate from college.

【3】 According to Paragraph 4, before talking to his dad, the writer ______.

A. was encouraged by his career plans

B. had hoped for a good life

C. was very confident

D. had probably lost heart

【4】Which of the following would the writer's fatheragree with?

A. Some people will never succeed.

B. People should not experience failure.

C. Failure at a certain period of time is acceptable.

D. Success has nothing to do with failure.

【题目】The first ancient Olympic Games for which westill have written records was held in 776 BC.Coroebus won the only event at the Olympics. Thismade him the very first Olympic champion inhistory. Then they grew and continued to be playedevery four years. In 393 AD, the Roman emperorTheodosius I, a Christian, announced to end theGames because of their pagan (异教的)influences.

About l, 500 years later, a young Frenchmannamed Pierre de Coubertin began their revival (恢复) . In 1892 Coubertin first brought forward his idea to revive the Olympic Games but failed.

Two years later, Coubertin organized a meetingwith 79 delegates(代表) who represented ninecountries. At this meeting he got what he wanted. Allthe delegates at the conference voted for the OlympicGames. They also decided to have Coubertin set up aninternational committee to organize the Games. Thiscommittee became the International Olympic

Committee (IOC) and Demetrious Vikelas fromGreece was selected to be its first president. Athenswas chosen for the revival of the Olympic Games.

The very first modern Olympic Games opened inthe first week of April, 1896. Since the Greekgovernment .had been unable to afford a stadium, arich Greek architect, Georgios Averoff, donated onemillion drachmas (over $100, 000) to repair the Panathenaic Stadium, originally built in 330 BC.

Since the Games were not well publicizedinternationally, contestants(选手) were not nationally chosen but rather came individually and at their own expense. Some contestants were tourists who happened to be in the area during the Games.

【1】 What would be the best title for the pssage?

A. The History of the Olympics

B. How Coubertin Set Up IOC

C. The First Modern Olympic Games

D. Great Changes in the Olympic Games

【2】 At the first modern Olympic Games, ___________.

A. winners were given money as prize

B. IOC invited contestants to tour Greece

C. there were no strict rules for being a contestant

D. many countries chose some athletes.

【3】 Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. In 393 AD, the Games were cancelled because of the religious reason.

B. Coubertin was voted to be the first president of the IOC.

C. The Greek government didn't support building a stadium.

D. The first ancient Olympic Games had several events.
















































【题目】The final event in the Olympics is the marathon. It is also usually the most exciting. As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters ofthe 42-kilo-metre race, the crowd rises to its feet toshout and cheer. The name of the race comes from abattle in Ancient Greece. According to the story, asoldier ran from the scene of the battle,Marathon, toAthens, to bring the news of a Greek victory againstthe Persians. He died just after arriving.

The marathon has been an Olympic event sincethe modern Games started in 1896. At first the distance was 40 kilometres the distance betweenMarathon and Athens. In 1908, however, at theLondon Olympics, it was changed. The King ofEngland wanted the runners to leave from his castlein Windsor and arrive m a new stadium in central

London. The distance was 26 miles about 42kilometres. In fact, the 1908 marathon endeddramatically(戏剧性地). When the leader, an Italian,

entered the stadium he turned the wrong way and fellonto the ground. Officials picked him up and helpedhim to the finishing line,just as the second runner, anAmerican, entered the stadium. The Americans

protested (抗议) and in the end the American runnerwas declared(宣布)the winner. Since then, there havebeen many more exciting marathons.

In fact, you don't have to wait for the OlympicGames to run or watch a marathon, as there aremarathons in over sixty countries and hundreds ofcities around the world today. One of the mostfamous marathons is in New York, and is watched bytwo million people around the streets and across thebridges of the city's five boroughs(纽约市的行政区),and past New York's famous landmarks. But perhapsone of the most beautiful and extraordinary(最特别的) marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon,which most competitors find is the toughest course torun.

The marathon is the final Olympic event becauseit is thought to be the hardest. But experts believe that most people even people who are notparticularly good at sport can run a marathon, ifthey train for it.

【1】 When the leader came into the stadium, the crowd ______.

A. ran to his feet happily

B. shouted with excitement

C. carried him to the line

D. sang and dance

【2】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The name of the race comes from a game in Greece.

B. The soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens won a gold medal.

C. The marathon events in the Games have the same length all the time.

D. From 1908, the marathon events are of the same length.

【3】 Which is the most special of the marathon events in the world?

A. The Marathon in New York.

B. The Marathon in the Beijing Olympic Games.

C. The Great Wall Marathon.

D. The Marathon in London in 2012.

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE about the marathon?

A. Marathon is the most important event.

B. Marathon is the most popular event.

C. Marathon is the easiest event.

D. Marathon is the final Olympic event.






















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