
【题目】2017届天津市部分区高三下学期质量调查(一)第十三届全运会今年9 月将在天津举办,这是天津市举办的第一届全国综合性体育赛事。作为一名天津中学生,你也是主人。如何迎接这次全运会,请你拟出一条建议。 要求:表达鲜明、精、得体,不超过20 个字。




【题目】Surfing the Internet for fun will make you a better employee, according to an Australian study.

The University of Melbourne study shows that people who use the Internet for their own reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not. Study author Brent Coker said, "Surfing the Internet at times helps increase an employee's attention."

"People need to relax for a bit to get back their attention," Coker said on the university's website."Having a short break, such as a quick surfing of the Internet, helps the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total Internet attention for a day's work, and as a result, increases productivity (生产效率)," he said.

According to the study of 300 workers, 70 percent of people who use the Internet at work surf the Interne t for their own reasons during office hours. Among the most popular surfing activities are searching for information about products, reading online news, playing online games and watching videos. "Firms spend a lot of money on software to block their employees from watching videos, using social networking sites or shopping online," said Coker. "That's not always a good idea."

However, Coker said the study looked at people who surfed the Internet in moderation (适度), orwere on the Internet for less than 20 percent of their total time in the office. "Those who spend too muchtime surfing the Internet will have a lower productivity than those without." he said.

【1】 What does the University of Melbourne study mainly show?

A. People who surf the Internet are good employees.

B. Not everyone surfs the Internet for fun during office hours.

C.Surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increases productivity.

D. The Internet is becoming more and more important in people's life.

【2】 According to Paragraph 3, Brent Coker would most probably agree that ______.

A. the longer a person's mind rests, the better attention he will have

B. surfing the Internet is the best way to increase productivity

C. workers should have a long break during office hours

D. workers should let their minds rest now and then

【3】 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as one of the most popular surfing activities?

A. Watching videos.

B. Reading online news.

C. Reading online novels.

D. Playing online games.

【4】 The underlined word "block" in Paragraph 4 means "______".

A. prevent

B. organize

C. keep

D. separate

【5】 What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Spending too much time surfing the Internet reduces productivity.

B. Those who never surf the Internet have the lowest productivity.

C. Most people don't surf the Internet in moderation during office hours.

D. People should spend as little time as possible surfing the Internet.

【题目】Fifty years ago not many people would have something repaired by themselves. In those days labour was fairly cheap and most people would have thought it worthwhile to have somebody repair their things unless they were very poor. Today, however, it is quite a different story. Men and women in all walks of life turn their hands to all kinds of jobs round the house. Some people have even successfully built their own houses. These jobs have been made easier today by using prepared materials.

In every high street throughout Britain nowadays there is at least one DIY shop. And Do-it-yourself is a booming business. A lot of people visit these shops every day because of the high cost of the present-day labour.

【1】 Fifty years ago if people needed some repairs, they would .

A. try to mend them by themselves

B. throw them away

C. repair them in their homes

D. have somebody repair them unless they were poor

【2】 Many jobs have been made easier today because .

A. some people have successfully built their own houses

B. men and women turn their hands to all kinds of jobs

C. they can be done by using prepared materials

D. a lot of people are very hard up for money

【3】From the passage we know that

A. there are many DIY shops in Britain

B. not every high street in Britain has one DIY shop

C. people can do nothing without using prepared materials

D. "Do-it-yourself" is a lazy business in cities

【4】Why do a lot of people visit DIY shops every day?

A. Because people are used to doing things at home.

B. Because the present-day labour is no longer cheap.

C. Because they are interested in shopping.

D. Because they enjoy the high cost of present-day labour.

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