










1下列各句中,加点词语的解释有误的一项是 ( )

A.拔剑,剑长,操其室 操:操持

B.大王命之 唯:希望。

C.愿大王少假借 假借:宽容、原谅。

D.而秦武阳奉地图匣,以 次:先后顺序。

【2】下列各句中,加点词的意思不同的一组是 ( )

A.荆轲笑武阳 野有麦场

B.至秦 取图奉之

C.轲自知事不 更互用之,瞬息可

D.秦王惊,自引而起, 佛印类弥勒

3下列对课文表现手法的分析有误的一项是( )




















【题目】The final event in the Olympics is the marathon. It is also usually the most exciting. As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few meters ofthe 42-kilo-metre race, the crowd rises to its feet toshout and cheer. The name of the race comes from abattle in Ancient Greece. According to the story, asoldier ran from the scene of the battle,Marathon, toAthens, to bring the news of a Greek victory againstthe Persians. He died just after arriving.

The marathon has been an Olympic event sincethe modern Games started in 1896. At first the distance was 40 kilometres the distance betweenMarathon and Athens. In 1908, however, at theLondon Olympics, it was changed. The King ofEngland wanted the runners to leave from his castlein Windsor and arrive m a new stadium in central

London. The distance was 26 miles about 42kilometres. In fact, the 1908 marathon endeddramatically(戏剧性地). When the leader, an Italian,

entered the stadium he turned the wrong way and fellonto the ground. Officials picked him up and helpedhim to the finishing line,just as the second runner, anAmerican, entered the stadium. The Americans

protested (抗议) and in the end the American runnerwas declared(宣布)the winner. Since then, there havebeen many more exciting marathons.

In fact, you don't have to wait for the OlympicGames to run or watch a marathon, as there aremarathons in over sixty countries and hundreds ofcities around the world today. One of the mostfamous marathons is in New York, and is watched bytwo million people around the streets and across thebridges of the city's five boroughs(纽约市的行政区),and past New York's famous landmarks. But perhapsone of the most beautiful and extraordinary(最特别的) marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon,which most competitors find is the toughest course torun.

The marathon is the final Olympic event becauseit is thought to be the hardest. But experts believe that most people even people who are notparticularly good at sport can run a marathon, ifthey train for it.

【1】 When the leader came into the stadium, the crowd ______.

A. ran to his feet happily

B. shouted with excitement

C. carried him to the line

D. sang and dance

【2】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The name of the race comes from a game in Greece.

B. The soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens won a gold medal.

C. The marathon events in the Games have the same length all the time.

D. From 1908, the marathon events are of the same length.

【3】 Which is the most special of the marathon events in the world?

A. The Marathon in New York.

B. The Marathon in the Beijing Olympic Games.

C. The Great Wall Marathon.

D. The Marathon in London in 2012.

【4】 Which of the following is TRUE about the marathon?

A. Marathon is the most important event.

B. Marathon is the most popular event.

C. Marathon is the easiest event.

D. Marathon is the final Olympic event.


许将字冲元,福州闽人。举进士第一。神宗召对,除集贤校理、同知礼院,编修中书条例。初选人调拟先南曹次考功综核无法吏得缘文为奸选者又不得诉长吏将奏罢南曹辟公舍以待来诉者士无留难。契丹以兵二十万压代州境,遣使请代地,岁聘之使不敢行,以命将。将入对曰:臣备位侍从,朝廷大议不容不知。万一北人言及代州事,不有以折之,则伤国体。遂命将诣枢密院阅文书。及至北境,居人跨屋栋聚观,曰:看南朝状元及肄射,将先破的。契丹使萧禧馆客,禧果以代州为问,将随问随答。禧又曰:界渠未定,顾和好体重吾且往大国分画矣。 将曰:此事,申饬边臣岂不可,何以使为? ”禧惭不能对。归报,神宗善之,明年,知秦州,又改郓州。上元张灯,吏籍为盗者系狱,将曰:是绝其自新之路也。悉纵遣之,自是民无一人犯法,三圄皆空。父老叹曰:自王沂公后五十六年,始再见狱空耳。郓俗士子喜聚肆以谤官政,将虽弗禁,其俗自息。召为兵部侍郎。上疏言:治兵有制,名虽不同,从而横之,方而圆之,使万众尤一人。及西方用兵,神宗遣近侍问兵马之数,将立具上之;明日,访枢臣,不能对也,绍圣初,入为吏部尚书,章惇为相,与蔡卞同肆罗织,贬谪元祐诸臣,奏发司马光墓。哲宗以问将,对曰:发人之墓,非盛德事。知颖昌府,移大名,在大名六年,数告老,召为佑神观使。政和初,卒,年七十五。赠开府仪同三司,谥曰文定。(节选自《宋史·许将传》)



















【题目】It's Saturday morning. Tony's sitting at thekitchen table, ____ with a piece of bread. He's noteven ____.Is he ill? No, but he does have a____.He has nothing to do because the Internet is down.

When he ____ up this morning, Tony wasfeeling ____.He jumped out of bed full of plans forthe weekend ____. It would be a weekend like any other a great weekend. But that was ____ heturned on his computer and ____ he was unable togo online. Having no Internet changes everything.

Every weekend,Tony ____ goes online to email friends, read the ____ to keep up with what'shappening in the world and ____ a few online chessgames with his cousin Helen to finish the weekendoff. The perfect weekend - online!

Just as Tony is ____ how he can possibly havea normal weekend without the Internet, his mumwalks into the ____. "Cheer up,Tony. Don't ____ the Internet any more,OK?"Tony makes no ____ butsighs. "Go and play chess with Helen!" Tony's mum ____."Oh,yes! Helen lives just around ____.Wecan meet and play chess face to face for a ____. Maybethis weekend won't be so bad," Tony ____,as he walks to the phone. There is ____ without the Internetafter all.

【1】 A. cutting B. playing C. eating D. thinking

【2】 A. hungry B. generous C. equal D. confident

【3】 A. lifestyle B. problem C. pressure D. tradition

【4】 A. dialed B. rang C. stood D. woke

【5】 A. great B. peaceful C. urgent D. unusual

【6】 A. around B. above C. ahead D. away

【7】 A. after B. before C. until D. when

【8】 A. thought B. guessed C. surprised D. found

【9】 A. usually B. nearly C. especially D. already

【10】A. disasters B. news C. reports D. documents

【11】A. admire B. explore C. play D. involve

【12】 A. suffering B. wondering C. realizing D. supposing

【13】A. living-room B. hall C. kitchen D. study

【14】 A. talk about B. care about C. think about D. look about

【15】 A. answer B. progress C. movement D. choice

【16】 A. requests B. cries C. solves D. suggests

【17】A. edge B. distance C. corner D. end

【18】 A. challenge B. champion C. ceremony D. change

【19】 A. promotes B. smiles C. reacts D. continues

【20】A.study B. task C. weekend D. life

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