【题目】After I married,we honeymooned (度蜜月) in Hawaii.Both of us ____ the tenday stay—the islands are wonderful;the people are loving and kind.We returned to one ____ several times because I loved the dining room,the service and the ____ tables where I could enjoy the breeze and the ocean view.

I ____ a waitress who symbolized the Hawaii people:she was ____,honest and middleaged,each time ____ us with a huge,warm smile.She was quite chatty ____ so am I,so we developed a good relationship ____.She would like to share some of her ____ with us when she was free,which were so ____:husband left,supporting several children,____ parents,working several jobs to make ends meet.But the ____ did not remove her joy of life and her positive attitude.I ____ liked her and looked forward to seeing her each morning.

On our ____ day on that island,I decided to surprise her with a huge ____.I left her $100 partially hidden under a plate and a letter of ____ to let her know I appreciated her service and warmth.Then we left.I ____ told my husband as he used to laugh at me about being a “soft touch” and always too ____.

I was not able to see her reaction,but I can ___ it in my mind—her surprise and ____at the huge tip and the letter! When I do,I smile and my heart expands! Helping others is to help ourselves:this act of giving made the honeymoon in Hawaii more memorable

【1】A.enjoyed B.hated

C.shared D.passed

【2】A.island B.shop

C.restaurant D.hotel

【3】A.lovely B.broken

C.indoor D.outdoor

【4】A.took care of B.got in touch with

C.made fun of D.made friends with

【5】A.careful B.friendly

C.thin D.poor

【6】A.serving B.hosting

C.answering D.inviting

【7】A.or B.but C.and D.nor

【8】A.surprisingly B.quietly

C.quickly D.carefully

【9】A.lessons B.stories

C.dreams D.thoughts

【10】A.interesting B.common

C.sad D.exciting

【11】A.healthy B.sick

C.hardworking D.warmhearted

【12】A.chances B.possibilities

C.jobs D.challenges

【13】A.hardly B.nearly

C.slightly D.truly

【14】A.best B.worst

C.first D.last

【15】A. tip B.meal

C.gift D.smile

【16】A.advice B.request

C.thanks D.apology

【17】A.gladly B.later

C.never D.once

【18】A.modest B.honest

C.generous D.mean

【19】A.picture B.play

C.practice D.face

【20】A.astonishment B.anger

C.eagerness D.delight

【题目】I was a single parent with my son. Two jobs allowed me an apartment, food, and child care payment. Little money was left over for clothes, ___ I kept us nicely dressed. Loving ___, I bought for myself beautiful reds and oranges, and greens and pinks. And quite often I wore them in mixtures, which, against the usually correct way, brought___ to the eyes of people who could not avoid ___ me.

I went to my son’s ___ frequently. And he would always come and greet me and my colorful clothes. ___, when my son was six, he told me ___ that he had to talk to me.

“Mother, do you have any sweaters that ___?”

I said, “No, I don’t.”

“Oh, I wish you did. ___ you could wear them to my school.” Then he continued, “Mother, could you please ___ come to school when they call you?” Then I realized that my dress was a(n) ___ to him.

I learned to be a little more careful to ___ causing him displeasure. As he grew older and more confident, I gradually ___ to my particular way of dressing. I was happier when I chose and created my own ___.

I have lived in this body all my life and know it much ___ than any fashion designer; I think I know what looks good ___ me.

___ is important to mention because many people are imprisoned(禁锢)by powerful principles on the ___ way of dressing. Those decisions made by ___ are not truly meant to make your life better. Seek the fashion which truly suits you. You will always be in fashion if you are ___ to yourself.

【1】 A. but B. and C. or D. because

【2】 A. shapes B. styles C. colors D. tastes

【3】 A. envy B. appreciation C.disappointment D.Surprise

【4】 A. recognizing B. admiring C. accepting D. noticing

【5】 A. office B. home C. school D. lab

【6】 A However B.Meanwhile C.Otherwise D.Therefore

【7】 A. proudly B. jokingly C. seriously D. curiously

【8】 A. cost B. work C. fit D. match

【9】 A. Even if B. As if C. So that D.In case

【10】 A. only B. still C. once D. ever

【11】A. wonder B. surprise C.embarrassment D.honor

【12】 A. practice B. remember C. mind D. avoid

【13】 A. turned B. returned C. escaped D. took

【14】 A. fashion B. sweater C. color D. tradition

【15】 A. better B. worse C. more D. less

【16】 A. in B. on C. with D. of

【17】 A. Dress B. Money C. Principle D. Designers

【18】 A. experienced B. proper C. formal D. simple

【19】 A. me B. yourself C. others D. ones

【20】 A. true B. serious C. practical D. responsible

【题目】Inspired by a 9-year-old cyclist who has the use of only part of one hand, a group of students at the University of Guelph has won an international award for their invention--a bike brake lever(刹车手柄)that pulls both the front brake and the back brake at the same time.

Lauren Turner was able to ride her bike, but not as confidently and quickly as her friends.

“She couldn't use the front brake. She was only using the back brake, but the front brake makes you stop twice as fast,” says Micha Wallace, who with Katie Bell, Anina Sakaguchi and Andrew morris won the second prize in the James Dyson Awards for their single-handed bike brake lever.

“She used it all last summer and she had no problems. She said it helped her go faster because she felt more confident in her braking abilities. She felt safer,”says Wallace.

The invention was the fourth-year design project for the four students. They designed, tested and created a prototype(模型)within a four-month period.

When Wallace heard about the James Dyson Awards on the news, she and her co-inventors entered their project in the UK-based contest, which rewards student designers who creat proucts that improve the way we live. The Guelph students collected the second prize-£2,000 for them, plus £500 for their school.

As well, they had a chance to meet James Dyson, a UK inventor. While praising the students for their invention, Dyson said the single-handed lever could improve safety for all cyclists. “By using both brakes at once, you could prevent the possibility of flying over the handlebars and ending up with an injury.”

The students are hoping to sell the patent to a major company.It may be used in other devices that require two hands for operation.

【1】 The bike brake lever was designed with the aim of ______.

A. taking part in a contest

B. making the inventors famous

C. helping the disabled bike more safely

D. helping general people bike faster

【2】 The James Dyson Award ________.

A. is named after a famous university

B. helps winners marked their inventions

C. awards winners money

D. has a worldwide influnce

【3】 From the text, we could infer that brake lever________.

A. is only useful for disabled cyclists

B. also improves the bike′s speed

C. has already been widely used

D. will have a wide market in the future

【4】 What′s the best title for the text?

A. Student inventors win UK prize.

B. Awards aimed at students are established.

C. Bikes will be safer in the future.

D. The disabled gain more attention.

【题目】Fifty years ago not many people would have something repaired by themselves. In those days labour was fairly cheap and most people would have thought it worthwhile to have somebody repair their things unless they were very poor. Today, however, it is quite a different story. Men and women in all walks of life turn their hands to all kinds of jobs round the house. Some people have even successfully built their own houses. These jobs have been made easier today by using prepared materials.

In every high street throughout Britain nowadays there is at least one DIY shop. And Do-it-yourself is a booming business. A lot of people visit these shops every day because of the high cost of the present-day labour.

【1】 Fifty years ago if people needed some repairs, they would .

A. try to mend them by themselves

B. throw them away

C. repair them in their homes

D. have somebody repair them unless they were poor

【2】 Many jobs have been made easier today because .

A. some people have successfully built their own houses

B. men and women turn their hands to all kinds of jobs

C. they can be done by using prepared materials

D. a lot of people are very hard up for money

【3】From the passage we know that

A. there are many DIY shops in Britain

B. not every high street in Britain has one DIY shop

C. people can do nothing without using prepared materials

D. "Do-it-yourself" is a lazy business in cities

【4】Why do a lot of people visit DIY shops every day?

A. Because people are used to doing things at home.

B. Because the present-day labour is no longer cheap.

C. Because they are interested in shopping.

D. Because they enjoy the high cost of present-day labour.

【题目】A young man wanted to learn the art of sword fighting.He went to the greatest instructor(教练)and said,“Please teach me sword fighting”,the instructor gladly accepted him.

In the days that followed the instructor gave him many chores(杂务)to perform. But there was no mention of the sword. The young man got disappointed, saying, “Great teacher, kindly begin my lessons.”The instructor agreed.

The next day when the young man was cooking, the instructor came from behind and hit him with a wooden sword and disappeared. The young man was taken by surprise. The next day, the same thing happened. The young man now started preparing himself mentally to counter(反击)any such surprise attack.

Next time when the instructor came to attack him, the young man was able to dodge(躲闪)the sword.He was very happy and asked the instructor, “Now have I learnt the art of defending myself?”The instructor did not respond to his question.

Such surprise attacks became common and the young man got more and more skillful in counting the attacks well. One day the young man saw the instructor engaged seriously in a task. He thought, “Now let me catch the instructor unawares and attack him.”He took the wooden sword and attacked the instructor without making a sound from behind.But the instructor was fully prepareed for it. He turned around and defended himself most skillfully.

Realization struck the young man that moment. He thought, “How great this instructor is! Today I have learnt the real secret of sword fighting. He has taught me that waving the sword and learning the opponent′s(对手的) moves are not the essentials of sword fighting.What is important is to read what goes on in the opponent′s mind and to counter his movement and his thoughts too.”

The young man continued to work hard and became a great sword fighter.

【1】When the young man asked the instructor to accept him, the instructor_____.

A. asked him if he did house work at home

B. told him the art of fighting at once

C. met his requirement without hestitation

D. quickly hit him with a sword

【2】 When he attacked the instructor, the young man_______.

A. was seriously engaged in a task

B. wanted to give him a lesson

C. didn't want to learn more from him

D. didn't do it successfully

【3】 According to the passage, what is the most important thing in being a good sword fighter?

A. To be able to counter any surprise attact.

B. To attack the instructor successfully.

C. To know what your opponent is thinking.

D. To have a great instructor with good methods.

【4】 Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?

A. Good students come from famous teachers.

B. There is no end to learn something well.

C. A good beginning is half done.

D. Nothing is difficult to a willing heart.

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